10 Star Wars Fan Theories I Desperately Want To Be True


  • Fan theories like Korkie Kryze being Obi-Wan’s love child add depth to Star Wars.
  • Mace Windu and Padmé theories challenge traditional narratives in the Star Wars universe.
  • The idea of R2-D2 narrating Star Wars intrigues fans, expanding the franchise.



Star Wars is a franchise well known for its retcons and plot twists, so these 10 fan theories may not be entirely out of the question. Star Wars movies and TV shows have spurred on a number of theories over the years, beginning with the original trilogy and continuing to the present day with Star Wars’ most recent TV shows. In fact, there have been many popular Star Wars fan theories that have come true, from Rosario Dawson being cast as live-action Ahsoka Tano to Darth Maul not really being dead after all.

However, a number of popular fan theories remain, some of them the most often discussed in the franchise. For many, Star Wars has yet to confirm their legitimacy one way or another. Of the prominent fan theories out there, these 10 would be the absolute best for Star Wars to canonize.

Hunter of The Bad Batch, Stellan Skarsgård's Luthen Rael of Andor, and Pedro Pascal's Din Djarin of The Mandalorian edited together in Star Wars
10 Star Wars Moments That Live In My Head Rent Free

As such a storied franchise, Star Wars has plenty of incredible moments, but these are the 10 that are constantly living rent-free inside my mind.

10 Korkie Kryze Is Obi-Wan And Satine’s Love Child

Many Favor The Theory That Korkie Was Obi-Wan’s Son


Obi-Wan Kenobi

Created By George Lucas Cast Alec Guinness , Ewan McGregor First Appearance Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope Alliance Jedi

One of the most popular fan theories regarding the Star Wars: The Clone Wars TV show is that Korkie Kryze, the nephew of Duchess Satine Kryze, is actually the secret love child of Satine and Obi-Wan Kenobi. While this may sound ludicrous at first, The Clone Wars shocked audiences by revealing that Obi-Wan did in fact have romantic feelings for Satine—so much so that he said he would have left the Order if she’d asked. The show drops a number of other hints (likely red herrings) that Korkie is really Obi-Wan’s son.

For one, Korkie truly does look like a perfect blend of Obi-Wan and Satine’s physical features. Arguably, Korkie looks even more like Obi-Wan than he does Satine. Moreover, it makes little sense that Korkie is Satine’s nephew, as Satine’s sister, Bo-Katan Kryze, has no children. Evidently, the sisters have another sibling who was Korkie’s parent, but that character is mysteriously never identified.

This long-running fan theory even created ample discourse around Rey’s parentage in the Star Wars sequel trilogy, as some thought Korkie could be the missing link to make Rey a Kenobi. Of course, this proved not to be the case. Sadly, this theory is unlikely to ever come true. Obi-Wan is, in some ways, the opposite of Anakin as a Jedi; revealing Obi-Wan to have a secret son would de-legitimize his character and mirror Anakin’s story too closely. Even so, this would have been an incredible twist.

9 Mace Windu Survived His Fall

Samuel L. Jackson Himself Likes This Theory

Mace Windu

Created By George Lucas Cast Samuel L. Jackson First Appearance Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace Alliance Jedi

Samuel L. Jackson has made it no secret that he believes Mace Windu could have survived his fall in Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith and wants to see that storyline confirmed in Star Wars canon. It’s delightful that Samuel L. Jackson wants to return, and the resurrection of Mace Windu would certainly prove interesting. While some may have a bit of Star Wars miraculous resurrection fatigue, few actors in the franchise have been so vocal about hoping their dead character isn’t really dead.

Mace Windu’s return would also certainly not be the strangest of them all. Palpatine’s extremely controversial resurrection in Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker was very loosely addressed in the movie, and Asajj Ventress’ return in Star Wars: The Bad Batch has yet to be explained whatsoever. Even character resurrections that have been somewhat explained, such as Darth Maul’s, wouldn’t make Mace Windu’s return seem odd by comparison.

8 Padmé Had Some Force Sensitivity When She Was Pregnant

It’s Unclear How The Force Interacts With Pregnancy


Padmé Amidala

Created By George Lucas Cast Natalie Portman , Catherine Taber First Appearance Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace Alliance Naboo, Republic

Another popular fan theory regarding Revenge of the Sith is the possibility that Padmé may have gained some level of Force sensitivity while she was pregnant with Luke and Leia. Although there’s very little compelling evidence for this, it is notable that Star Wars hasn’t quite addressed what impact (if any) the Force has on pregnancy. Given Padmé was pregnant with two Force-sensitive babies, one of whom is one of Star Wars’ most powerful Jedi, it doesn’t seem out of the question that she would have been affected in some way.

This would also be a nice way to give Padmé’s character a bit more substance in the movie. Although she had been a wonderfully dynamic character in the first two prequel trilogy movies, in Revenge of the Sith, she had lost some of her agency. While it may be unlikely, this would be one fascinating twist for the character that could make her trajectory in the movie a bit easier to swallow.

7 Anakin Chose Leia’s Name And Padmé Chose Luke’s

The Revenge Of The Sith Novel Suggests Some Truth To This


Leia Organa

Created By George Lucas Cast Carrie Fisher , Ingvild Deila , Vivien Lyra Blair First Appearance Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope Alliance Rebel Alliance, New Republic, Resistance

Interestingly, there is some canon evidence to suggest that Anakin may have chosen Leia’s name, and Padmé may have chosen Luke’s. In the Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith novelization, written by Matthew Stover, Padmé and Anakin are discussing the baby (as they don’t yet know Padmé is carrying twins), and Anakin reveals that he believes the baby to be a girl. Padmé, instead, is sure the baby is a boy.

Purchase the Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith novel

In the end, they were both right. However, this suggests that they may have had conversations about baby names, wherein each of them would have put forth a name based on the gender they believed the baby would be. This would also make the speed with which Padmé names the twins in Revenge of the Sith make more sense, as she names them as soon as she sees them and does not seem to pause, hesitate, or consider. This would be an especially sweet theory for Star Wars to confirm, as Padmé and Anakin never got to be true parents.

This would be an especially sweet theory for Star Wars to confirm, as Padmé and Anakin never got to be true parents.

6 Palpatine Drained Padme’s Life Force To Revive Anakin

Many Hope Padmé Didn’t Really Die Of A Broken Heart

Emperor Palpatine / Darth Sidious

Created By George Lucas Cast Ian McDiarmid , Sam Witwer , ian abercrombie First Appearance Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back Alliance Sith, Empire

The way Padmé died has long been controversial in Star Wars, especially because one pervasive theory is that she died of a broken heart. In Revenge of the Sith, the medical droid doesn’t necessarily confirm that; rather, it indicates that, for unknown reasons, they were losing Padmé, who seemed to have lost the will to live. Even if it wasn’t so-called broken heart syndrome, though, Padmé simply losing the will to live—especially because she’d just given birth to her twins—has always been a disappointment.

A much better theory is that Palpatine was using the Force to drain Padmé’s life and transfer her life force to Anakin to keep him alive. This would make sense, as Anakin was left very nearly dead on Mustafar after his fight with Obi-Wan; all the technology in the galaxy likely couldn’t have repaired the amount of damage he’d sustained. The Force, however, could. This would also be a much more respectful explanation of Padmé’s death, who surely wouldn’t have abandoned her children by choice.

5 R2-D2 Is The Narrator Of Star Wars

George Lucas Originally Toyed With This Idea



Created By George Lucas Cast Kenny Baker , Jimmy Vee First Appearance Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope Alliance Naboo, Republic, Jedi, Rebel Alliance, Resistance

Although never confirmed in Star Wars movies and shows, George Lucas evidently considered making R2-D2 the narrator of the entire Star Wars saga. In the book How Star Wars Conquered the Universe: The Past, Present, and Future of a Multibillion Dollar Franchise, author Chris Taylor identifies the source of this theory as George Lucas himself, which lends significant credence to the concept. If this were to be confirmed, it would be an incredible update for the character.

Purchase How Star Wars Conquered the Universe: The Past, Present, and Future of a Multibillion Dollar Franchise

R2-D2 is one of the most critical characters in Star Wars, although it’s perhaps easy to overlook him because he is a droid. Not only has the little R2 unit been present throughout the Skywalker Saga, but he also fought loyally by the side of both Anakin and Luke Skywalker. It would therefore make perfect sense for him to be the one to narrate at least the three trilogies—after all, he was there for all of it.

4 Luke Skywalker’s Green Kyber Crystal Was Qui-Gon Jinn’s

This Would Be A Beautiful Connection In Star Wars

Luke Skywalker

Created By George Lucas Cast Mark Hamill , Grant Feely First Appearance Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope Alliance Jedi

Between The Empire Strikes Back, when Darth Vader cuts off Luke’s hand, and Return of the Jedi, Luke acquires a brand-new green lightsaber after using his father’s blue one. While a monumental moment in Luke’s Jedi path, Luke finding the Kyber crystal and building the lightsaber shockingly happens off-screen. Perhaps for that reason, Star Wars audiences have put forth fascinating theories about where Luke could have gotten the crystal and how he put the lightsaber together.

One very popular theory is that Luke actually used Qui-Gon Jinn’s Kyber crystal for his green lightsaber. Although this is entirely theoretical, it would be a beautiful homage to Obi-Wan’s Jedi Master and a Jedi who had such an influence on Anakin’s life. This would also make sense, as, presumably, Obi-Wan may have kept Qui-Gon’s saber; perhaps Luke knew where to find it.

3 Jannah Is Lando Calrissian’s Daughter

Lando Calrissian Has A Long-Lost Daughter


Lando Calrissian

Created By George Lucas Cast Billy Dee Williams , Donald Glover First Appearance Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back Alliance Rebel Alliance, Resistance

In the book Star Wars: Shadow of the Sith, written by Adam Christopher, it is confirmed that Lando Calrissian has a long-lost daughter who was kidnapped. Throughout the book, he devastatingly searches for her, to no avail. Perhaps because this is such a terrible, crushing loose end to leave, many Star Wars audiences have sought answers.

Purchase Star Wars: Shadow of the Sith

For this reason, when Jannah was introduced in The Rise of Skywalker as an ex-stormtrooper (like Finn) who had been stolen as a child, many hoped she was Lando’s daughter after all. In fact, The Rise of Skywalker’s ending even nods toward that possibility, with Lando taking a special interest in helping her uncover where she comes from. Sadly, this remains only a theory, but, hopefully, Star Wars will eventually reunite Lando with his daughter, whether that be Jannah or someone else.

Hopefully, Star Wars will eventually reunite Lando with his daughter.

2 The Sequels Are An Alternate Reality Timeline

Many Believed Newer Star Wars Shows And Movies Would Prove This


The sequel trilogy received significant criticism and backlash, and many consider the trilogy, The Rise of Skywalker in particular, to be among Star Wars’ worst movies. Because of that, many fans have looked for a way to remove the sequels from the canon. One prominent theory to that end is that the sequel trilogy may take place in an alternate timeline entirely.

In truth, the sequels get a lot more hate than they deserve. Yes, The Rise of Skywalker made some odd choices, and the trilogy has inconsistencies because the movies changed hands multiple times; however, they certainly don’t deserve outright vitriol. Even so, this theory is an intriguing one. For one, Star Wars’ World Between Worlds remains a mystery that could unlock countless possibilities. For another, this explanation would allow for a different (happier) end for the original trilogy’s three heroes, who each had a fairly terrible demise in the sequels.

Moreover, this could explain why major characters such as Ahsoka Tano and Din Djarin, who are so active in the New Republic Era, were entirely absent from the sequels (save when Ahsoka speaks to Rey at the end of The Rise of Skywalker). Of course, this is very unlikely to happen. Star Wars’ most recent TV shows have in fact done plenty to create continuity with the sequels (The Bad Batch in particular), and Rey’s upcoming Star Wars movie more than suggests she’s here to stay.

1 Ben Solo Survived In The World Between Worlds

Ben Solo’s Death Is Still Difficult To Accept

Ben Solo/Kylo Ren

Created By J.J. Abrams , Michael Arndt , Lawrence Kasdan Cast Adam Driver , Matthew Wood First Appearance Star Wars: Episode VII – The Force Awakens Alliance Jedi, First Order

One egregious event in The Rise of Skywalker is the rapid and underwhelming death of Ben Solo. After turning back to the light side of the Force and giving his life for Rey, Ben Solo dies suddenly and almost immediately vanishes. Worst of all, while Luke and Leia’s Force ghosts make an appearance on Tatooine to watch Rey bury their lightsabers, they do not show up for Ben as he passes on. Like an alternate timeline, the return of Ben Solo (in some capacity) could take place through the World Between Worlds, similar to Anakin’s return in Ahsoka.

Sadly, Adam Driver has confirmed multiple times that Star Wars is moving on without him, making this unlikely. Of course, there could be other ways for Star Wars to confirm that Ben Solo’s spirit lives on in some way without it requiring Adam Driver’s return. While each of these 10 theories has yet to be confirmed, and they may never be, they do represent the very best fan theories throughout the Star Wars franchise.

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