24 to Life Season 1 Where Are They Now? Where is the Cast of 24 to Life Season 1?

24 years old to life

24 is a riveting reality show that gives you an up-close look into the lives of individuals facing lengthy prison sentences for non-violent crimes. In the first season, viewers will follow the fascinating stories of these people and understand their life trajectories. Last 24 hours of freedom.

The series explores the profound choices they make at this critical moment, whether it’s to seek redemption, repair their relationship, or simply enjoy the time they have left.

The series delves into the emotional impact of incarceration not only on the individual themselves but also on their families. It reveals the consequences of their actions and the ripple effects of their sentences, highlighting the wider impact of crime and punishment.

Through its powerful storytelling, 24 invites viewers to reflect on themes of regret, resilience and the complexities of the criminal justice system. The series leaves a lasting impact on viewers by providing an empathetic and thought-provoking portrayal that prompts a deeper understanding of the human stories behind legal proceedings.

Where are they now in Season 1 of 24?



Kevin Boardman

Aviation Director and Chief Pilot

Melissa Schoenfeld

social workers and therapists

Kailyn Stallman

mother of four

Sija Goldston

Involved in fatal car accident


Involved with drug dealers


Receptionist in surgeon’s office


Accountant and father of two


fighting drug addiction


Where are the cast of “24” Season 1?

The first season of 24 introduced viewers to a group of people on the verge of prison for non-violent crimes. Let’s take a deeper look at where each actor is now:

Kevin Boardman

Kevin, a Delaware native, was arrested for embezzling approximately $2.7 million while serving as aviation director and chief pilot for Berwind Corp. He spent his final hours before prison trying to repair his marriage and strengthen his relationship with his daughters. Kevin was released in 2019 after serving five years in federal prison. He has since maintained a private life in Delaware.

Melissa Schoenfeld

Melissa, a social worker and therapist from New York, found herself in legal trouble after trying to protect her grandson from her daughter’s ex-boyfriend. She was charged with conspiracy and solicitation to commit a crime.

On the show, Melissa focuses on making amends with her husband and daughter before going to prison. Melissa was released after serving five years and now lives in upstate New York, where she has a deep bond with her daughter, Alexis.

Kailyn Stallman

Kayleen, a mother from Iowa, posed as a nurse to get prescription drugs for her family. However, she was arrested and later pleaded guilty to multiple charges. Kailyn was sentenced to 10 years in prison and will be paroled in June 2021. As a condition of her parole, she remains in Iowa and cannot leave the state.

Sija Goldston

Xyrjah was involved in a fatal car crash that resulted in her being charged with vehicular homicide and assault. She initially pleaded not guilty but changed her plea during the trial. Xyrjah was released from prison after serving four years. She now lives in Colorado Springs, Colorado, where she has built a new life with her son and family.


Jenna’s legal troubles stemmed from her association with a drug dealer, of which she was unaware. Despite her efforts to turn her life around, she was sentenced to five years in prison. Although Jenner has been released from custody, she prefers to keep her personal life private, so her current whereabouts are unknown.

Kate: Kate, a resident of Ojai, California, was convicted of embezzling approximately $23,000. After completing her sentence, her current location has not been disclosed.


William is an accountant whose father faced legal problems due to drug addiction. The show depicts his efforts to save his failing marriage and teach his children integrity. After his release from prison, William chose to maintain privacy and his current whereabouts are unknown.


Jackie battled drug addiction and had to give up custody of her daughter. She currently lives a low-key life and her current location is unknown.

The cast of “24” Season 1 have taken different paths since joining the show, and each faces unique challenges in life after prison.

24-year-old life plot

24 is a riveting reality show that tells the story of 16 people’s daunting final 24 hours before being sentenced to lengthy prison sentences for non-violent crimes.

Over the course of eight one-hour episodes, viewers get an intimate look into the lives of these seemingly ordinary people as they say goodbye to their loved ones and prepare for the years of incarceration ahead.

The series is a profound exploration of the consequences of crime and incarceration, revealing the devastating impact it can have on individuals and their families.

Through emotionally charged storytelling, 24 to Life shines a light on the often-ignored human stories behind the criminal justice system. It’s a thought-provoking look at the choices these men made and the ripple effects of their actions.

The series prompts reflection on themes of regret, redemption, and the profound resilience of the human spirit. By exposing the complexities of the criminal justice system, the show serves as a reminder of the wider social impact of crime and the importance of understanding and addressing its root causes.

24 to Life offers a powerful and eye-opening narrative designed to inspire empathy and understanding. It offers viewers a unique opportunity to witness the personal struggles and emotional journeys of those facing incarceration, ultimately highlighting the need for compassion, rehabilitation and a deeper look at the way our society treats crime and punishment.

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