Andrei Sison’s Father, Alain Marco Salvador Biography: Age, Net Worth, Instagram, Spouse, Height, Wiki, Parents, Siblings, Son

Alain Marco Salvador is known as the father of Andrei Sison, a Filipino actor and social media celebrity who rose to fame through his GMA Sparkle Artist Center projects.

Despite his young age, he has had a successful acting career and continues to make his family proud.

His dedication and talent in the industry have made him a respected figure and a role model for aspiring actors.


  • Full name: Alain Marco Salvador
  • Born: 1960s
  • Age: 50
  • Place of birth: Philippines
  • Nationality: Philippines
  • Occupation: Famous father
  • Height: Unknown
  • Parents: Mr. and Mrs. Salvador
  • Siblings: Unknown
  • Spouse: Tess Salvador
  • Children: Andrei Sison
  • Relationship: married
  • Net worth: Unknown

Early life and education

Alain Marco Salvador was born in the 1960s in the Philippines. He was raised by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Salvador.

However, more information about his siblings and education is needed. He is Filipino.


Alain Marco Salvador played a pivotal role in the career of his son, Andrei Sison, before Andrei tragically passed away in a car accident.

Alain is a supportive and encouraging father to his son, and it is believed that he also works in the same industry as his son.

However, details of his professional career are not public. While Alain’s career may not have been in the spotlight, his love and support for his son’s career highlights the importance of family in success and achievement.

Andrei Sison has been working at GMA Sparkle Artist Center since 2020. According to Andrei Sison, he was also an actor in the movie Dead Kids with a small supporting role.

However, it is yet to be determined whether he will continue to pursue an acting career or focus on other projects, such as television commercials and brand promotions.

Social Media

Alain Marco Salvador needs a social media account.

Personal life

Alain Marco Salvador is married to his wife, Tess Salvador. The couple has a son together, Andrei Sison.

Sadly, their son passed away on March 24, 2023, in a tragic car accident. The loss has had a huge impact on the Salvador family and they continue to remember their son.

Net asset value

During his professional career, Alain Marco Salvador has maintained a private life and stayed away from the media.

It is not known what industry or field he works in and more information about his job title or company is needed.

Additionally, his net worth remains unestimated, adding to the mystery surrounding his career.

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