Before and after case of Otto Warmbier’s teeth

In international politics, few stories capture the public’s attention like the tragic story of Otto Warmbier. The 22-year-old American student was arrested in North Korea in 2016 and returned to the US in a vegetative state, dying shortly afterwards.

But amid the tragedy, a bizarre and persistent rumor took root: that Warmbier’s teeth had somehow been altered or damaged during his time in North Korean custody.

The story goes that Warmbier’s parents, Cindy Warmbier and Fred Warmbier, stated in a 2017 interview that their son’s teeth “reorganize” with pliers while in custody. However, a subsequent report from the Hamilton County coroner’s office in Ohio, where Warmbier’s body was examined, found no evidence of broken bones or deformed teeth.

So what is the truth behind this strange and disturbing rumor?

According to Dr. Lakshmi Sammarco, the Hamilton County coroner who examined Warmbier’s body, there was no evidence of physical trauma or dental damage. “We don’t know what happened to him and that’s the bottom line”, she said at a press conference.

The coroner’s report, released in September 2017, described Warmbier’s body as being “Great conditions” for someone who has been bedridden for over a year. The report also noted that Warmbier’s traumatic brain injury, which led to his death, was due to lack of oxygen and blood flow to the brain and not due to physical trauma.

Despite the coroner’s findings, rumors about Warmbier’s rearranged teeth persisted, fueled by social media and conspiracy theorists. Some have even pointed to a photo Warmbier took before his arrest, which shows him smiling with a full set of teeth, as evidence that his teeth were altered during his time in North Korea. .

But as with many things on the internet, it’s important to separate fact from fiction. The coroner’s report was clear: there was no evidence of dental damage or physical trauma on Warmbier’s body.

As for the photo of Warmbier smiling, it’s worth noting that dental work is a common and routine procedure. It is entirely possible that Warmbier had some dental work done before his trip to North Korea, but there is no evidence that his teeth were rearranged or damaged during his detention.

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