Captain America’s Best Quotes From Each of His MCU Movie Appearances

As a key part of the MCU’s story, Captain America has delivered some truly excellent quotes across his movie appearances in the franchise. Captain America was among the first heroes in the MCU’s movie timeline, and as such, became an integral part of the franchise. A founding member of the Avengers and an inspiration for many of the MCU’s other heroes, Captain America has played a huge role in many key stories within the franchise.

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Steve Rogers as Captain America made many appearances in the movies of the MCU, both as a solo hero and alongside others. While most of his appearances were major ones, he also made a number of minor cameo appearances in other movies before passing the mantle to Sam Wilson at the end of Avengers: Endgame. Here are the best quotes from each of Captain America’s movie appearances in the MCU.

10 “I Can Do This All Day.”

Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)

When it comes to moments that define Captain America’s MCU story, some of the hero’s most important occurred before his transformation. Before being given the super soldier serum, Steve Rogers still had the strength of character required of a hero, which is what qualified him for Erskine’s formula in the first place. One scene in Captain America: The First Avenger in particular showcases this, when Rogers challenges a disrespectful movie-goer and finds himself in a brawl with a much larger man.

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Even while taking a beating, Steve Rogers refused to back down, telling his assailant: “I can do this all day.” The line epitomizes Cap’s characteristic refusal to quit, and becomes something of a catchphrase for him in the MCU. It’s the first real indication that Steve Rogers is made of stronger stuff than most, and it’s a quote that cements him as one of the strongest and bravest heroes in the franchise.

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10 8.7/10 Captain America: The First Avenger

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*Availability in US Director Joe Johnston Release Date July 22, 2011

9 “I Know Guys With None Of That Worth Ten Of You.”

The Avengers (2012)

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Some of Captain America’s quotes have aged poorly, though not through any fault of the character. An early interaction between Steve Rogers and Tony Stark in The Avengers saw the two heroes clash, with the pair swapping insults and scathing assessments of one another. After asking Stark what he’d be without his suit of armor, his quick-witted reply is simply “genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist.” Rogers replies with: “I know guys with none of that worth ten of you.

The quote demonstrates Rogers’ values and his disdain for Stark’s ego. Speaking from his experience in World War II, his brutal cut-down assesses Stark as someone decidedly unheroic. This is later proven wrong by Stark’s own character development, and the quote serves as an important moment for both of the Infinity Saga’s most important heroes.

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20 8/10 The Avengers

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*Availability in US Director Joss Whedon Release Date May 4, 2012

8 “I’m With You ‘Till The End Of The Line.”

Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)

Captain America: The Winter Soldier remains one of the best movies in the MCU, thanks to its excellent action sequences and spy thriller story. However, it also features many emotional beats for its protagonist, as he learns that his best friend Bucky is alive and operating as a brainwashed assassin for Hydra. In the film’s climactic battle, Cap refuses to fight Bucky, instead telling him: “I’m with you ‘till the end of the line.

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The quote is a callback to a moment shared between the two friends decades earlier, but its power runs far deeper. It’s not just an attempt to break through the brainwashing to reach Bucky, but a resignation of defeat and an admission that Cap still has total faith in his friend. It’s an example of the depth of compassion that Steve Rogers has for those around him, making it an excellently emotional quote in one of the MCU’s best movies.

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18 8.2/10 Captain America: The Winter Soldier

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*Availability in US Director Joe Russo , Anthony Russo Release Date April 4, 2014

7 “Then We’ll Do That Together, Too.”

Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)

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The MCU’s second team-up movie, Avengers: Age of Ultron, saw the titular team create and then battle against Ultron, a rogue AI whose goal to wipe out all human life pits him against the heroes of the franchise. When attempting to rouse the team, Captain America is asked how he intends to beat Ultron. His simple answer – “together” – sees Tony Stark tell him that they will lose. Cap’s instant response is: “then we’ll do that together, too.

The quote stands out as a perfect example of Captain America’s leadership abilities in the MCU. Not only is he willing to face impossible odds, but he’s confident that the team must stick together no matter what. Succinct though the quote may be, it embodies Cap’s approach to the Avengers and demonstrates all of the qualities that make him such a remarkable hero.

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17 7.2/10 Avengers: Age of Ultron

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*Availability in US Director Joss Whedon Release Date May 1, 2015

6 “We’re On Our Own.”

Ant-Man (2015)

2015’s Ant-Man‘s focus was on introducing its eponymous hero and establishing his place in the MCU, though the film did see brief appearances from other characters in the franchise. In one of the MCU’s post-credits scene teasers, Ant-Man‘s final stinger acts as a teaser for Captain America: Civil War, outlining Scott Lang’s pathway for becoming a part of the Avengers. The brief scene sees Sam Wilson and Steve Rogers deliberating over what to do with a captured Bucky Barnes, with Cap stating: “we’re on our own.

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As Captain America’s appearance in Ant-Man is limited to a single very short scene, it’s hardly one of the character’s most extensive scenes or moments. Even so, it outlined the direction in which the MCU was heading, teasing that the Avengers would be disbanded and that Cap would form his own team. The line clearly set up the events of Civil War, making the quote all the more exciting as a result.

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*Availability in US Director Peyton Reed Release Date July 14, 2015

5 “If I See A Situation Pointed South, I Can’t Ignore It. Sometimes I Wish I Could.”

Captain America: Civil War (2016)

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Captain America: Civil War marked some of the most important character development in the Infinity Saga, not just for Cap but for many of his fellow Avengers also. The signing of the Sokovia Accords saw the team split in two, with its heroes taking the sides of either Iron Man or Captain America for or against the legislation. In one of the pair’s final polite discussions, Steve Rogers explains his stance to Tony Stark: “When I see a situation pointed south, I can’t ignore it. Sometimes I wish I could.

Steve Rogers’ honest assessment of his nature and of the root of the two heroes’ differing stances is precise. The quote sums up Rogers’ approach to heroism spectacularly, demonstrating his capability for introspection as well as politely explaining to Stark his opposition on the Accords. The quiet importance of the quote combined with its accuracy makes it particularly memorable.

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13 8.2/10 Captain America: Civil War

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*Availability in US Director Anthony Russo , Joe Russo Release Date May 6, 2016

4 “…The Only Way To Really Be Cool Is To Follow The Rules.”

Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)

The first solo movie in Spider-Man’s MCU story, 2017’s Spider-Man: Homecoming, built upon the character’s brief introduction in Civil War. It also featured a few short cameos from Captain America, as he appears via PSA videos played to the students at Peter Parker’s high school. Cap’s best quote in the movie comes while Peter is in detention, and watches a video of Captain America offering advice.

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As Cap says, “maybe you were trying to be cool. But take it from a guy who’s been frozen for 65 years… the only way to really be cool is to follow the rules.” The advice is comedic and brilliantly placed within the film, using Captain America for some light comic relief. It also establishes the hero as one who serves as a role model not just to other heroes but to people all over the world, making it an excellent quote despite Cap’s brief appearance.

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10 8.1/10 Spider-Man: Homecoming

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*Availability in US Director Jon Watts Release Date July 7, 2017

3 “I’m Not Looking For Forgiveness, And I’m Way Past Asking For Permission.”

Avengers: Infinity War (2018)

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Steve Rogers’ triumphant arrival in Avengers: Infinity War introduced a new version of the hero, as he had spent some time as a fugitive after the events of Civil War. After arriving to assist Wanda and Vision in battle against Thanos’ forces, Rogers then reports to the Avengers compound, where he speaks with Thaddeus Ross, the Secretary of State. All he has to say to the government official is “I’m not here for forgiveness, and I’m way past asking for permission.

The quote is a respectful but inarguable brush-off of the high-ranking Ross, and it sees Rogers double down on his previous decision not to sign the Accords. It addresses the tension of Cap’s previous MCU appearance without distracting from the matter at hand, deftly outlining the seriousness of the mission. Simply put, it’s an incredible way to have Captain America announce himself at the Avengers compound.

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16 9/10 Avengers: Infinity War

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*Availability in US Director Joe Russo , Anthony Russo Release Date April 27, 2018

2 “This Is A Nightmare.”

Captain Marvel (2019)

Released between Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame, 2019’s Captain Marvel brought a hugely powerful hero into the franchise in a ‘90s-set prequel. Captain America’s brief appearance in the movie doesn’t come until its post-credits scene, which takes place after Infinity War in the MCU’s timeline. Cap enters the scene by announcing: “this is a nightmare.

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The quote is in reference to Thanos’ snap, and what makes it great is its context in the wider MCU. After a movie set decades prior, the post-credits scene brings the MCU crashing back to the dilemma at hand, setting up the events of Avengers: Endgame and Captain Marvel’s role in it. Again, as Cap’s appearance is incredibly brief, he doesn’t offer much by way of dialogue, but the quote was a perfect way to bring Captain Marvel into the present day of the MCU and set up the franchise’s next movie.

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*Availability in US Director Ryan Fleck , Anna Boden Release Date March 8, 2019

1 “Avengers, Assemble.”

Avengers: Endgame (2019)

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The final movie in the MCU’s Infinity Saga proved to be an epic cinematic events by every conceivable metric, and it paid off years of narrative in the most spectacular fashion imaginable. Though Captain America has many great quotes in Endgame, one in particular stands out as the best. After undoing Thanos’ snap and having reinforcements appear to turn the tide of the Battle of Earth, Captain America finally speaks the line that had gone unspoken for too long. Leading the full ranks of the Avengers into battle, he simply declares: “Avengers, assemble.

It’s an iconic quote both in the MCU and in the wider history of Marvel. Seeing Captain America finally given the chance to use the catchphrase on-screen was perfect, particularly as it came at one of the most powerful moments in the MCU’s history. As such, it’s by far the best quote from Captain America’s MCU movie appearances.

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19 8.7/10 Avengers: Endgame

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*Availability in US Director Joe Russo , Anthony Russo Release Date April 26, 2019

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