Cat Stevens’ Wife Fauzia Mubarak Ali Biography: Nationality, Age, Net Worth, Husband, Children

Fauzia Mubarak Ali is a human rights activist and the wife of famous musician Cat Stevens, who later changed her name to Yusuf Islam.

She is the founder of the Human Rights Advocates Association (HRAA), which works to ensure social justice is a common occurrence in Pakistan.

She has campaigned for women’s rights, democracy, social discrimination and peace in Pakistan and surrounding Middle East countries.

She is also a devout Muslim, follows the teachings of Islam and is a loving and supportive partner to Yusuf Islam, who credits her with helping him rediscover his faith and music.


  • Full name: Fauzia Mubarak Ali
  • Date of birth: March 24, 1958
  • Age: 65 years old
  • Female
  • Place of birth: Karachi, Pakistan
  • Nationality: Pakistani
  • Occupation: Human rights activist
  • Height: 157cm
  • Parents: Mubarak Ali and Zainab Ali
  • Siblings: Not applicable
  • Spouse: Yusuf Islam (formerly Cat Stevens)
  • Children: Islam Hassana, Islam Maymanah, Eve Asmara, Amina Yusuf and Islam Muhammad (Yoriyos Adamos)
  • Relationship status: Married
  • Net worth: Estimated around $3 million

Early Life & Education

Fauzia Mubarak Ali, currently 65 years old as of 2023, was born in Karachi, Pakistan on March 24, 1958.

She is the daughter of Mubarak Ali and Zainab Ali, two well-educated and forward-thinking people. She grew up in a middle-class family that valued education and culture.

She attended St. Joseph in Karachi, where she excelled in her studies and extracurricular activities.

From a young age, she was passionate about literature, poetry and social issues. She also learned to speak Urdu, English, Arabic and Persian fluently.

She moved to Lahore to pursue higher education at Kinnaird College for Women, one of Pakistan’s oldest and most prestigious women’s colleges.

She graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Urdu Literature in 1979 and won several awards and scholarships for her academic achievements and literary contributions.

She was also active in student politics and social movements, advocating for women’s rights, democracy and secularism in Pakistan.

She received a scholarship to study at Columbia University in New York, where she enrolled in the master’s program in Comparative Literature in 1980.

She continued to pursue her interests in literature, culture and politics and wrote a thesis on the role of women in Muslim society.

She also participates in various cultural and religious events and organizations, and meets people of different backgrounds and beliefs.

Personal life

Fauzia Mubarak Ali met Yusuf Islam, formerly known as Cat Stevens, in 1981 at a lecture on Islam at the Islamic Center of New York.

Yusuf Islam is a famous British singer-songwriter who converted to Islam in 1977 and gave up his music career. He is looking for a Muslim wife who can help him grow in his faith and share his vision of serving humanity.

Fauzia Mubarak Ali was impressed by his sincerity, humility and dedication to Islam and agreed to marry him after a short courtship. They held a traditional Muslim wedding ceremony in London in 1982.

The couple moved to London, where they started a family and a charity called Little Kindness, dedicated to supporting orphans, refugees and victims of war and natural disasters around the world.

They also established the Islamia Schools Trust, which operates a number of Islamic schools in London.

They have five children: Hassana Islam, Maymanah Islam, Asmara Eve, Amina Yusuf and Muhammad Islam (Yoriyos Adamos). Their children participate in many artistic, educational and humanitarian activities.

Fauzia Mubarak Ali is the loyal and supportive wife of Yusuf Islam, who resumed his music career in 2006 after a long hiatus.

She encouraged him to use his talent and fame to spread the message of peace, love and harmony through his songs.

She also accompanied him on tours and concerts and collaborated on some of his projects. She was his inspiration, strength and comfort throughout their marriage.


Fauzia Mubarak Ali was a human rights activist who devoted her life to fighting for social justice, especially for women, children and minorities in Pakistan and the Middle East.

She is the founder and president of Human Rights Advocates Association (HRAA), a non-governmental organization that promotes and protects human rights, democracy and peace in Pakistan.

She has participated in various campaigns and initiatives, such as:

Raise awareness and provide legal aid to victims of domestic violence, honor killings, acid attacks, forced marriage and sexual abuse. Educate and empower women and girls through literacy, vocational training, and leadership programs.

Advocate for reform of discriminatory laws and policies that violate the rights of women, religious minorities, and ethnic groups.

Lobbying the Pakistani government to ratify and implement international human rights treaties and conventions.

Organize and participate in protests, rallies, discussions, and seminars on human rights issues. Connect and collaborate with other human rights organizations, civil society groups, media and international agencies.

Fauzia Mubarak Ali is also active in the field of regional and global human rights and represents Pakistan and HRAA at various forums and platforms, such as:

United Nations Human Rights Council, where she issued statements and reports on the human rights situation in Pakistan and other countries.

Organization of Islamic Cooperation, where she advocates for the promotion of human rights and democracy in the Muslim world.

Nobel Women’s Initiative, where she joined other Nobel Peace Prize laureates and women leaders to advocate for women’s rights and peace movements worldwide.

Women’s International Federation for Peace and Freedom, where she is an executive board member and coordinator for the Middle East and North Africa region.

Fauzia Mubarak Ali has received many awards and honors for her human rights work, such as:

The 2010 U.S. Department of State International Women of Courage Award recognizes women who have demonstrated exceptional courage and leadership in promoting women’s rights and empowerment.

Martin Luther King Jr. Award from the King Center in Atlanta in 2012 honors individuals and organizations who have made significant contributions to advancing human rights and social justice.

The 2014 Amnesty International Human Rights Defenders Awards honor individuals and groups with outstanding commitment and courage in protecting and promoting human rights.

The 2016 Glamor Magazine Woman of the Year Awards honor women who have made a difference in the world through their achievements and influence.

Net value

Fauzia Mubarak Ali has an estimated net worth of $3 million, which she earned from her husband’s human rights work and music career.

She has also donated most of her wealth to charitable causes and organizations, such as Small Kindness, Islamia Schools Trust, HRAA, etc.


Fauzia Mubarak Ali has faced much controversy and criticism for her human rights work as well as her marriage to Yusuf Islam. Some of the difficulties and challenges she encountered were:

She has received threats and harassment from extremist groups and individuals who oppose her views and activities on human rights, women’s rights, and democracy.

She has also been arrested and detained multiple times by Pakistani authorities for participating in protests and campaigns.

She has been accused of being a traitor and a spy by some Pakistani nationalists and conservatives, who question her loyalty and patriotism.

They also claim that she is working for foreign agendas and interests, and that she is trying to weaken Pakistan’s Muslim identity and values.

She has been criticized by some feminist and secular groups in Pakistan and the West, who claim she is compromising and conforming to the patriarchal and oppressive norms of Islam.

They also questioned her choice to marry Yusuf Islam, whom they considered a fundamentalist and a fanatic. They also doubted her sincerity and credibility as a human rights activist, and accused her of being a hypocrite and an iconoclast.

She has been misunderstood and misrepresented by media outlets and public figures, who have distorted and sensationalized her statements and actions on human rights issues.

They also spread false and misleading information about her background and biography, portraying her as a controversial and divisive figure.

Fauzia Mubarak Ali responded to these controversies and criticisms with dignity and grace, while maintaining her integrity and convictions.

She has also clarified and corrected misconceptions and misinformation about herself and her work, while defending her rights and beliefs.

She also expressed hope and optimism for a better, more peaceful world and called for dialogue and understanding between different groups and communities.

Social Media

  • Instagram handle name: Not applicable
  • Twitter name: Not applicable

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