Craig Landau Biography: Salary, Age, Wife, Net Worth, Family, House, Wikipedia, Images


Craig Landau (born April 30, 1975) is the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Purdue Pharma LP, a leading international pharmaceutical company.

He is an experienced medical professional with over 25 years in the industry.

Craig Landau is also a United States Army Veteran, ending a distinguished 14-year career in 2005.

CEO of Purdue Pharma LP

Craig Landau
Craig Landau: History, Biography, Photos
Wiki Events & About Data
Full name: Craig Landau
Born: April 30, 1975 (age 49)
Place of birth: USA
Nationality: American
Parents: Do not have
The children: Do not have
Height: Do not have
Siblings: Do not have
Girlfriend • Wife: Married
Job: Business Director • Medical Doctor
Net worth: $10 million – $15 million

Early life

Craig Landau was born in the United States in 1975 into a family considered wealthy.

His family provided him with the necessary support, helping him quickly launch a career in medicine.

Thanks to his parents’ encouragement, he was accepted into medical school at a very young age.

He was intelligent since he was young.


Craig Landau attended Cornell University from 1983 to 1987 and then attended the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai from 1987 to 1991.

He interned at Winthrop University Hospital from 1991 to 1992.

He continued his education at Yale University School of Medicine where he specialized in pain management, chronic pain management, obstetric anesthesia, and peripheral vascular medicine.


Craig Landau entered the pharmaceutical industry in 1997 and joined Purdue Pharma LP two years later for a 14-year career at the US organization. After graduating from medical school, he began his career as an associate medical doctor in 1997 at Knoll Pharmaceuticals.

He took up the position in 1999 after spending two years. He then joined the U.S. Army as a major, providing and training U.S. Army medical personnel from 1992 to 2006, a career that spanned 14 years.

Craig Landau became Purdue’s chief medical officer in 2000 and left the position in 2005 after five years. He served as the company’s vice president and chief medical officer from 2005 to 2013, a position he held for eight years.

In September 2013, he became Chairman and CEO of Purdue, a position he held for eight years.

Craig Landau is a dedicated leader in the business world as CEO of Purdue. On the battlefield through service to the United States.

Craig Landau’s strategic vision and ability to bring the teams reporting to him into alignment through empowerment and motivation, as well as the way he engages and motivates others throughout the organization, are widely recognized and respected. He is respected not only within his company but also in the pain management community at large.

Social media

Craig Landau doesn’t have an Instagram account, but he does have an active LinkedIn page.

Personal life

Craig Landau is based in Canada because he is the President of Purdue Pharma Canada. His company has been widely criticized for the drug OxyContin produced by Purdue Pharma.

It has caused the deaths of more than 47,000 people since 2017.

He is married and currently lives in Canada with his family.

Craig Landau is a private person who rarely reveals personal information about himself. He is in his 40s.

Net worth

Craig Landau is the CEO of Purdue Pharma, with a net worth of $10 to $15 million.

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