Daniel Dubois Height How Tall is Daniel Dubois?

Daniel DuBois Height How tall is Daniel DuBois?

Wondering how tall Daniel DuBois is? Then read this article and get accurate information about Daniel Dubois height. Daniel Dubois, born on September 6, 1997, is a British professional boxer. Recently we can see fans searching for Daniel Dubois height; we also have the same answer.

Daniel Dubois height and biography details are the most searched terms by users. For those who have always wondered about Daniel Dubois’s height, you can refer to the following information.

  • Daniel Dubois Height in Centimeters – 196 cm
  • Daniel Dubois (m) – 1.96 m
  • Daniel Dubois Feet- 6 feet 5 inches

Fans now have an idea of ​​how tall Daniel Dubois is. To learn more about Daniel Dubois’ biography, please see the table below.


Daniel Dubois


british professional boxer

date of birth

September 6, 1997

place of birth

Greenwich, England

Age (as of 2023)

25 years old


196 cm


105 kg (233 lbs)

Country of Citizenship


Who is Daniel DuBois?

Daniel Dubois is a very promising British professional boxer who is making huge waves in the boxing world with his immense talent and potential. Dubois was born in Greenwich, London, on September 6, 1997, and quickly rose through the ranks to become a force in the heavyweight division.

Dubois’s journey into boxing began at a young age, and he showed exceptional talent from the start. His dedication to the sport and commitment to honing his skills led him to an impressive amateur career. However, it was his decision to turn pro that truly marked the beginning of his rise in boxing.

Known for his incredible punching power and stunning accuracy, Daniel Dubois has earned a reputation as a knockout artist. He displayed a unique combination of power and technical prowess that allowed him to defeat numerous opponents in the early rounds of the tournament. His meteoric rise through the professional ranks has captured the attention of boxing fans and experts alike, with many predicting a bright future for the young British boxer.


real name Daniel Dubois
Profession british professional boxer
zodiac signs Virgo
Country of Citizenship British
parents Dave DuBois


Daniel DuBois age

At the age of 25, Daniel Dubois will continue his journey into the world of boxing. Born in Greenwich, London on September 6, 1997, he represents the next generation of British boxing talent. His birthplace of London is renowned for its rich sporting history, a tradition Du Bois proudly carries on.

At 25 years old, Dubois is entering a critical stage of his boxing career. He combines youthful energy with valuable experience gained in the ring. His optimism and determination shine through as he looks to achieve even greater success in the heavyweight division. The boxing community eagerly awaits his continued growth and maturity as a boxer, and he remains a source of inspiration to aspiring boxers and sports enthusiasts.


Daniel DuBois Nationality

Daniel Dubois is a British professional boxer born in Greenwich, London, England. He is of Jamaican descent. Du Bois held dual British and Jamaican citizenship. He has represented England in amateur competitions and is now a professional boxer representing England.

Du Bois’s nationality has been the subject of some debate. Some believe he should not be allowed to represent Great Britain because he was born in Jamaica. However, Du Bois said he felt British and was proud to represent his country.


Daniel DuBois acting career

Daniel Dubois is a British professional boxer who won 17 of his 18 professional fights, all by knockout. He is known for his powerful punches and aggressive fighting style. DuBois turned pro in 2017. He won his first 11 fights, all by knockout. In 2018, he won the British and Commonwealth Heavyweight Championships. He then challenged for the WBC silver heavyweight title, but lost to Nathan Gorman via unanimous decision.

In 2019, Dubois bounced back from his loss to Gorman by knocking out David Price in the first round. He then challenged for the WBA interim heavyweight title, but lost to Trevor Bryan via unanimous decision. Dubois is still a young boxer, but he has already accomplished a lot in his career. He is considered one of the most exciting heavyweight prospects in the world. It will be interesting to see how he progresses over the next few years.

Here are some highlights of Daniel DuBois’ career:

  • Won the British and Commonwealth Heavyweight Championship in 2018.
  • Challenging for the 2019 WBC Heavyweight Silver Championship.
  • Knocked out David Price in the first round in 2019.
  • Challenge for the 2020 WBA interim heavyweight title.

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