David Friedberg Biography: Age, Net Worth, Wikipedia, Girlfriend, House, Children, Wife, LinkedIn

David Friedberg is an American entrepreneur and angel investor, best known as the founder and former CEO of The Climate Corporation.

He has made significant contributions to the emerging field of agricultural technology and is recognized as a leading figure.

With a strong background in technology and a passion for solving complex problems, Friedberg has made a profound impact on the industry.


  • Full name: David Albert Friedberg
  • Date of birth: June 6, 1980
  • Age: 43
  • male
  • Place of birth: South Africa
  • Nationality: South African, American
  • Occupation: Entrepreneur, Businessperson, Angel Investor

Early life and education

David Friedberg was born in South Africa in 1980. When he was six years old, he and his family moved to Los Angeles, California.

Growing up, Friedberg showed a deep interest in environmental issues and was actively involved in his high school’s environmental club, “Students HOPE.” (Students Heal Our Planet Earth).

His passion for sustainability and commitment to positively impacting the planet began to shape his future endeavors.

Friedberg attended Clarkson University in Potsdam, New York, at the age of 16. While there, he worked in a pool hall and developed his poker skills.

However, after a year, he transferred to the University of California, Berkeley, where he pursued a Bachelor’s degree in Astrophysics.

Friedberg also worked part-time at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, where he was involved in mathematical modeling. His education provided him with a solid foundation in scientific research and problem solving.

Personal life

Regarding his personal life, David Friedberg is quite private. There is very little information about his romantic relationships.

However, it is known that he is a vegan, reflecting his commitment to sustainable living and ethical practices.


Friedberg’s career began when he joined Google in 2004 as one of its first employees. He played a key role in Google’s Business Development team, where he helped manage the company’s online advertising platform, AdWords.

Friedberg also negotiated acquisitions and worked closely with Google co-founder Larry Page. His contributions to Google’s growth and development have cemented his reputation as a skilled entrepreneur and business leader.

In 2006, Friedberg founded WeatherBill while still at Google. The company aims to provide customized weather insurance online, allowing businesses to protect themselves from financial risks associated with adverse weather conditions.

The creative concept was born from Friedberg’s observation of declining sales on rainy days while driving past the Bike Hut in San Francisco. Realizing that weather significantly impacted business inspired him to create WeatherBill.

WeatherBill has received significant funding from prominent investors, including Founders Fund, Khosla Ventures, Google Ventures, NEA, Index Ventures, and Atomico.

In 2011, Friedberg renamed the company The Climate Corporation, focusing on providing farmers with weather insurance and climate-related services to optimize farming results.

Climate Corporation’s groundbreaking solutions have revolutionized agriculture and made Friedberg a pioneer.

The company’s success caught the attention of agricultural giant Monsanto, which acquired The Climate Corporation for about $1.1 billion in 2013.

Following the acquisition, Friedberg joined Monsanto’s Executive Team and continued to contribute his expertise to the company. In 2016, he transitioned to an advisory role, leveraging his knowledge and experience to guide and support agricultural innovation.

Net asset value

David Friedberg’s net worth is estimated at $1 billion.

His successful ventures, including The Climate Corporation and his involvement in various startups, have contributed to his financial success.

Social Media

  • Twitter Username: @Dfriedberg
  • LinkedIn Username: David Friedberg

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