Destinie Folsom Biography, Love After Incarceration, Husband Jason, Age, Instagram

In early September 2021, Destinie Folsom was released from prison. She was previously a part of Love After Lockup when she was in a relationship with Shawn Osbourne. However, Shawn is currently with another female inmate, Sara Isaac.

What does Destinie’s release from prison mean for Shawn and Sara’s relationship or the plot of Love After Lockup? You’ll have to watch Life after lockup. But for now, you can read the article and learn all about Destinie Folsom, her relationship with crime and Shawn Osbourne, and other mini-wikis.

[Love After Lockup] The Relationship Between Destinie Folsom and Shawn Osborne

As Love After Lockup viewers may know, the relationship between Shawn and Destinie was a fragile little thing built on lies and ultimately collapsed because of those lies. On one hand, Shawn kept secrets from Destinie Folsom (he hid the fact that he had six children). And Destinie Folsom was only with Shawn for her own selfish reasons, to get what she wanted from him, mainly money.

Shawn was Destinie’s “sugar daddy”. He spent thousands of rupees on her while she was in jail and later when she was released. He helped her pay her bail, he encouraged her gambling habit by paying her.

In the beginning, everything seemed fine, but when Destinie found out that Shawn had six children, she ended the relationship. Obviously, to Destinie, that was akin to cheating. Shawn, on the other hand, insisted that he just wanted to be a good father and protect his children. Destinie was in no mood to listen.

Shawn tracked her down and they got back together, he even proposed to her and she said yes. But marrying someone for their money was probably too far for Destinie. She didn’t go through with the wedding. Instead, she stole Shawn’s credit card and ran away from his car. Shawn later found her in California. But by that time, she was seen on social media with another man.

Additionally, Destinie may have lied to Shawn about her marital status. It appears that Destinie was engaged and married to another man named Jose in 2016. We do not know if Destinie is still legally married to Jose. Jose is the man Shawn found on her social media. Additionally, Destinie may have five children, who she hid from Jason. In 2018, a mother of five was arrested for child neglect, and the mother looked very much like Destinie. Although, it was never confirmed that the mother was Destinie.

[Love After Lockup] Destinie Folsom’s Husband Jason: Who Is He?

Destinie is now married to another man named Jason, whom she met while she was in prison. She has not revealed her marriage to Shawn and has no plans to do so anytime soon. She insists that her relationship with Jason is much better than with Shawn. “There are no lies,” and “the way Jason treats her” is much better than “the way Shawn treats her.”

There are rumors that Destinie’s current husband Jason may be the same Jason she was arrested with in 2017 for possession of methamphetamine. However, that cannot be true because Destinie’s husband is herself while the Jason she was arrested with is 16 years older than her.

Curiously, Destinie’s relationship status on Facebook is single. Additionally, she appears to be bisexual, with her Facebook stating that she is interested in both men and women.

Folsom’s Fate [Love After Lockup] Family, Homeland

Destinie’s hometown is Paradise, California. Her family members are completely unknown. Her mother is a drug addict and, in some ways, is responsible for the childhood trauma Destinie went through. ScreenRant reports that her mother feels guilty about her “scarred family history.”

The scarred history she’s talking about is the fact that Destinie’s uncle raped her for years. And her mother, in tears, said, “What happened to you, it broke me.” We don’t know that uncle’s name.

Folsom’s Fate [Love After Lockup] Criminal history

Over the years, Destinie has had a record of numerous illegal activities such as selling meth, stealing cars, impersonating, escaping from parole, etc. In 2016, she was on Shasta’s Most Wanted list. Destinie has served multiple prison terms up to this point. She has been released from prison on parole and escaped from parole several times.

In November 2020, Destinie was arrested for escaping while serving a suspended sentence for impersonation. The Glen County Sheriff’s Office District Attorney handled the case. She became eligible for parole in July 2020 and was released on probation in late August.

Related FAQs

Folsom’s Fate [Love After Lockup] Year old

Destinie Folsom was born on January 30, 1991. And as of September 2021, she is 30 years old. And since she was born on January 30, her zodiac sign is Aquarius.

Folsom’s Fate [Love After Lockup] Height

Destinie is not a very tall woman and stands at only 5 ft. 1 in. She weighs around 105 pounds. Her other notable features include her gorgeous brown hair and blue eyes. She also has a lot of tattoos, some of which are on her neck and can be seen in her photos.

Folsom’s Fate [Love After Lockup] Instagram, Facebook

Destinie Folsom is on Facebook and that’s it. We can’t find her on Instagram or any other social media platform. On Facebook, she has a regular profile with the name Destinie Folsom.

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