Edward Smock Bio, TikTok Sister Cindy Husband, Age, Work

Edward Smock is the late husband of TikTok’s sister Cindy. Find out all about their relationship, age and his work below.

This Edward Smock biography attempts to reveal all the information.

Meet Edward Smock, TikTok sister, Cindy’s husband

Edward Smock or George Edward “Jed” Smock Jr. is the husband of evangelical street preacher and TikTok star Cindy Smock aka Cynthia D. Lasseter Smock.

They allegedly met at the University of Florida in December 1977, where he called her an “evil woman” and a “dance hall queen”, and told her to “repent for her sins”. “. Sophomore Cindy responded by laughing. She often went to listen to Brother Jed’s sermons with her friends because they considered it a form of free entertainment.

Edward then moved to the next campus but Cindy continued to study at the University of Florida. When she returned, Cindy was a senior majoring in journalism and working for the student newspaper. “I quickly noticed her in the crowd but this time she didn’t seem to be mocking,” Ed shares. Last weekend, Cindy asked me: “Jed, can I take you out to dinner?”

“No,” Edward replied, “but I will take you. First, go home and put on some modest clothes.”

When Edward returned dressed in casual clothes, he took her out to a steak dinner. “I preached to her the whole time and she seemed open to the things of God,” Ed added. She went with me to a revival service that night but she refused to repent of her sins and commit her life to Jesus Christ. Convinced that Cindy was ripe for salvation, I invited her to the revival meeting the next evening. When I took her home, we stopped in the parking lot to pray before I walked her out the door.”

After their prayer, Cindy asked Edward, “Jed, I heard you say on campus that you haven’t kissed a woman in six years. Is that true?” “Yes, that’s right, Cindy.” After Cindy confessed his seductive intentions, Ed dropped her off at the dorm. Cindy cried all night thinking about her family’s divorce.

Four years after their first meeting, Cindy married Edward’s wife. Before getting married, she converted and began teaching at universities. “Sister Cindy preached salvation for four and a half hours straight in the most honest and moving way I have ever heard,” Edward shared in an interview. Such truth coming from the mouth of a moral and virtuous woman delighted my ears. She is a gift from God, truly a gem among the broken pieces of humanity. I could hardly believe my eyes and ears as I walked up to the jeering and laughing crowd on the Arts Center square on Thursday, May 19, 1983.”

The couple shares five daughters. They are Evangeline (David) McKay, Charlotte (Ryan) Vatandoust, Justina (Auston) Adams, Martha (Robert) Ross and Priscilla Liberty Smock. In addition, he is also the grandfather of 10 grandchildren, Iris, Reagan, Phineas, Penelope, Aralyn, Hudson, Nixon, Liberty, Jaxon and William.

Edward Smock Age

Edward Smock was 79 years old at the time of his death. He passed away in June 2022.

The work of Edward Smock

Edward Smock AKA Brother Jed’s self-described “drunken, wild, and debauched” lifestyle began when he was a freshman in high school. However, after being proselytized in Morocco, Edward is said to have converted to Christianity in 1972.

He began studying at Indiana State University in 1960, studying social studies and English. Brother Jed said in his autobiography that, despite his lifestyle, he graduated at the top of his class. Jed has a BA in Social Sciences, an MA in American History, and did graduate work in counseling and psychology.

While pursuing graduate studies at Indiana State University, Edward wrote a thesis on “the personal effects of smoking seven straight marijuana cigarettes” and received a master’s degree in history. He also worked as a research assistant in psychology for the Human Behavior Research Institute while in college. He spent a year teaching history at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse.

Edward began visiting the University every year for over 40 years. While students did not welcome him with open arms, Smock is no stranger to college campuses. “As a former professor, I know students don’t listen to God in the classroom,” Edward said. “Most students are not actively involved in Christianity.”

Edward taught for five years at the middle school, high school, and college levels. After his conversion, in 1972, he returned to the university to proclaim the great salvation of our Lord.

Several videos of him saying “kissing is a sin” and “bikini underwear is ungodly” have gone viral.

Edestf spontaneously decided to preach at Indiana State University in 1974. “I began preaching to larger and larger crowds over time,” he said. “This is when I realized I could reach students.”

Edward called this method “confrontational evangelism.”

During their trip to Purdue, Brother Jed and Sister Cindy attracted large crowds of students, some for entertainment and others for quarrels. To spread their message, they used technology. On TikTok, where she manages a popular account, Sister Cindy advertised a 2021 event and directed students to gather near the John Purdue statue on Memorial Mall. Mr. Jed stood looking outside, filming students nearby.

Is Edward Smock on Instagram?

No, Edward Smock is not on Instagram.

Related FAQs

  • Where does Edward Smock come from?

Edward Smock is from Brookings, South Dakota. His parents’ names are George and Charlotte Smock. His late father was head of the English department at Indiana State University.

Edward had three siblings: an older sister named Catherine McFall and two older brothers James Smock and William Smock.

  • When is Edward Smock’s birthday?

Edward Smock’s birthday is on January 4.

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