Esther Abrami Biography: Age, Net Worth, Boyfriend, Height, Parents, Instagram

Esther Abrami is a talented violinist hailed as a rising star by Strings Magazine.

She has graced the stage of New York’s Carnegie Hall, showcasing her incredible skills and enchanting audiences with her performances.

Her popularity is not limited to the concert hall, she has more than 320,000 followers on her Esther Abrams Instagram account.


  • Full name: Esther Abrami
  • Stage name: Esther Abrami
  • Date of Birth: October 16, 1996
  • Age: 27
  • Birthplace: France
  • Nationality: French
  • Occupation: Singer
  • Height: Unknown
  • Parents: Mr. and Mrs. Abrami
  • Siblings: Unknown
  • Spouse: Unknown
  • Children: Unknown
  • Relationship: Unknown
  • Net worth: $1 million to $5 million

Early life and education

Esther Abrami is a French violinist who was born in France on October 16, 1996. She was raised by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Abrami, and has some brothers and sisters whose names are unknown.

Although there is no information about her educational background, she is known for her outstanding violin talent. Her ethnicity is French and her religion is Christian.

Despite her young age, she has won a huge number of fans on social media for her superb performances and musical interpretations.


Esther Abrami is a talented violinist who in 2015 began studying for her undergraduate degree at the Royal Academy of Music in London.

In 2017, she won the Golden Classical Music Award International Competition, and her outstanding performance skills were recognized.

In addition to her musical achievements, she is also known for her friendship with musician and trombonist Adam Reynolds.

Esther Abrami is a talented violinist who has achieved great success in her career.

She recently won first prize in the Instrumental Music Arts Concert Series.String Art” And won third place in the 2016 Golden Classical Music Award international competition.

She has performed throughout Europe, including a recital at the British Embassy in Paris and a Rotary International benefit concert.

Esther has had the privilege of performing under renowned conductors such as Jacques van Steen and Paul Mann at prestigious venues such as the Royal Festival Hall, the Barbican Centre in London and the Bridgewater Hall in Manchester.

Additionally, she was appointed concertmaster of the Blackfriars Chamber Orchestra in London, showcasing her exceptional talent and technique as a violinist.

Social Media

  • Instagram account: @estherabrami
  • Facebook account: Esther Abrami

Personal life

Esther Abrami is a talented violinist hailed as a rising star by Strings Magazine.

Despite her growing fame, she chose to keep her personal life hidden from the public eye.

Therefore, there is very little information about her relationships, including who she might be dating.

She clearly values ​​her privacy and would rather focus on her music career than her personal life.

Therefore, there is no information about her future husband or any children she may have.

net worth

Esther Abrami is a talented violinist recognized as a rising star in the music world.

According to Strings Magazine, her net worth is estimated to be between $1 million and $5 million.

Her wealth is mainly derived from her successful career as a professional musician and performing at various concerts and events.

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