Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Calling All Frogs Walkthrough,Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Gameplay and More

final fantasy 7 reborn

“Final Fantasy VII Rebirth” is an action role-playing game released by Square Enix in 2024 following the success of its predecessor “Final Fantasy VII Remake”. This is the second installment in a planned trilogy, recreating the classic 1997 PlayStation game Final Fantasy VII.

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Gameplay blends real-time action with strategy and role-playing elements, following the adventures of mercenary Claude Strife and eco-terrorist group Avalanche. The story takes place after the events of “Remastered” and revolves around preventing the megacorporation Shinra from harnessing the Earth’s life force, the “Lifestream,” for energy.

Players will also face off against Sephiroth, a former elite soldier with dangerous ambitions. Development began in November 2019 and was officially announced in June 2022. Notably, key team members return, with Tetsuya Nomura serving as creative director and Naoki Hamaguchi serving as director.

The game launched exclusively on PlayStation 5 on February 29, 2024, and has been critically acclaimed for its engaging gameplay and continuation of the beloved Final Fantasy saga.

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Final Fantasy 7 Reborn Summon All Frogs Walkthrough

looking for tasks

  • After being welcomed into Under Junon, you’ll find the Summon All Frogs quest in FF7 Reborn. Head to the docks where you encounter the horrors of the abyss to initiate the mission.

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frog transformation

  • Upon entering a designated area, you undergo a strange transformation and transform into a frog due to the unusual mako magic nearby. This sets the stage for the unique challenges ahead.

fight like a frog

  • Fight enemies in the area, making use of frog-specific abilities such as tongue attacks, bubble healing, and the Leapfrog spell for aerial damage. Fight strategically to clear out enemies.

Jumping frog game

  • After defeating the enemies, interact with the children and participate in the jumping frog mini-game. The goal is to stay on the platform while avoiding the sweeping beam. The goal is to survive for at least 30 seconds to progress.

Awards and recognition

  • Upon completing a mission, you’ll receive rewards including Tifa’s affinity, party and general experience, rewards based on Jumpfrog performance, and access to the Jumpfrog mini-game for future enjoyment.

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Final Fantasy 7 Reborn gameplay

The gameplay of Final Fantasy VII Reborn is an engaging blend of exploration, combat, and character management. Players control Cloud Strife and a squad of characters as they navigate a vast and immersive world. Following the events of Final Fantasy VII Remake, the game’s scope extends beyond the confines of Midgar, giving players a more open world to explore.

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The game features real-time exploration and combat mechanics, allowing players to seamlessly transition between environmental navigation and combat. Objective markers guide players through main story missions and optional side missions, adding depth to the gaming experience.

Combat in Rebirth combines action-focused melee combat with the classic real-time combat (ATB) system. Players can freely switch team members during battle and use various physical attacks, magic spells and items to defeat enemies. Contains the “Coordinated” mechanic reintroduced from the “Episode INTERmission” DLC, allowing coordinated attacks between party members, albeit at a slower ATB bar fill rate.

In addition, players can use chocobos to travel across the world faster by equipping specialized chocobo decoy materials. This adds a strategic element to exploration while enhancing the sense of adventure in the game. Overall, Final Fantasy VII Reborn provides an engaging gameplay experience that respects the original game while introducing new elements that will appeal to players.

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Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth plot

“Final Fantasy VII Reborn” continues the story of “Final Fantasy VII Remake”, telling the story of Cloud Strife and his allies fighting against the oppressive Shinra Electric Company and the resurrected Sephiroth.

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Set in a world threatened by HRE’s exploitation of the Earth’s life force, the game spans locations from Midgar to the Forgotten Capitals. Along the way, they encounter allies like Zach Fehr and enemies like the mysterious “Black Robe.”

The plot delves into Cloud’s past, revealing his connection to Sephiroth and the tragic events of Nibelheim. As tensions between Shinra and Wutai escalate and the threat of war looms, the team confronts Sephiroth’s plan to summon a devastating meteor.

In the final battle for the survival of the planet, sacrifices are made, the alliance is tested, and destiny is fulfilled. Amid the turmoil and uncertainty, hope drives the party forward, working to protect their world from impending doom.

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Final Fantasy 7 Reborn trailer

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