Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Ending, What is Coming After Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth?

final fantasy 7 reborn

Final Fantasy 7 Reborn is an upcoming action role-playing game produced and published by Square Enix and will be released on PlayStation 5 on February 29, 2024. A sequel to 2020’s Final Fantasy VII Remake, the game is the second in a planned trilogy that reimagines the 1997 classic Final Fantasy VII.

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Similar to its predecessor, the game combines real-time action, strategy, and role-playing elements. Development on Final Fantasy 7 Reborn began in November 2019 before the remake was released, and was officially announced in June 2022. Key members of the original game’s development team return for the project, with Tetsuya Nomura serving as creative director and Naoki Hamaguchi serving as creative director. About the role of the director.

With the release of Final Fantasy 7 Remake right around the corner, fans are eagerly anticipating the continuation of Final Fantasy 7 Remake’s compelling narrative and engaging gameplay. The sequel is expected to build on the beloved story and provide players with a new chapter in the reimagined world of Final Fantasy VII.

final fantasy 7 rebirth ending

The ending of Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth is significant as it marks the completion of the game’s storyline. The game covers much of the original Final Fantasy VII, from Cloud and his friends’ departure from Midgar to their arrival in the forgotten capital. Interestingly, this narrative point is the conclusion to the first disc released on PlayStation in 1997.

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While Rebirth allows players to explore much of the original game’s world, including locations like Junon, the Coast of the Sun, Cosmic Canyon, and the Golden Saucer, it reserves the final two discs of the trilogy’s story content for the remastered final game . Although the original Disc 3 mainly featured side missions, there’s still quite a bit of content that Rebirth may not have covered.

The state of play demo hinted at a potential remix of the story, incorporating elements from the later stages of the original game into Rebirth and providing access to them earlier in the storyline. As seen in Final Fantasy 7 Remake, the flexibility of the narrative suggests that the remake trilogy isn’t strictly bound by the events of the original.

The choice to end your rebirth in the Forgotten City is particularly noteworthy. An image from the presentation showed the Forgotten Capital being surrounded by the Whisperers, the mysterious ghostly entities that appeared in the first game. This means that the events at the end of Final Fantasy VII Remake didn’t completely stop the Whisperers from trying to carry out the destiny depicted in the original game.

Additionally, the Forgotten Capital is the quintessential location where Aerith met her tragic fate at the hands of Sephiroth. Square Enix is ​​emphasizing its depiction of Aerith’s story, suggesting that the team’s bond on their journey will influence her fate. With specific details still uncertain, players are eagerly awaiting the game’s release on February 29th to find out where Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth ultimately ends and what the future may hold for the characters.

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What happens after Final Fantasy 7 Reborn?

After the release of Final Fantasy 7 Reborn, fans were eager to know what would happen next in the series. In an interview with director Naoki Hamaguchi, he hinted at continued development of the inevitable third and final installment in the trilogy. While Hamaguchi couldn’t reveal the current stage of development, he mentioned the progress of the script and certain development considerations. This insight suggests that work on the next issue is progressing steadily.

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Producer Yoshinori Kitase has previously mentioned that a “tentative first draft” of the third part has been completed, suggesting that initial ideas for the game are already in place. Hamaguchi’s recent comments are consistent with Kitase’s statements and underscore the continued progress of the project. While the script may undergo revisions as development progresses, it’s clear that the team is actively working on shaping the final chapter of the trilogy.

Considering there was a four-year gap between the release of Remastered and Rebirth, we’re hoping the third installment will follow suit and not make fans wait a long time. Anticipation for the next installment is growing, especially given the positive response to previous installments in the series. Considering the storyline, Final Fantasy 7 Remake’s ending gives players a hopeful look into the future, as Cloud and his companions look forward to a more open Midgar.

Speculating on the third installment has become challenging due to the development team’s hints at Rebirth’s potential emotional conclusion. While scenes have been remixed to an extent, fans will have to wait patiently for the release of Final Fantasy 7 Reborn on February 29 to uncover future mysteries and developments in the beloved series.

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Final Fantasy 7 Reborn gameplay

As the second installment in a trilogy of remakes of classic 1997 PlayStation games, Final Fantasy 7 Reborn delivers an exciting gaming experience. The game is based on the events of Final Fantasy 7 Remake and tells the story of protagonist Cloud Strife and his allies in the eco-terrorist group Avalanche as they escape from the bustling city of Midgar. Like its predecessor, Rebirth reimagines elements of the original game while fleshing out character development and expanding the overall narrative.

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In terms of gameplay, Final Fantasy 7 Reborn offers a dynamic blend of real-time exploration and combat. Unlike the linear progression of the Midgar remake, the game introduces a more open environment with objective markers guiding players through main story missions and side missions.

Players can travel across the world on foot or ride a chocobo for faster travel. The combat system builds on the action-focused melee combat and real-time combat (ATB) systems in Final Fantasy VII Remake, with characters using both physical attacks and magic.

The unique “synergy” mechanism was first introduced in the DLC “Episode INTERMISSION”, allowing team members to attack simultaneously, adding strategic depth to the battle. Final Fantasy 7: Rebirth blends exploration, combat, and character development into an immersive and engaging gaming experience.

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Final Fantasy 7 Reborn Overview


Square Enix Creative Division I


Square Enix


Hamaguchi Naoki, Toriyama Moto, Nomura Tetsuya


Kitase Yoshinori


final fantasy


Unreal Engine 4


Playstation 5


February 29, 2024


Action RPG


single player

Final Fantasy 7 Reborn trailer

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