Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Fall of a Hero Walkthrough, Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Wiki, Gameplay, and more

final fantasy 7 reborn

In 2024, Square Enix launched Final Fantasy VII Reborn, an action role-playing game that is the sequel to the critically acclaimed Final Fantasy VII Remake (2020) and one of three planned games. The second in a series that improves on the beloved 1997 PlayStation classic Final Fantasy VII. Rebirth continues the successful formula of its predecessor, seamlessly combining real-time action with strategy and role-playing elements.

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The game is set against the events of Remastered, with players taking on the role of mercenary Claude Strife and a group of characters primarily representing the eco-terrorist group Avalanche. Their mission is to travel across the planet in an effort to stop the Shinra mega-corporation from harnessing the Lifestream (the planet’s living essence) as a source of energy.

Additionally, they face the powerful former elite soldier Sephiroth, who seeks to unite with Earth for greater power. The game began production in November 2019 and was officially released in June 2022. It was released on PlayStation 5 on February 29, 2024 and received positive reviews upon launch.

Final Fantasy 7 Reborn: The Fall of Heroes Walkthrough

Arriving at the crash site

At the beginning of Final Fantasy 7: Rebirth, don’t skip any cutscenes, even if you played the demo, because there are new cutscenes. After the cutscene ends, head towards the stairs outside of Midgar. The path is linear, so the focus is on progression rather than exploration.

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Explore Nibelheim

After the cutscene ends, you briefly take control of Sephiroth in a one-sided battle with a monster. After more cutscenes, you’ll take control of Cloud as you explore Nibelheim. Be sure to interact with Claude’s old house and visit his mother. Don’t forget to take the Aether from Tifa’s parents’ bedroom. Approach the Nidhogg Hotel and trigger a cutscene by approaching the man in the red cloak.

Follow Tifa

When you regain control of the cloud, follow Tifa and destroy any boxes of useful items you come across. Engage in combat and learn the ropes of using abilities and magic. Continue to follow Tifa, fighting enemies and receiving tutorials on various combat mechanics. Eventually, you’ll encounter a large monster called a Screamer, which you’ll need to defeat before you can move on.

Visit facilities

Make your way through the facility, engage in combat and overcome obstacles. You’ll encounter the game’s first boss fight, which serves as a tutorial. Learn unstoppable attacks, target specific parts of your enemies, and use magic to take down bosses.

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Investigate the reactor

After the boss fight, enter the reactor and trigger a cutscene. Follow the path forward to reach a door that has opened. Enter the room to trigger a cutscene, then find the pressure valve. Hold L2 and R2 until Cloud turns the wheel, then repeat until the primary target updates.

Looking for Sephiroth

When you return to the village and find Sephiroth in the library, more cutscenes will trigger. After the cutscene, return to the village and follow the path until it’s blocked by burning rubble. Find another path to Cloud’s home, trigger a cutscene, and continue following the story.

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Material location

In this chapter you can find various materials:

  • Green Matter: On the ledge near the dead end that Tifa warned you about.
  • Purple Magic Stone: Next to the first rest stop.
  • Blue Magic Stone: On a ledge before the battle with the Ancestors.
  • Purple Materia: On the metal platform shortly after the battle with Zu.

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Final Fantasy 7 Reborn gameplay

Final Fantasy VII Reborn is the second of three games that retells the story of the 1997 classic. It continues the story of Final Fantasy VII Remake, which begins with the team’s escape from Midgar. In the game, players control Cloud Strife, who once worked for Shinra but now works with AVALANCHE to prevent Shinra from using the planet’s life energy. It also involves facing off against Sephiroth, a powerful soldier who was thought to have disappeared. Similar to the remake, Rebirth offers a new version of the original game’s story, with more details about the characters and an improved storyline.

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The game allows players to explore and fight in real time, and has a more open world than the previous game. Markers on the screen show players where to go for main quests and side quests. Characters can travel faster by riding a chocobo. Rebirth also has an improved combat system, combining action-focused combat with a real-time battle (ATB) system. Players can switch characters during combat and use physical attacks, magic, and items.

There’s also a “coordinate” feature that allows characters to coordinate their attacks, but it makes the ATB meter fill up more slowly. These changes make the game more exciting and strategic, giving players a deeper and more engaging experience.

Final Fantasy 7 Reborn trailer

Final Fantasy 7 Reborn Overview


Square Enix Creative Division I


Square Enix


final fantasy


Unreal Engine 4


Playstation 5


February 29, 2024


Action RPG


single player


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