Final Fantasy VII Rebirth World Map, Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Gameplay, Development and More

Final Fantasy VII Reborn

“Final Fantasy VII Reborn” is a new game produced by Square Enix. It is the sequel to Final Fantasy VII Remake and part of a trilogy of remakes of the classic PlayStation game Final Fantasy VII. In the game, you control Cloud Strife and his friends from AVALANCHE, an organization fighting against the megacorporation Shinra.

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They attempted to prevent Shinra from using the Earth’s life energy, called the Lifestream, to generate electricity. They must also face Sephiroth, a powerful enemy from Cloud’s past who wants to take control of the planet. The game is a mix of action, strategy, and role-playing.

You make decisions and fight enemies in real time. “Rebirth” picks up right after the events of “Remastered” and continues the story. It was announced in 2022 and released in 2024, only on PlayStation 5. Many of the people who worked on Remastered also worked on Rebirth.

Tetsuya Nomura serves as creative director and Naoki Hamaguchi serves as director. When it came out, people loved it. Critics praised the game’s exciting gameplay and engaging story. Final Fantasy VII Reborn is a game that brings old and new fans together to explore a fantasy world full of adventure and danger.

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Final Fantasy VII Reborn world map

Final Fantasy VII Reborn features a vast world map that provides players with seven different areas to explore. Each area has its own unique characteristics and challenges that contribute to the overall immersive experience of the game.

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  1. grassland

    The Grassland region is one of the largest areas on the map and features a diverse landscape. However, some areas, such as the west and southeast, remain unexplorable.

  2. Junong

    Junong is a region that faces its own set of challenges. Although smaller in scale, it offers unique environments and points of interest for players to discover.

  3. Corell

    The Corel region is known for its unique features, providing players with unique challenges and hidden treasures.

  4. gongaga

    Although Gongaga is vast, it is also limited, with only half of the map left to explore. The eastern and northwest areas are inaccessible and form natural borders.

  5. cosmic canyon

    Cosmic Canyons are smaller areas on the world map that offer players a range of different challenges and exploration opportunities.

  6. Nibel

    Nibel is another relatively small area with specific characteristics that offers players a unique experience within the game world.

  7. meridian ocean

    Unlike other areas, Meridian Ocean is made entirely of water, with islands to explore. It is a unique part of the world map.


Players can navigate these areas and discover various points of interest, chocobo stops, and world intel collectibles. These maps also include fog areas to indicate unexplored areas, creating a sense of mystery and encouraging exploration.

natural boundary

While the world map appears vast, natural boundaries such as ridges limit player access to certain areas, affecting the overall design and structure of each area.

Rich details

The world map in Final Fantasy VII Reborn is richly detailed, providing players with an immersive and visually appealing environment to explore and solve puzzles during the game.

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Final Fantasy VII Rebirth gameplay

In Final Fantasy VII Reborn, gameplay revolves around controlling a character in a fantasy world filled with adventure and challenges. Players guide Claude Strife and his friends through various missions and battles with enemies. The game features real-time exploration and combat, allowing players to roam freely in the game world while encountering different challenges.

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Players can travel across the world on foot or ride a chocobo for faster travel. Objective markers help players find main story missions and optional side missions. In combat, players engage in strategic combat, using a combination of physical attacks, magical spells, and items to defeat their enemies.

The game’s combat system combines action-oriented melee combat with a real-time combat (ATB) system. This allows players to control a group of characters and switch between them during combat. Characters can use special abilities and skills to defeat powerful enemies.

One unique feature introduced in Rebirth is the “synergy” mechanic, where party members can coordinate their attacks for greater impact. However, this comes at the cost of slower ATB stick replenishment.

Overall, Final Fantasy VII Reborn delivers an immersive gaming experience that blends exploration, combat, and storytelling, inviting players to embark on an epic journey through the rich and vibrant world of Final Fantasy.

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Final Fantasy VII Reborn Development

Final Fantasy VII Reborn went through a major development process led by Square Enix. The project began before the release of its predecessor, Final Fantasy VII Remake (2020), as the team aimed to reimagine the classic PlayStation game Final Fantasy VII.

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Director Tetsuya Nomura explains the challenges of rebuilding the game from the ground up using modern technology. He emphasized the need to expand on the original story and enhance the details of the game’s world, particularly Midgar, which is the central setting of the series.

Producer Yoshinori Kitase likened the structure of the remake series to that of the Final Fantasy XIII trilogy, but emphasized the focus on protagonist Cloud Strife. The team envisions the project as a trilogy, aiming to provide players with a comprehensive and immersive experience.

Development on the sequel, Rebirth, began prior to the release of the first game, demonstrating Square Enix’s commitment to project continuity and timely delivery. The team aims to deliver higher quality and faster release times for subsequent installments.

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In addition to Rebirth, Square Enix also announced Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion, a remake of Crisis Core that serves as a prequel to the main trilogy.

Throughout development, the team sought to incorporate player feedback and improve existing game mechanics to ensure that Final Fantasy VII Reborn meets the expectations of both long-time fans of the series and new players alike.

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Final Fantasy VII Reborn Overview

Developer Square Enix Creative Division I
series final fantasy
engine Unreal Engine 4
platform Playstation 5
release February 29, 2024
type Action RPG
model single player

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Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Trailer

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