Find out about Katrina Bowden’s dating status! Information about her boyfriend

We know American actress Katrina Bowden primarily from her time playing Cerie on the NBC sitcom 30 Stones or even before that when she got her first role in two episodes of ABC’s daytime drama One Life to Live Like Britney. Katrina continues to delight her fans with roles on CBS daytime soap operas Bold and beautiful and movies Tucker & Dale vs. The Devil, Piranha 3DD, Sexual desire, meet americaAnd Horror Movie part 5Most recently, she played ophthalmologist Michelle on the Hallmark TV series The most colorful time of the year (with Christopher Russell).

Now, in the rest of the article, let us discuss her personal life, including her dating life and divorce.

Is Katrina Bowden dating anyone after her divorce?

Katrina Bowden, Divorce Party‘s Jan, was married to musician/singer Ben Jorgensen, of the band “Armor for Sleep”. But, since they are no longer together, can she move on from this separation?

Yep. Katrina is definitely dating someone and she recently stepped out of the picture on December 7, 2022. She gave a few glimpses of her special someone along the way from her break in North Shore, Hawaii. She later wrote, “Happiest here 📍 with him 💛” in the caption. We’re talking about Katrina’s new man, Adam Taylor.

According to his Instagram @adamiration (with 22.7k followers as of December 2022), Adam is a musician. In addition to playing music, he enjoys surfing.

is katrina bowden dating anyone after divorce 2022Katrina Bowden’s new boyfriend is grateful to call her his partner and best friend! (Photo: Instagram)

The couple was first seen on Instagram on October 18, 2018. They were at the Hearst Greek Theater at the time. Since then, Katrina and Adam’s social media family has seen them together and loved up on a number of other occasions, including this time when they attended a friend’s wedding and then their own. Adam’s brother, Alejandro.

On September 19, 2022, Katrina’s boyfriend praised her from Katrina Falls. They were apparently there to celebrate Esquire Magazine’s Sexiest Woman of All Time birthday. Adam not only called Katrina the kindest, most genuine, and most generous person he knew, but also his “better half” and “best friend.”

Details about Katrina Bowden and Ben Jorgensen’s relationship

Katrina Bowden married Ben Jorgensen, her fiancé of a year and a half, in May 2013 in a New York City wedding they planned themselves. The couple had previously gotten happily engaged the night before the Screen Actors Guild Awards in January 2012. Katrina was 22 at the time.

Katrina and Ben, both New Jersey natives, were friends growing up and started dating nearly two years before they got engaged.

Then, in 2016, the couple made headlines again after purchasing a renovated modern home in the Hollywood Hills for $1.455 million. Then, in 2020, Ben filed for divorce from Katrina in July of that year. They officially separated later that year.

Two years later (in September 2022), we find Ben, of German, Danish and Japanese descent, discussing his new album, Rain Museum. During the chat, he also revealed how making the album helped him cope with the aftermath of his divorce and took place during a global pandemic.

Ben, who released his debut solo album There’s nowhere left to go in 2010, is said to be dating Kailey Cost at the time of this writing.

Do Katrina Bowden and Ben Jorgensen have children?

Katrina Bowden and Ben Jorgensen have no children.

The last time we heard Katrina talk about having kids was a long time ago when she was newly married to Ben. She told PEOPLE on the Emmy red carpet that she and Ben wouldn’t be having kids “for a while.”

Katrina Bowden’s relationship history

Katrina Bowden’s relationship history with her ex-husband Ben has never been revealed to the media.

Related FAQs

  • What are some notable movies starring Katrina Bowden?

Other than The most colorful time of the yearKatrina Bowden stars in the Hallmark Channel movie Love on the slopespart of the channel’s Winterfest event, in 2018.

  • What is Katrina Bowden’s net worth?

Katrina Bowden is expected to have a net worth of over $1.5 million by the end of 2022.

In 2010, when she starred in the critically acclaimed horror comedy Tucker & Dale vs Evil as Allison, the film grossed more than $4,749,516. Even from this, we can get a general idea of ​​Katrina’s income from the career she has pursued since 2006. To date, she has more than 50 acting credits.

Last year, Katrina played Kaz in the Australian survivor thriller, Star moon and like Layla in Born to be a championan American martial arts film.

  • How old is Katrina Bowden?

Katrina Bowden was born on September 19, 1988 in Wyckoff, New Jersey. So 2022 has turned her into a 34-year-old.

  • How tall is Katrina Bowden?

Katrina Bowden is beautiful and bold, 5 feet 7 ½ inches (17.15 meters) tall.

  • Who are Katrina Bowden’s parents?

Katrina Bowden is the daughter of Karen and Derek Bowden. Her father was born in London, England and moved to the United States in the 1980s. Katrina’s paternal grandparents were from the United Kingdom: Yorkshire and Essex, England. About her maternal family, not much information is known. It is believed that her mother was Polish.

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