Francesco Del Balso Biography: Net Worth, Children, Age, Wife, Height, Wikipedia, Nationality, Death

Francesco Del Balso, a controversial figure in the Montreal Mafia, met his tragic fate on the West Island.

Known for his involvement in organized crime, Del Balso’s life was marked by numerous assassination attempts and his desire to expand his influence and power within the Rizzuto crime family.

Despite his notoriety and blatant disregard for consequences, his death came as no surprise to those familiar with his troubled past.


  • Full name: Francesco Del Ballo
  • Date of birth: None
  • Age: 50
  • Gender: Male
  • Place of birth: Canada
  • Nationality: Canadian
  • Occupation: Organized Crime
  • Height: 178cm
  • Parents: None
  • Siblings: None
  • Relationship status: None
  • Spouse: None
  • Children: None
  • Net worth: $3 million

Early life and education

Francesco Del Balso, born in an unknown location, grew up in a chaotic environment surrounded by the Montreal Mafia.

Details about his parents, siblings, and early life are unknown. However, during his formative years, he became involved in organized crime, eventually rising through the ranks of the Rizzuto crime family.

Personal life

Francesco Del Balso’s personal life is kept secret, just like his criminal activities. Information about his romantic relationships or children has not been released.


Del Balso’s career largely revolved around his relationship with the Montreal Mafia.

He became a high-ranking member of the Rizzuto crime family under Vito Rizzuto, demonstrating his determination and ambition.

However, after Rizzuto’s death, Del Balso’s desire for power and influence led to conflict within the organization.

In 2006, Del Balso was arrested as part of Project Colisée, a major police investigation into the Montreal Mafia.

His arrest made him notorious as evidence of his role in the Rizzuto organization emerged. He pleaded guilty to charges related to the project in 2008 and received a 15-year prison sentence, one of the harshest penalties associated with the investigation.

After his release years later, Del Balso found himself in a changed Montreal organized crime landscape. The Rizzuto organization faced numerous challenges to its dominance, and Del Balso lived in constant danger.

He was involved in conflicts between the Sicilian and Calabrian factions within the Montreal Mafia, which led to the murder of his close associate, Lorenzo Giordano, in 2016.

Net worth

Francesco Del Balso’s net worth remains unknown. However, given his involvement in organized crime, it is safe to assume that he has amassed a significant fortune throughout his criminal career.

His net worth is said to be around $3 million.


Francesco Del Balso met a tragic death on June 5, 2023. He was shot dead near the Monster Gym in Dor, located between the service road of Highway 40 and St-Régis Road.

The shooting was surprising, given the numerous assassination attempts on Del Balso and his alleged involvement in a plot against Leonardo Rizzuto, a notorious Mafia leader.

Social media

  • Instagram Name: None
  • Twitter Username: None

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