Gayton McKenzie Biography: Wife, Net Worth, Facebook, Age, Children, Wikipedia, Books

Gayton McKenzie is a man who changed his life from being a criminal to a leader. He is a politician, businessman, motivational speaker, author and former bank robber.

He is the chairman of the Patriotic Union political party and former executive mayor of the Karoo District Central Municipality.

He is also the founder of several businesses such as Major Tech, Major Properties and Major Entertainment. He has also written several books, including The Choice: The Gayton McKenzie Story, The Hustler Bible, The Uncomfortable Truth, and Kill Zuma by Any Means Necessary.


  • Full name: Gayton McKenzie
  • Date of birth: 1974
  • Age: 49 years old
  • male
  • Place of birth: Heidedal, Bloemfontein, South Africa
  • Nationality: South African
  • Occupation: Politician, businessman, motivational speaker, author, former bank robber
  • Height: 1.8 m
  • Parents: Not applicable
  • Siblings: Not applicable
  • Spouse: Nicolette McKenzie
  • Children: Two daughters, Kenya and Zara
  • Relationship status: Married
  • Net worth: 10 million USD

Early Life & Education

Gayton McKenzie is 49 years old, born in 1974 in Heidedal, a suburb of Bloemfontein, South Africa.

He grew up in a life of crime and joined a gang when he was 13 years old. He dropped out of school and engaged in various illegal activities such as robbery, theft, and fraud.

He was arrested and jailed several times and spent a total of 10 years in prison. He was also stabbed and shot multiple times and survived several near-death experiences.

Gayton McKenzie decided to turn his life around and become a whistleblower exposing corruption and abuse in the prison system.

He was released from prison in 2003 and enrolled at the University of the Free State, where he studied political science and law.

He graduated with honors in 2007 and became the first former prisoner to earn a degree in South Africa.

Personal life

Gayton McKenzie met Nicolette Joubert McKenzie in 2005 when they were both students at the University of the Free State. Nicolette is a psychology student passionate about helping and empowering people.

They were instantly attracted and connected and quickly started dating. They married in 2008 in a wedding ceremony in Bloemfontein, witnessed by family and friends.

Gayton and Nicolette McKenzie had a happy, harmonious marriage and supported each other’s careers and interests. They also have two daughters, Kenya and Zara, born in 2010 and 2012.

They also have a house in Johannesburg and a farm in the Free State, where they spend weekends and holidays.

They also love to travel together and visit many places like Europe, Asia and America.

Gayton McKenzie and his daughters face tragedy in 2023 when Nicolette’s life is cut short in a car accident after a drunk driver crashes into her car.

When she died, she was 45 years old. She is buried in Bloemfontein, where she met and married Gayton.

Gayton McKenzie is devastated and saddened by his wife’s death and misses her terribly. He also worries and fears for his daughters, who must cope with the death of their mother and the love of their life.

Gayton McKenzie also finds comfort and support from his daughters, Kenya and Zara, who are his pillars. They share their pain and memories and help each other heal and recover.

They also share their love and bond and become closer and stronger. They also share their lives and journeys, facing new challenges and opportunities together.


Gayton McKenzie has had an impressive and successful career as a politician, businessman, motivational speaker, author and former bank robber, while achieving many honors and awards.

As a politician, he is the president of the Patriotic Union political party, which he founded in 2013 to represent the interests and needs of the poor and marginalized in South Africa.

He also served as executive mayor of the Central Karoo District Municipality from 2016 to 2021, where he implemented various policies and programs, such as improving infrastructure, creating jobs, providing provide housing and fight crime. He also ran for president of South Africa in 2023 but lost to Cyril Ramaphosa.

He is also the owner of Major Entertainment, a media company that produces and distributes music, movies and shows featuring local artists and celebrities.

As a motivational speaker, he is a sought-after and respected speaker who has given speeches and presentations on a variety of topics and issues, such as leadership, spirituality business, success and transformation.

He has spoken at various events and platforms, such as conferences, seminars, workshops, and schools. He also speaks on various media, such as radio, television and podcasts. He also speaks at various prisons, sharing his story and inspiring inmates to change their lives.

As an author, he has written and published several books based on his experiences and observations in life, such as The Choice: The Story of Gayton McKenzie, The Hustler Bible, The it’s annoying and Kill Zuma by any means necessary. He writes books in a straightforward and engaging style that captures the reality and drama of his life.

He also writes his books with the purpose and message to raise awareness and educate about the issues and challenges facing South Africa and the world.

As a former bank robber, he participated in several robberies and netted millions of rand. He also engaged in several gunfights and chases that endangered his life and freedom.

He was also involved in several cases exposing corruption and abuse in the prison system. He was also involved in a number of reforms and changes aimed at improving the conditions and rights of prisoners.


Gayton McKenzie has been involved in a number of controversies, scandals, and legal issues throughout his career and personal life.

He has been accused of involvement in the murder of his former gang leader, Rashied Staggie, in 2004, which he has denied and claimed he was being framed.

He was also arrested for allegedly assaulting and kidnapping his former business partner, Kenny Kunene, in 2014 after they had a dispute over a sushi business.

Net value

According to various sources, Gayton McKenzie has an estimated net worth of around $10 million. He earns income from his political and business careers.

He also earned money from book sales, royalties, and advances from his publishers.

Social Media

  • Instagram handle:
  • Twitter handle:


  • Kill Zuma by any means necessary
  • The Choice: The Gayton McKenzie Story
  • Hustler’s Bible
  • Uncomfortable truth

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