Jerome Kerviel Biography: Net Worth, Wife, Age, Height, Parents, Children

In the financial sector, few names have attracted as much attention and controversy as Jerome Kerviel. Born in Pont-l’Abbé, France, Kerviel’s life took a sharp turn when he was implicated in the 2008 Société Générale trading scandal that rocked the global financial landscape.

This comprehensive biography delves into the essential details of Kerviel’s life, from his early years and education to his remarkable career, personal life and subsequent journey to redemption.


  • Name: Jerome Kerviel
  • Date of birth: January 11, 1977
  • Age: 46 years old
  • male
  • Place of birth: Pont-l’Abbé, France
  • Nationality: French
  • Occupation: Former trader, IT consultant

Early life

Jerome Kerviel was born in Pont-l’Abbé, a picturesque town in the Brittany region of France. Growing up in a modest family, Kerviel displayed outstanding intelligence and an inherent passion for numbers from an early age. This passion for mathematics later became a decisive aspect of his financial career.

After completing his secondary education, Kerviel pursued higher studies at Lumière Lyon 2 University, where he achieved excellent academic results.

His exceptional analytical skills and aptitude for financial concepts soon attracted the attention of industry professionals.

Personal life

Outside of finances, Jerome Kerviel has a private life that is relatively hidden from the public eye. He values ​​his privacy and likes to keep personal matters out of the spotlight.

However, it is known that Kerviel is married and cherishes the love relationship with him and his wife. Together, they had NUMBER of children who brought great joy and satisfaction to their lives.


Jerome Kerviel’s career trajectory took a pivotal turn when he joined Société Générale in 2000 as a junior trader in the highly regarded Delta One products team. Initially, he showed promise and dedication, earning the trust of his superiors.

However, over time, Kerviel’s ambition and tendency to take risks will lead him down a dangerous path.

In the fateful year of 2008, Kerviel’s illegal and high-risk trading activities led to staggering losses of 4.9 billion euros.

The scandal sent shockwaves across the financial world, tarnishing Société Générale’s reputation and prompting widespread scrutiny of risk management practices in the banking industry.

Net value

Due to the significant financial losses suffered by Société Générale, Jerome Kerviel’s actions not only brought him disgrace but also plunged him into financial chaos.

Following legal proceedings and subsequent judgments, Kerviel was ordered to repay the bank for the losses, resulting in a significantly negative net worth.

Social Media

Due to the sensitive nature of Jerome Kerviel’s public image, he has chosen to maintain a low-level online presence. Therefore, he is not actively involved on popular social media platforms.

Kerviel focuses on personal growth, professional endeavors, and a mission to challenge perceived injustices in the financial markets.

Jerome Kerviel’s journey of redemption

While Jerome Kerviel’s actions in the Société Générale trading scandal made him famous, it is essential to explore his subsequent journey to redemption.

After completing his sentence, Kerviel found work in IT consulting, leveraging his expertise to make a positive contribution to the industry.

Furthermore, Kerviel embarked on a spiritual pilgrimage against the “tyranny of the market,” aiming to shed light on the flaws and injustices in the financial system.

His quest for redemption led him to question existing norms and practices, advocating for greater transparency, accountability and ethical behavior in the financial sector.

During his journey, Kerviel has become a voice for those who believe the finance industry needs a fundamental reassessment.

He speaks at conferences, confers with industry experts, and collaborates with organizations working toward financial reform. Through his experience and insight, Kerviel aims to bring about positive change and prevent others from falling victim to the pitfalls of unchecked risk-taking.

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