Kwadwo Safo Kantanka Biography: Wife, Net Worth, Age, Children, Cars, Business


Apostle Kwadwo Safo Kantanka (born 26 August 1948) is a wealthy Ghanaian cleric born in 1948.

He is the founder of Great Kosa Company. A man whose talent and passion for technology has helped him create fascinating items by hand.

He also holds many honorary awards for his countless achievements over the years.


Kwadwo Safo Kantanka
Kwadwo Safo Kantanka: History, Biography, Photos
Events & Wiki Data
First and last name: Kwadwo Safo Kantanka
Stage name: Apostle Kwadwo Safo
Born: August 26, 1948 (age 75)
Place of birth: Bekwai
Nationality: Ghanaian
Wife/Spouse: Married
Job: Pastor • Businessman
Net asset value: $6,500,000

Early life

Legendary Ghanaian figure; Apostle Kwadwo Safo Kantanka, was born on August 26, 1948. He grew up in the Ashanti Region of Bekwai.

As a child, Kwadwo was very interested in science and technology and would spend most of his evenings building small cars, helicopters and simple machines from sticks, stones and everyday objects.

In his teens, Kwadwo was described as having a very high IQ; due to the level of industry and craftsmanship he demonstrated at that time. He also loved sports and music and was a passionate lover of God.


Apostle Kwadwo Safo completed his basic education before studying at the Ghana Institute of Technology in Kumasi.

He also spent three years working at Volta Aluminum Company (VALCO); where he majored in Korean.


With many different professional qualifications, Apostle Kwadwo Safo’s career spanned his inventions, his ministry, and his charitable life.


In the late 1960s, he founded a movement/prayer group and later converted into a Church (Kristi Asafo) – Christ Reformed Church in 1971.

His passion and drive to build a ministry led him to produce and sell his own soap, cooking oil, food and other commercial products in his local community.

Currently, the Christ Reformed Church has established more than 100 branches in Ghana, Italy and the United States.


Many people still believe that Kwadwo Safo was the greatest inventor and innovator in West Africa – even to this day. His works across the fields of agriculture and technology are astonishing and highly commendable.

He founded Great Kosa Company and started manufacturing vehicles in 2015; after gaining approval from the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Authority (DVLA) in Ghana.

He is known as the first man in the world to manufacture a seven-string bass guitar and has created many other gadgets and machines such as lawn mowers, street garbage collectors, spot welders, medical and industrial robots, sensors, aircraft, armored vehicles, missile launchers, air conditioners and many other engineering items.

Personal life

Apostle Kwadwo Safo is described as the greatest Multidimensional Scientist of all time. He is happily married and has two successful children.

His daughter; Sarah Adwoa Safo, is a Ghanaian Lawyer and Politician– member of Parliament for the Dome Kwabenya Constituency. She married Hanny Mouhtiseb in 2019.

His son; Kwadwo Safo Jnr. was also married to Juliet Ibrahim before their separation in 2014. He currently manages Kantanka Motor Company.


  • Liberia Golden Image Award for contribution to humanity and towards peace for the people of Liberia (2012).
  • Order of the Volta (Member Class) (2012).
  • Best Philanthropist in the Humanitarian category of the Millennium Excellence Awards (2006).

He was also awarded two Doctoral titles, the Technical title and Honorary Professor; awarded to him by Alfred Nobel University in Ukraine.

He was appointed as a Member of the National Council for Higher Education in Ghana.

Net asset value

Kwadwo Safo Kantanka’s net worth currently stands at $6,500,000. A figure that many believe will increase over time.

Social Media

  • Instagram- Nope
  • Twitter- None
  • Facebook- No
  • TikTok- None
  • Snapchat- Nope
  • Phone Number – Private

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