Lionel Richie’s son Miles Brockman Richie bio: age, children, mother, net worth, Wikipedia, pictures

Miles Brockman Richie, better known as Miles Richie, is a talented American model who is famous for being the son of legendary musician Lionel Richie.

Despite his short engagement to Kylie Jenner, Myers has already made a name for himself in the fashion world.


  • Full name: Miles Brockman Richie
  • Stage name: Miles Richie
  • Born: 30 years old
  • Age: May 27, 1994
  • Birthplace: Los Angeles, California, USA
  • Country: United States
  • Occupation: Model
  • Height: 6’1
  • Parents: Lionel Richie, Diane Alexander
  • Siblings: Sofia Richie, Nicole Richie
  • Spouse: Kylie Jenner
  • Children: None
  • Relationship: Single
  • Net worth: $500,000

Early life and education

Miles Richie was born on May 27, 1994, in Los Angeles, California, the United States, to celebrity parents Lionel Richie and Diane Alexander.

He grew up with his two siblings Sofia Richie and Nicole Richie. However, more information is needed about his educational background. Myers claims to be a Christian.


Miles Richie had a very successful modeling career, and Wilhelmina represented him and helped him get various opportunities.

In addition to his modeling career, Richie is also known for his love of tattoos. One of his most famous tattoos is Kylie Jenner’s initials tattooed on his bicep, which quickly went viral and further solidified his growing reputation in the industry.

About his father Lionel Richie was a successful R&B singer for over four decades. He released many albums, including his self-titled debut in 1982.

Some of his other hit albums include “Can’t Slow Down” (1983), “Louder than Words” (1996), “Just for You” (2004), and “Just Go” (2005).

His longevity and persistence in the music industry have solidified his status as a legendary artist.

Social Media

  • Instagram account: @milesrichie

Personal life

Miles Richie, 30, is a single straight man. However, he was previously in a relationship with model Kylie Jenner. In 2014, they were photographed together and a video online showed Kylie tattooing him.

Despite this brief public relationship, Richie prefers to keep his personal life private and there are no other rumors or relationship information. As of now, he is reportedly still single.

net worth

The son of legendary musician Lionel Richie, Miles Richie is a successful model and influencer.

Myers has a net worth of approximately $500,000, and his wealth has been earned through various sources, including modeling contracts, brand partnerships, and social media sponsorships.

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