Matteo Messina Denaro’s Daughter, Lorenza Alagna Biography: Age, Net Worth, Family, Parents, Spouse, Siblings, Height

Lorenza Alagna is the daughter of Matteo Messina Denaro, the notorious Sicilian mafia boss who was captured and killed in 2023.

She was born in 1996 and grew up in Castelvetrano, where her father was the undisputed leader of Cosa Nostra.

She recently changed her surname from Alagna to Messina Denaro, a decision that has caused much controversy and speculation.


  • Full name: Lorenza Messina Denaro
  • Other name: Lorenza Alagna
  • Date of birth: December 17, 1996
  • Age: 27 years old
  • Gender: Female
  • Place of birth: Castelvetrano, Sicily, Italy
  • Nationality: Italian
  • Occupation: None
  • Height: 5’10”
  • Parents: Matteo Messina Denaro (father) and Francesca Alagna (mother
  • Siblings: None
  • Spouse: None
  • Children: One son (born 2021)
  • Relationship Status: Dating
  • Net worth: N/A

Early life and education

Lorenza Messina Denaro, now 27 years old, was born on December 17, 1996 in Castelvetrano, a town in Trapani, Sicily.

She is the only child of Matteo Messina Denaro, Italy’s most powerful and wanted mafia boss, and Francesca Alagna, his longtime partner.

Her father has been on the run since 1993 when he was accused of involvement in the bombing that killed anti-mafia judges Giovanni Falcone and Paolo Borsellino.

He is also suspected of ordering hundreds of murders, extortion, drug trafficking and money laundering. He is considered the heir apparent to Salvatore Riina, the former boss of the Cosa Nostra bosses who died in prison in 2017.

Lorenza grew up in the home of her grandmother, Anna Maria Messina Denaro, who was also a prominent figure in the mafia.

She was surrounded by her father’s relatives and associates, who treated her with respect and affection.

She attended a local school, where she was a good student and had many friends. She knew about her father’s identity and criminal activities, but she never met him in person. She only communicated with him through letters and messages, delivered by trusted messengers.

She was also protected by a network of informants and collaborators who kept her safe from the authorities and the media. Lorenza finished high school in 2015 and then enrolled in a university in Palermo, where she majored in economics.

She moved to the city with her mother, who wanted to give her the chance to live a normal life away from the mafia. Lorenza wanted to learn and broaden her horizons, but she also felt lonely and isolated.

Personal life

Lorenza Messina Denaro has always been secretive and private about her personal life. She has never given interviews or made public appearances and has stayed away from social media and the internet.

She tried to keep a low profile and distance herself from her father’s fame and influence. She also changed her surname from Alagna to Messina Denaro, a choice she made to assert her identity and honor her father.

Lorenza had been in a relationship with a young man of unknown name and occupation for many years. They met in Palermo, where they both studied, and fell in love.

They moved into a rented apartment together and welcomed their first child, a baby boy, in July 2021.

Lorenza is very happy and proud to be a mother, and she hopes to raise her son in a peaceful and loving environment.

She also wants to have a good relationship with her father despite his criminal past and absence.

Lorenza was shocked and saddened by the arrest and death of her father, who was arrested by police on January 16, 2023, outside a private clinic in Palermo, where he was being treated for cancer.

He died on 25 September 2023, at the age of 61, at a hospital in L’Aquila, where he was transferred after suffering a heart attack.

He never confessed or cooperated with the authorities and took his secrets and regrets to the grave. Lorenza visited him in prison many times and she was the only family member to attend his funeral, which was held in a private and discreet ceremony.


Lorenza Messina Denaro never had an official or public career. She focused on her studies and family and avoided any involvement or association with the mafia.

She never benefited from her father’s wealth or power and lived a modest and simple life. She also never expressed any political or social views or opinions, and she remained neutral and indifferent to issues and events affecting her country and region.

Lorenza has always been interested in economics and finance and has a degree in that field. She has also studied languages ​​and cultures and is fluent in English and French.

She has a passion for art and literature, enjoys reading and painting. She has a creative and curious mind, loves to learn new things and challenge herself.

She has also traveled to several countries such as France, Spain and Germany where she has experienced different lifestyles and perspectives.

Lorenza has never worked in a formal or professional setting, but she has done some freelance and volunteer work.

She has assisted several local businesses and organizations with accounting and management and is involved in social and charitable projects.

She has supported a number of activities and initiatives aimed at improving the education and wellbeing of children and young people, especially those from disadvantaged or disadvantaged backgrounds.


Lorenza Messina Denaro has been the subject of controversy and criticism, largely due to her relationship and loyalty to her father, one of the most ruthless and dangerous criminals in history.

She was accused of being complicit and supportive of his actions and organization, and of being indifferent and insensitive to the suffering and injustice he caused.

She was also questioned and investigated by the authorities and the media, who tried to learn more about her father’s whereabouts and activities, as well as find any evidence or information that could link her to the mafia.

She was also condemned and boycotted by some elements of society and public opinion, considering her an enemy and a traitor to the state and the law.

Lorenza has always denied and dismissed any accusations or suspicions against her, while defending and justifying her choices and actions.

She maintained that she never participated in or knew about her father’s crimes and extramarital affairs and that she never benefited or benefited from his influence or resources.

Net worth

Lorenza Messina Denaro’s net worth is currently unknown and difficult to estimate.

She never inherited or received any money or property from her father, who amassed a fortune of billions of euros through his illegal and illicit activities.

Social media

  • Instagram Name: None
  • Twitter Username: None

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