Meet Actress Aida Osman! Biography, Dating, Ethnicity, Parents, Height

Aida Osman may be a new name to many because she has always worked behind the scenes. But this beauty brought her talents to the big screen in 2022. Appearing as “Shawna Clark” in HBO Max’s Rap Sh!t, the comedy writer took the world by surprise.

Aida Osman Talks HBO Max’s Rap Sh!t

HBO Max’s Rap Sh!t debuted on July 21, 2022, and within a week, it had a 100 percent rating on Rotten Tomatoes. So the cast must have done something right! Well, we don’t know about the others, but Aida claims she’s “the only person who could play Shawna and it was supposed to be this way.”

Looking back on the casting process, Aida said she was “really lucky” to find a show that had “the perfect ensemble”. However, it was really scary at first. She spent the first two or three episodes of filming like, “Are you sure? Can we start over? Recast me and it’ll be fine. No one will know, I haven’t even told anyone I got this part, are you sure?” she explained.

But over time, she grew to love the character. Plus, she even helped develop the character with a team of amazing writers, constantly telling Shawna personal stories about her real life—from trying to make it as a rapper in LA.

In the end, she felt like she was the only one who could do it Shawna!

Aida explained that her character is a music enthusiast who attended Spelman. The actress also revealed that her character is dating a great guy who is about to become a lawyer. “She just sees the music industry in a stereotypical way. She’s doing math instead of just living and making art,” the star added.

Aida Osman Net Worth

Aida Osman has a net worth of under $500 thousand as of 2022.

The budding actress began her career as a comic writer working on the podcast Keep It in 2017 and the short-lived TV series Group Therapy. But it wasn’t until 2021, after writing for Netflix’s Big Mouth and HBO’s Betty, that Aida made her presence felt in the industry.

Fun Fact: Aida was discovered by Netflix for her role as Big Mouth after she released a candid rap about anal sex that went viral.

Is Aida Osman dating anyone?

Aida Osman may have revealed that her character is dating “a great guy who’s going to be a lawyer,” but she didn’t say who her actual partner is.

The only thing we know about her dating life (in 2022) is that she has a “small dating pool” and that she misses “being skewered, missing existing for free in someone’s mind, and missing (her) name being written up in his therapist’s notes.”

But with that said, we also know that this beauty, who is nonbinary (uses she/they pronouns), likes tall men. In fact, she likes tall guys so much that she hates being stereotyped. “I hate falling in love with tall men. I hate being stereotyped. I wish I was falling in love with short kings. Maybe I’ll just force it and pretend I can feel their dicks inside me,” she joked.

Aida Osman ethnic group

Aida Osman boasts Eritrean roots, and she often misses Eritrea, a country in East Africa.

Additionally, the star describes herself as a “woman of color.”

What is Aida Osman’s nationality?

Aida Osman is American. Her FB mentions that she is from Washington DC.

However, in an interview with Vanity, Aida once shared that her hometown is Lincoln, Nebraska.

Did you know: Aida’s real name is Aida Goitom and is pronounced “AH-yee-da GOY-tum.”

Aida Osman’s Parents

Aida Osman’s parents separated when she was young. So she was raised alone by her mother, Semira Osman, whom she loved dearly.

Fortunately, Aida’s mother soon found love and married Yacoub Idris, a social justice activist.

The star is also very close to his stepfather.

On the other hand, she is still bitter about the way her biological father abandoned her. “I wish my father would come back from going out to buy cigarettes one day so I could stop sharing so much… with strangers… but he didn’t… so alas… I tweeted,” she once tweeted.

According to information, her father is from Keren, Eritrea.

Interesting Facts: Aida’s mom had her gallbladder removed in 2022. Last we checked, she was running around her house in Nebraska like “she didn’t have four holes in her stomach.”

Aida Osman Height

Aida Osman stands over 5 feet 7 inches (170 cm) tall.

Related FAQs

Aida Osman was just 25 when Rap Sh!t debuted in 2022.

However, she was a year younger when she filmed the show.

  • What is Aida Osman’s birthday?

Aida Osman received birthday wishes on July 11 and belongs to the zodiac sign of Cancer.

  • Is Aida Osman on Instagram?

Yes, find her on Instagram @shutupaida.

Also, here is her Facebook @itsaidagoitom and Twitter @close the door.

  • What happened to Aida Osman’s brother?

Aida lost her autistic brother Sam, who was 11 months younger than her, in March 2017.

Two years before he died, Sam began having seizures, and it was one of those terrible seizures that took his life. “A seizure will come and there’s nothing you can do to stop it. This time it happened in the water and it only took a short time to cause fatal brain damage. See his body can’t stop the water like me or you when you start drowning. Not when he had a seizure,” she explained.

After Sam drowned, the Osman family was sued for wrongful death. As a result, Aida had the worst time of her life and had to stop going to school for a while and eventually fell behind.

Fortunately, they dropped the charges in March 2020.

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