Meet Actress Cora Kirk! Her Biography, Age, Married, Family, Background

Sex Education star Asa Butterfield calls Amazon Prime Video’s new movie, Your Christmas Or Mine?, a really cool idea because “it’s a classic kind of setup, but it goes in a completely different direction.”

James (Asa Butterfield) and Hayley (Cora Kirk) play star-crossed lovers in the Amazon Prime Christmas movie. Learn about Cora Kirk in this wiki article, from her net worth to her ethnicity and personal life, etc.

Cora Kirk talks about Is your Christmas or mine?

Despite being the central characters of the show, Asa and Cora’s characters are separated for much of the show. This is because they both plan to surprise each other for Christmas, but then find themselves spending Christmas at each other’s houses.

After spending time with each other’s families, James and Hayley realize that they don’t want to keep things a secret anymore. By the end of the film, they reunite and happily date after getting to know each other’s families.

Your Christmas or mine? was filmed at Pinewood Studios, a legendary film production building just 20 minutes from central London.

Following the film’s premiere, The Digital Fix sat down with Cora and Asa, where Cora revealed a lot, including what attracted her to the film and the character, how she tried to build chemistry with actor Sex Education, etc

One of the main reasons Cora was drawn to Your Christmas Or Mine? was because she auditioned on her birthday, a day she believes will really help her career. Another reason was her easy-to-read personality. Cora says she found the role of Hayley easy to play, and isn’t taking anything away from the show’s writer, Tom Perry.

Furthermore, according to Cora, building chemistry with Asa was not too difficult because he is so likable. Asa revealed that the two also had a chemistry reading before they actually started filming. The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas actor added that the first big scene at the train station helped them establish a lot of their personalities for the entire film.

When Cora was asked how she felt about working closely with veteran actors who were new to the profession and if she received any useful advice from them, she said that she would bothering his veteran actors all the time by asking “what’s going on?” I can only watch him [Alex Jennings] and frankly, David Bradley has observed that they are much more comfortable at work.

What is Cora Kirk’s net worth?

Cora is still very new to the entertainment industry. Her first big break came in 2021 on the TV show Doctors, where she played Holly Plummer and Morgan Scott. She has since gone on to star in two other TV series, Father Brown S10 (BBC) and Midsomer Murders S23.

Cora has also acted in several films such as Wishin’ and Hopin’ (Veronica) and Prey For The Devil (Emilia).

Before entering film and television, Cora also acted on stage. Some of the works that Cora participated in include A Monster Calls, Peter Pan, Emilia, Not Such Quiet Girls, The Lion, The Witch & The Wardrobe, and The People Are Singing.

Cora is managed by Sophie Austin of United Agents – a talent and literary agency.

As an actress, Cora trained at the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama.

During the COVID lockdown, she even started her own macrame hangar business. Since then, she has been working full-time to create and prepare delivery orders, regularly update and replenish inventory, and answer customer queries.

At the time of this writing, Cora’s net worth is estimated to be under $200k.

Cora Kirk’s age

It is known that Cora Kirk was born in 1995, her age could be 27 in December 2022.

Is Cora Kirk married?

Doctors actress Cora Kirk is still single and unmarried as of 2022. It seems like she is currently focused on reaching new heights in her career.

Cora Kirk’s Ethnic Origin: Is she black?

It is likely that Cora Kirk’s ethnic background is mixed. At the time of writing, we are not sure what Cora is.

Cora Kirk Family

In an interview with The Digital Fix, Cora Kirk shared her unique family traditions for the holiday season. She revealed that her family often goes to the neighbor’s house because Cora is only obsessed with piano lessons around Christmas.

“We would go to the neighbor’s house and we would sing a big song with me when I wasn’t playing the piano — I would try, but I couldn’t — and we would sing, and yeah, just be there. As I got older, it got a lot more intense with alcohol,” she said.

The Midsomer Murders actress also shared that her father made the Christmas tree and never let anyone near it.

Cora Kirk Height

Cora Kirk is a bit short at 5 feet 2 inches tall.

Related FAQs

  • When is Cora Kirk’s birthday?

There is no birthday for Cora Kirk as of December 2022.

  • Where was Cora Kirk born?

Your Christmas or mine? star Cora was most likely born in Manchester, UK.

  • Is Cora Kirk on Instagram?

Cora uses Instagram as @corajkirk, where she has over 2.7k followers.

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