Meet Adalaide Marie Hope Kelley – Daughter of Josh Kelley & Katherine Heigl Biography: Age, Net Worth, Parents, Height, Wiki, Siblings

Adalaide Marie Hope Kelley is a famous child best known for being the second daughter of actress Katherine Heigl and musician Josh Kelley. The couple adopted her in April 2012, when she was a newborn.

She has an older sister, Naleigh, who was adopted from Korea in 2009. Adalaide’s name is of German origin and means “noble type”” or “of the nobility.


  • Full Name: Adalaide Marie Hope Kelley
  • Date of birth: April 2012
  • Age: 11 years old
  • Gender: Female
  • Place of birth: United States
  • Nationality: American
  • Occupation: None
  • Height: None
  • Parents: Katherine Heigl (mother), Josh Kelley (father)
  • Siblings: Nancy Leigh Kelley (sister), Joshua Bishop Kelley Jr. (brother)
  • Spouse: None
  • Children: None
  • Relationship status: Single
  • Net Worth: $250

Early life and education

Adalaide Marie Hope Kelley was born in April 2012 in the United States. She was adopted by Katherine Heigl and Josh Kelley, who had previously adopted their first daughter Naleigh from South Korea in 2009.

Adopting Adalaide came as a surprise to the couple, who had not planned to expand their family so soon. However, they immediately bonded with the little girl and welcomed her into their home.

Adalaide’s name was chosen by her parents, who wanted to honor their heritage and give her a meaningful name. Adalaide’s middle name, Hope, was inspired by her mother’s aunt who passed away from cancer.

Adalaide attended a private school in Utah where she received a quality education and made many friends.

Personal life

Adalaide Marie Hope Kelley is currently single and focused on her studies and personal development.

She is not involved in romantic relationships because she is too young to date. She prefers to spend time with her family and friends, her main source of support and happiness.

She has a strong bond with her parents, who are very proud of her and love her unconditionally. She also has a strong bond with her siblings.


Adalaide Marie Hope Kelley does not have a career yet as she is still a child and a student. She has not expressed any desire to follow in her parents’ footsteps and become an actress or a musician.

She has not appeared in films, television shows or music videos, except for a few brief appearances with her family.

She also does not participate in any modeling, advertising or endorsement contracts.

Net worth

Adalaide Marie Hope Kelley has a net worth of around $250. Despite this, she is still a child and has no source of income.

She depends on her parents for her financial needs and expenses. However, her parents are very wealthy and successful, with a combined net worth of around $50 million.

Social media

  • Instagram Name: None
  • Twitter Username: None

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