Meet Amou Haji: The World’s Dirtiest Man Who Hasn’t Showered in 67 Years


Amou Haji (born August 20, 1928) is a man who lives in a deserted area of ​​Iran and lives a life without a conventional occupation.

He lives in seclusion, relying solely on begging to sustain his financial life. Having not bathed in over 60 years, Amou Haji is considered the world’s dirtiest man.

Occasionally, Amou Haji must forage for food and other necessities; however, his survival depends on whatever meager resources he can find.


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Amou Haji: History ‧ Bio ‧ Photos
Wiki Events & About Data
Full name: Amou Haji
Stage name: The dirtiest man in the world
Born: August 20, 1928 (age 94)
Place of birth: Farashband, Iran
Deceased: October 23, 2022, Dezh Gah District
Nationality: Iranian
Education: Do not have
Height: 1.77 minutes
Parents: Mr. and Mrs. Haji
Siblings: Do not have
Couple: Unmarried
Girlfriend • Partner: Do not have
The children: Do not have
Job: Beggar
Net worth: $???

Early life and education

Amou Haji, a mysterious man, was born on August 20, 1928, in the humble town of Farashband, Iran. Raised in a mysterious family, he was raised by his parents, whose identities remain a secret. In this article, we will respectfully refer to them as Mr. and Mrs. Haji.

Unfortunately, the media has yet to reveal any information regarding Amou Haji’s siblings or his education. Furthermore, details about Amou Haji’s extended family or relatives remain to be discovered, leaving us with very little insight into his relationships beyond his mysterious existence.


Amou Haji, known as the “dirtiest man in the world,” leads an unconventional lifestyle, with no conventional occupation. Isolated in a remote part of Iran, he lives like a hermit, far from the hustle and bustle of society. His daily activities include foraging for food, indulging in the strange habit of smoking from a pipe filled with animal excrement, and deliberately avoiding any form of human interaction.

Amou Haji did not bathe for more than 60 years, from around 1957 to 2022, because he feared soap and water could make him sick. He claims he became a hermit due to “emotional setbacks” after a heartbreak.

Amou Haji’s motives for living an unconventional life are still not fully understood. Some speculate that he may have suffered a traumatic relationship in his younger years, which caused him to withdraw from society.

On the other hand, some believe that Amou Haji deliberately embraced his loneliness as he found solace in living apart from others. Whatever the underlying cause, the lifestyle Haji chose certainly had an adverse effect on his appearance. His body was covered in dirt and sand; his hair was matted and unkempt, and his teeth were rotten and decayed.

Amou Haji lives in a hole he dug himself in the ground. He sucks animal dung from an old pipe, drinks water from puddles and rusted oil drums, eats dead animals he finds (mostly rotting porcupines), and wears a combat helmet to protect himself from the cold.

He refused to bathe, and his flesh was covered in soot and pus. Amou Haji was seen smoking multiple cigarettes at once and refused offers of food, drink, and other necessities. He claimed to be saddened by these attempts to show him compassion.

Social media

Amou Haji, the Iranian man dubbed “The Dirtiest Man in the World,” has no social media accounts.

Personal life

Amou Haji’s personal life remains a fascinating mystery, shrouded in secrecy and ambiguity. He chose not to marry or become a parent during his lifetime; interestingly, there are no records of any immediate family members. It is widely speculated that Haji could not read or write, and that he had no access to formal education throughout his life.

Despite living an unhygienic lifestyle for many years, this man lived an amazing life, reaching the age of 94. What is remarkable is that he lived this long without practicing necessary hygiene habits.

However, in a surprising turn of events, he finally bathed after six decades of neglecting his personal hygiene, thanks to the persuasion of the villagers. Unfortunately, Amou Haji’s newfound cleanliness did not last long, as he passed away just a few months later.

The cause of Amou Haji’s death is unknown but many believe it was a natural death.

Net worth

Amou Haji, a famous individual dubbed “The Dirtiest Man in the World”, lives a life without wealth or money.

Living in a remote area of ​​Iran, he had to beg for a living while resorting to the strange habit of sucking animal dung to survive on a daily basis. With no ownership or property of any kind, Amou Haji’s lifestyle was characterized by extreme poverty and minimal material possessions.

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