Meet Kiki McCray, Danny McCray’s wife! Her biography, age, maiden name, work

‘Survivor 41’ has come to an end and Danny McCray has made it to the top 6 contestants of season 41. Along with his successful sports career, he is also happily married to his wife Kiki McCray. Learn more about his wife in this Kiki McCray Biography.

This article provides readers with details about Kiki’s age, maiden name, and her job.

Meet Kiki McCray, Wife of Survivor 41 Star Danny McCray

Kiki McCray is the wife of Survivor 41 star Danny McCray. It is not known when they started dating, but the couple got married on April 20, 2019. On their second wedding anniversary, Kiki took to Instagram and posted, “4.20 forever 🖤”

Kiki revealed the sex of her baby in May 2020. Since they were having a girl, she even named her Zoë Ann McCray. As for having a baby, she shared in the same post that it took her a while to process because she believed she was having a boy. She also shared about a natural hospital birth using hypnobirthing—a method of managing pain and anxiety during labor that involves various therapeutic relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing and visualization.

Kiki gave birth to her daughter on September 22, 2020. In 2021, Zoë turned 1. She updated on her IG by writing, “Today my baby took her first trip around the sun and I am not okay. 😭😭😭 #girlmama“

After giving birth to her daughter, Kiki shared her views on breastfeeding. She said that she had a love/hate relationship with breastfeeding. When she realized that this motherhood is not mandatory, Kiki started to give herself some tolerance. Furthermore, in the post, she also shared that the most important thing is that the baby is breastfed or formula fed.

Kiki McCray’s age

In December 2020, Kiki McCray turned 32. She is excited to celebrate her 33rd birthday in December 2021.

Kiki McCray’s work

Following in her mother’s footsteps, Kiki McCray began her career as a teacher. She worked as a Special Education Teacher for Dallas ISD from August 2012. She worked for almost two years before leaving in June 2014. She then began working for Aldine ISD as a Special Education Teacher, where she worked from August 2014 to June 2016.

And then she joined Houston ISD in the same position as before.

As a special education teacher, KiKi is primarily responsible for communicating with members of all departments in a positive, respectful, and solution-focused manner. She also plans, develops, and implements individualized learning plans for each student. Additionally, she participates in professional conferences/trainings/seminars as an attendee and/or presenter.

Since September 2017, Kiki has been working for the Lone Survivor Foundation. She has worked as a Behavioral Health Coordinator and Clinical Program Manager before becoming the Clinical Program Director at the foundation.

She is also an entrepreneur who works as a psychotherapist. She has a website where she emphasizes on mental health. She also shares about dealing with impulsive, unhealthy decisions, poor conflict handling, ending close relationships, and career unhappiness.

According to her website, KiKi is a licensed psychotherapist who specializes in helping Women and Millennials manage anxiety and overcome negative barriers that prevent them from achieving their goals. She teaches key strategies to use when thinking against clients and how to lean into your strengths to get positive results in work and life.

Talking about her work, KiKi revealed that her first client came from a DM. Within 6 months, she grew from 1 client to 25 clients and earned 6 figures during that time. With her success, she also felt the desire to mentor other therapists.

What is Kiki McCray’s maiden name?

Kiki McCray was born Kiki Saron (née Francis). Kiki has only spoken about her mother once on social media. She wrote in her post that her mother instilled in her the importance of education. Her mother also taught her how to express her feelings in a responsible way and to stand up for herself and others who could not do so themselves.

Kiki also stated on her IG post that her mother was her harshest critic. Her mother’s desire for her to be better was stronger than her desire for friendship. Her mother traveled all over Europe and also taught for the US Army. But now, she is retired.

Is Kiki McCray on Instagram?

Yes, Kiki McCray is on Instagram and goes by the handle (@kiki.mccray.14). She has 3388 followers on the platform.

Related FAQs

  • When is Kiki McCray’s birthday?

According to her Facebook, Kiki McCray celebrates her birthday on December 22. While her husband, Danny, born in 1988, celebrates his birthday on March 10.

  • Where is Kiki McCray from?

Kiki McCray currently lives in Frisco, Texas. But over the years she has lived in Houston, Dallas, Baton Rouge, Plano, and Coppell within Texas and in Kenner in Los Angeles, one of which is her hometown.

  • Where did Kiki McCray study?

Kiki McCray completed her BA in Communications at Louisiana State University in 2009. She attended Capella University and graduated with a Master of Science in Clinical Mental Health Counseling in 2017. She is licensed as a therapist by the National Board for Certified Counselors.

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