Meet Mike Gutzke, Father Matt Rife! His age, work, cause of death

Comedian Matt Rife’s father’s name is Mike Gutzke. Although Matt has spoken about his father on social media and podcasts, he has never revealed his father’s name. Matt shares that his father passed away. However, we dug deeper and here’s what we know about Matt Rife’s dad.

How old is he? What was the cause of his death? Is he married yet? Find all the answers as you scroll down this article.

Meet Mike Gutzke, Father Matt Rife

Mike Gutzke is the father of comedian Matt Rife. Because Matt lost his father when he was a baby, most of the photos Matt posts of his father are from when he was very young.

The earliest photo Matt posted of his father was in June 2014. For his Father’s Day post, Matt captioned the post: “Happy Father’s Day to all the dads out there! I miss you so much and hope you hear every day. Love you dad, hope you have a wonderful Father’s Day in heaven. ❤️ #RIP.”

At the end of 2014, on his father’s birthday, Matt posted another post that read: “Today would have been my dad’s 39th birthday. Miss you every day, hope you have a wonderful birthday in heaven, honey. Love you! #TEAR.”

Matt plans to keep details about his father a secret. Besides the photo and his age, he hasn’t posted much about his father. However, on Father’s Day 2015, the comedian hashtagged his father’s name for the first time.

The caption for the post read: “Happy Father’s Day! Every day I miss you so much and I know you are watching over me every day, guiding me through this crazy life. And if that’s true, why did you let me stub my toe on the couch yesterday… Come on dad haha ​​Love you! #FathersDay #RIP #RestInParadise #MikeGutzke #Dad #Love #ThisIsWhereIGetMyLoveForSleep #CantBelieveHeWoreJeanShorts #MaybeIWasAdopted #iDontComeFromNobodyWhoWearsJorts #MissHim #OnezyOnPointTho #ToddlerSwag #ThatCouchBelongsOnTheCurb.”

Matt’s most recent post featuring dad Mike was on Father’s Day 2020. “Rest in peace Pops ❤️ #HappyFathersDay and thanks for the round head,” Matt captioned the post.

In a podcast, Mike shared that he looks nothing like his father and that he doesn’t believe Matt is his son. According to the famous comedian, his father forced his mother to take a paternity test.

In fact, his mother told Matt that he looked like a guy his mother dated in high school. Furthermore, at the time of his death, his parents were no longer dating each other.

Mike Gutzke Cause of death

In an interview, Matt Rife revealed that his father Mike Gutzke died by suicide. Mike shot himself and that was the cause of his death (possibly by putting a gun in his mouth). Matt added that when he thinks of his dad, he thinks of him as a grown man regardless of age.

The comedian added: “I’m a lot older than my dad.”

So why did he do it? Matt doesn’t know why he killed himself. However, his mother, April Rife, told him that the reason Mike took his own life was because of depression.

Matt also added that at the time Mike was living with his father who was an alcoholic. As Matt recalls the story, Mike returned to his father’s hotel drunk and talking about killing himself.

Mike Gutzke Age

Mike Gutzke was just 21 years old at the time of his death. According to reports, he was born on July 1, 1975. Furthermore, he died on March 3, 1997, according to Ancient faces.

Where does Mike Gutzke come from?

Public records reveal that Mike Gutzke is from Columbus Ohio.

Mike Gutzke Jobs

It is unclear what work Mike Gutzke did to support himself. According to Matt, he was living with his father at the time of his death in 1997.

Mike Gutzke’s height

According to Matt Rife, Mike Gutz is 5 feet 9 inches tall. Matt is 6 feet 4 inches tall.

Related FAQs

  • When is Mike Gutzke’s birthday?

Mike Gutzke’s birthday may be on July 1st.

  • Is Mike Gutzke on Facebook?

No, Mike Gutzke passed away before Facebook was created.

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