Mobile to release new track ‘Spider-Man’ after police arrest

Nigerian singer Habeeb Okikiola, also known by his stage name Portable, has returned to the studio after a brief period in police custody. Rumors are talking about his upcoming song, Spidermaninspired by his recent escapades.

Portable’s arrest came after a disagreement with an auto dealer over unpaid debt on his G-Wagon SUV. The entire episode was captured on video, showing Portable daringly trying to escape by jumping over an iron gate. This bold move sparked the idea for his new song.

On Thursday, Portable gave fans a glimpse by sharing a poster for the Spiderman, produced by 2tuponthebeat (2T Boys). The song praising his agility and dramatic gate jumping moment quickly went viral. In the video, Portable, wearing a black and white striped shirt, is seen climbing over the gate with eight other people before running away.

After 24 hours of detention, “Zazuu” star was released upon meeting his bail conditions. This incident is just another chapter in Portable’s eventful life. Back in March 2023, he was arrested by the Ogun State Police Command for insulting and physically confronting police officers in videos circulating online. Although summoned for questioning, Portable initially ignored the invitation, leading to his arrest after a 72-hour ultimatum.

In another run-in with the law, Portable was arrested in Ogun State and charged with assault and theft at the Ifo Magistrates Court. He was briefly detained at Ilaro Correctional Center before being released on bail.

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