Opulent Hand Persona 3 Reload

Gorgeous Hands Persona 3 Reloaded

As you enter the final levels of Tartarus in Persona 3: Reloaded, rare enemies like the Magnificent Hand will start to appear. These unique shadows, like golden hands, will flee if approached and must be engaged quickly to initiate combat.

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Although they are evasive in nature, defeating them yields valuable rewards, making them worth fighting against. The Gorgeous Hand in Persona 3 Reloaded has a specific weakness: it’s vulnerable to moves that strike physical damage, and many party members can take advantage of this.

While other attacks deal neutral damage, exploiting its weaknesses ensures a quicker victory. These rare enemies spawn from levels 119 to 144, provide a large amount of experience and valuable items, and are crucial for certain missions later in the game.

While the Hand of Magnificence is powerful, it can be defeated by a well-prepared team with strong physical attacks and healing skills. By exploiting its weaknesses and employing effective strategies, players can defeat this challenging opponent in Tartarus in Persona 3: Reloaded.

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How to defeat the Gorgeous Hand in Persona 3: Reloaded?

In Persona 3: Reloaded, the Magnificent Hand appears on floors 119 to 144 of Tartarus. They are just like the other rare hand enemies in the game. Magnificent Hands are tricky because they are hard to hit and will run away quickly if you don’t defeat them quickly. But there is a way to defeat them easily.

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Gorgeous Hand is weak against strikes. Strike attacks are shown with a fist icon. Some characters and characters (such as Junpei and Akihiko) can use attack attacks. Since the Gorgeous Hands only have 700 health, they are not very difficult to defeat.

Here’s the best way to defeat them:

  • First, use Sukunda to reduce their accuracy and evasion. This makes hitting them easier.
  • Then, use as many striking attacks as you can. Junpei and Akihiko can use these attacks. Akihiko’s standard attacks also count as attack damage. Fusible Personas like Forneus have attacks like Bash, which are very effective against Opulent Hands.
  • Try to trigger an all-out attack quickly to deal a lot of damage. If the Gorgeous Hand escapes, don’t worry. It may come back later. You can also practice fighting them by fighting Precious Hands.

What are the weaknesses of Rich Hand in Persona 3: Reloaded?

In Persona 3: Reloaded, the Magnificent Hand is different from another rare Shadow Supreme Hand. It has a weakness: it is vulnerable to physical damage moves that strike. Many characters in the home team can use these attacks.

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Don’t worry if you don’t have a character or characters that can use Strike Damage. Other attacks will still work against Magnificent Hand, but won’t be as effective.

The Gorgeous Hand is a rare enemy found on floors 119 to 144 of Tartarus. When defeated, they provide large amounts of experience points and valuable items. At Elizabeth’s request, some of the items they drop are needed for certain quests later in the game. While the Magnificent Hand isn’t the last rare Shadow you’ll face, it is one of the easiest to defeat.


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