Redfall 60FPS Patch, When Will Redfall Get a 60FPS Patch?


Redfall is a thrilling first-person shooter developed by Arkane Austin and published by Bethesda Softworks. It was released on May 2, 2023 for Windows and Xbox Series X/S platforms, providing an immersive gaming experience. However, the game received mixed reviews from critics, who expressed concerns about its gameplay design, story, and technical issues.

In Redfall, players will enter a vast open world where they can engage in action-packed gameplay. The game offers both single-player and cooperative multiplayer modes, allowing players to team up with friends or venture out alone. There are various characters in the game, each with their own unique background and abilities. Players can freely choose their favorite protagonist. Together they embark on a challenging mission to fight not only vampires, but also the human enemies lurking in the game world.

Redfall 60fps patch

Currently, the Redfall 60fps patch is not available. Arkane Austin recently released the first major patch for Redfall, but unfortunately, the promised 60fps performance mode was not included in this update. The studio acknowledges there is still work to be done and they are committed to ironing out as many issues as possible and resolving them as quickly as possible.

Microsoft was heavily criticized for showing Redfall running at 60 fps before launch, but less than a month before the game’s release, it announced that it would lock 30 fps on Xbox Series X and S, with a patch later. Xbox boss Phil Spencer personally apologized for the flaws in Redfall, which received widespread negative reviews upon launch. In an interview with Kindaunny Games in May, Spencer admitted that Microsoft was aware of the game’s 30fps performance on consoles when they released misleading gameplay footage, and he vowed to re-evaluate their plans in light of the game’s disappointing launch. Development Process.


When will Redfall get the 60fps patch?

It’s unclear when Redfall will get the 60fps patch, as there’s no official confirmation of a 60fps patch yet. The latest update brings Redfall to version 1.1 and includes progressive improvements to every aspect of the game, such as gameplay, combat, AI, environments, stability, multiplayer, accessibility, UI, and bug fixes. Arkane Austin has focused specifically on improvements in three key areas: enemy AI responsiveness, enemy encounter frequency and vampire combat efficiency, as well as graphical fidelity enhancements.

Arkane Austin emphasized that this patch is just the first step and that they have introduced a number of fixes that will enhance the overall Redfall experience. Shortly before this patch was released, Bethesda boss Todd Howard confirmed to reputable sources that the highly anticipated Starfield game will also be locked at 30 fps on Xbox Series X and S. This confirmation of Starfield’s performance comes three months before the game’s scheduled release date. September 1st.

For more information, you can check out our Xbox reveal roundup and the details revealed during Starfield Direct. Be sure to check out our Summer of Gaming 2023 schedule to stay informed about upcoming announcements and releases.

Hongluo 60fps update

On June 12, 2023, Arkane Studios released patch notes that contained no Redfall 60fps update. Below is the official link to the Arkane Studios Redfall 60fps patch update.

June 12, 2023 Patch Notes

Today’s Redfall update includes incremental improvements to gameplay, combat, AI, environments, stability, multiplayer, accessibility, UI, as well as various bug fixes. Note from Arkane Austin: Fellow Vampire Slayers, we’re excited to see millions of you exploring the quaint but dangerous open world Redfall. Building such a large play space is humbling to say the least. We recognize we still have work to do, and we plan to address as many issues as possible as quickly as possible. Your feedback helps highlight key areas for improvement:

  • – Enemy AI response capabilities
  • – Enemy encounter frequency
  • – Vampire combat efficiency
  • – Improvements in graphical fidelity

Today’s release is just our first patch and introduces a number of incremental fixes that will improve Redfall. We will share more information about future updates, including our 60 FPS performance mode, on our official social channels (@PlayRedfall) as soon as they become available. We’re so grateful to everyone who shared gameplay clips and provided detailed feedback on Discord, Reddit, and Twitter – that means a lot! Thank you again for your support and patience. See you at Red Falls. -Arken Austin

Plot synopsis of Hongluo Game

Redfall is a game set in the fictional town of Redfall, Massachusetts, where a failed science experiment leads to a full-scale vampire invasion. Players take on the roles of four unique survivors: Devonde Crossley, Leila Ellison, Remy De La Rosa, and Jacob Boyer. Their mission is to kill the invading vampires and their human collaborators.

The story unfolds as the vampire openly preys on the townspeople, trapping them in a red fall through a spell that creates a wall of water and a permanent eclipse. The vampire hunter escapes and sets up a shelter at the local fire station. Their goal is to destroy vampires, fight cultists, and uncover the roots of vampirism.

They discover that Dr. Peter Addison, a scientist at Aevum Therapeutics, created vampires and transformed himself into the powerful “Hollow Man.” Upon further investigation, the Hunter discovered that the Hollow Man was conducting experiments on his own daughter in an attempt to cure her disease. They eventually confront and defeat the Hollow Men, restoring radio communication with the other survivors.

Vampire hunters responded to a distress call and established a second shelter at the Red Fore Maritime Center. They learn that there are two other vampire gods on the island, Bloody Tom and Miss Whispering. By investigating and exploring their past, the Hunters uncover the identities and dark histories of these vampire gods. They track them down and eliminate them.

A vampire god, Black Sun, still exists and is responsible for solar eclipses. Bloodbag Chuck, the founder of Aevum, reveals that Black Sun is his sister Claire. The Hunter enters the psychic realm of Bloodbag Chuck to find the clues needed to defeat Black Sun. Inside, they discover the truth about Gateway, a girl who was used to conduct unique healing blood experiments.

The Hunters faced and defeated Black Sun, realizing that she had manipulated them into destroying her opponents. They were greeted by Grace, the portal spirit, who thanked them for their actions. With the Black Sun defeated, the eclipse ended, sunlight returned, and many vampires perished. The remaining survivors fought back, forcing the cultists to flee. The isolation spell on Red Falls begins to dissipate, allowing contact with the outside world.

However, some vampires managed to escape, ensuring future battles against them continued.

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