Salah Mansour Biography: Age, Net Worth, Cause of Death, Pictures, Wife


Salah Mansour, a notable Egyptian artist, was born on July 15, 1925 in the culturally rich city of Cairo, Egypt. His name is synonymous with the modernization of contemporary Egyptian art. He is recognized for his immense contributions to the development of this art, which he achieved through his distinctive use of traditional Egyptian patterns and his skillful experimentation with various forms of media.

Salah Mansour’s unique artistic vision, inspired by his Egyptian heritage, manifests itself in his works, representing his cultural essence in a fresh and innovative way. He infuses his art with the mystical and captivating elements of ancient Egypt, capturing the viewer’s imagination and adding an extraordinary dimension to his work.

Salah Mansour left an indelible mark on the Egyptian art scene through his tireless experimentation with media. He used everything from paint and canvas to sculpture and ceramics, and even developed a technique that combined painting and engraving, creating stunning, intricate and intricate works.

He was a true pioneer of contemporary Egyptian art and his influence and legacy continue to inspire generations of new artists.

Egyptian Artist

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Salah Mansour: History ‧ Biography ‧ Photos
Wiki Events & About Data
Full name: Salah Mansour
Born: July 15, 1925
Place of birth: Cairo, Egypt
Deceased: August 22, 2010
Nationality: Egypt
Height: Do not have
Parents: Mohamed Mansour
Siblings: Do not have
Couple: Maie Salah Mansour
Girlfriend • Partner: Do not have
The children: 2
Job: Artist
Net worth: $200,000

Early life and education

Salah Mansour, a revered Egyptian artist, was born on July 15, 1925 in the bustling capital of Cairo, Egypt. His formative years were spent in an environment where education and the arts were highly valued, thanks in part to his father, Mohamed Mansour, a prominent lawyer and noted art enthusiast. His early exposure to art, thanks to his father’s passion for the arts, instilled in Mansour a deep love for the arts.

As he grew older, his passion for art led him to the Cairo School of Fine Arts, where he honed his painting and drawing skills, and it became clear to everyone that he possessed a unique talent, both in technical sophistication and boundless creativity.

In 1949, Salah Mansour graduated with a degree in fine arts, embarking on a path to becoming one of the most prominent figures in contemporary Egyptian art.


Salah Mansour’s artistic journey began at the age of 16 when he enrolled at the prestigious Cairo School of Fine Arts. He grew up in a family that valued education and the arts, and his father, Mohamed Mansour, was a prominent lawyer and a passionate patron of the arts. His father’s influence led to his exposure to the wonders of art from a young age, with frequent visits to Cairo’s museums and galleries.

After graduating from the Cairo School of Fine Arts, Salah Mansour was offered a scholarship by the French government, which he gladly accepted. He then traveled to the City of Lights to study at the Ecole Nationale Superieure des Beaux-Arts, where he was introduced to various art movements, including Cubism and Surrealism, which would later shape his work. During his time in Europe, he took the opportunity to explore the continent, visiting museums and galleries and studying the works of the great masters.

In 1953, Salah Mansour returned to Egypt, eager to begin his career as an artist and teacher. He soon joined the faculty of the Cairo School of Fine Arts, where he taught for over 30 years, mentoring generations of aspiring artists. He also co-founded the Contemporary Art Group, a group of young artists seeking to escape the stifling conservatism of the Egyptian art scene.

Throughout his career, Salah Mansour experimented with a variety of mediums and styles, continually pushing the boundaries of artistic expression. He was particularly interested in using traditional Egyptian motifs and symbols in his work, combining them with modern techniques and materials to create a unique artistic voice. Mansour’s work was characterized by a strong social commentary, which he imbued with a sense of empathy and humanity. In his later years, he focused on the struggles of the Egyptian people and their identity as he sought to capture the spirit of his era.

Salah Mansour’s early works were critically acclaimed and he quickly became one of the leading artists of his generation in Egypt. His contributions to the development of contemporary Egyptian art are widely recognized and his work continues to inspire countless artists who have followed in his footsteps.

Personal life

Salah Mansour, a renowned Egyptian artist, has dedicated himself to his craft, his family, and his community. He and his wife, Maie Salah Mansour, have been blessed with two children, and they have settled in Egypt, where Salah grew up surrounded by the country’s rich cultural and artistic heritage.

In addition to his passion for art, Salah Mansour has a big heart. He believes in giving back to society and is actively involved in various charitable causes. Through his art and actions, he seeks to inspire others to join him in making a positive impact on their communities.

Salah Mansour’s commitment to charity reflects his deep values ​​and beliefs. He understood the importance of using his talents and resources to help those in need, and he did so with sincerity and humility. His legacy as an artist and humanitarian lives on and continues to inspire generations of Egyptians and art lovers around the world.

Art style

Salah Mansour’s artistic style is heavily influenced by his Egyptian heritage. His work reflects his fascination with traditional motifs and symbols, such as the intricate patterns found in Islamic art, hieroglyphics, and pharaonic figures. However, he is more content to repeat these famous designs and instead uses them as a basis for experimenting with modern materials and techniques.

He combines traditional elements with non-traditional materials, such as found objects and industrial materials, creating a unique and innovative style. Salah Mansour’s work is visually striking and contains profound social commentary that reflects the struggles of the Egyptian people and their identity, especially in his later years.

He is not afraid to address controversial issues in his art, using his platform to raise awareness of social issues such as poverty, oppression and corruption. Through his art, Salah Mansour has given a voice to the voiceless and inspired many to take action and strive for a better future.

His work combines past and present, tradition and innovation, reflecting his passion for his country and its people. It is a testament to his skill and creativity as an artist and his unwavering dedication to using his talents for the common good.

Death and Legacy

Salah Mansour’s artistic career is marked by numerous masterpieces, one of the most famous of which is the mural he created for the Egyptian Museum in Cairo. Spanning 240 square metres, the mural recounts the history of Egypt from ancient times to the present day, demonstrating Mansour’s immense artistic talent and technical skills. His sculpture “The Lotus” is also a notable work, which pays tribute to the Egyptian Revolution of 1952 and reflects Mansour’s passion for his country’s culture and history.

During his illustrious career, he was awarded several awards and honors, including the State Prize for Arts and Sciences in 1981 and the UNESCO Prize for the Development of the Arts in 1995. Art connoisseurs and enthusiasts from around the world have flocked to see his exceptional works, which are displayed in prestigious galleries and museums such as the Louvre in Paris and the Museum of Modern Art in New York.

Salah Mansour’s pivotal role in bridging the gap between traditional and contemporary art movements is well known, and his contributions to the development of Egyptian art have been widely recognized. He was an inspirational teacher at the Cairo School of Fine Arts for over three decades, and his students continue to revere him for his unwavering dedication to the arts. His death on August 22, 2010, at the age of 85, marked the end of a remarkable life dedicated to artistic excellence and the preservation of Egypt’s cultural heritage.

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