Serge Cabonge Biography: Net Worth, Age, Cars, Daughter, Wife, Instagram, House, Contact Details, Wikipedia


Serge Cabonge (born 24 April 1973) is a South African businessman born in Angola.

He became famous for his extravagant and lavish spending habits.

His lavish spending earned him the nickname “Blesser”, a modern take on “Sugar Daddy”.

He dropped the nickname but not in reality. He first became famous after appearing in “Checkpoint”, an investigative and current affairs program of eTV.

He has been living the “life of a benefactor” for a long time. He spends money on people indiscriminately, throws parties and splurges money, pays to kill queens’ houses and donates to places of his choosing.

For Serge Cabonge, it’s about being helpful to those around him.

Serge Cabonge regrets his nickname “International Blesser” and refuses to use it.

South African businessman

Serge Cabonge
Serge Cabonge: History, Biography, Photos
Wiki Events & About Data
First and last name: Serge Cabonge
Stage Name: International Blesser
Born: April 24, 1973 (age 51)
Place of birth: Angola
Daughter: Do not have
Nationality: Angola, South Africa
Parents: Do not have
Height: Do not have
Siblings: Do not have
Girlfriend • Wife: Married
Job: Businessmen
Net asset value: $1,000,000 – $8,000,000

Early life

Serge Cabonge was born in Angola and raised in a Catholic family.

He even claimed that God had chosen and appointed him as a “Blesser” so that he could help many people who might need God’s help.

He said that was why he spent money on people indiscriminately.

Life as a Blesser

Serge Cabonge has stated that he has never given anything to any individual or organization in order to get something in return. However, he has stated that if the “blessed” people (i.e. the person or organization he has helped) decide to give something back for what he has given them, he will take it back.

He denied soliciting sex for money. He claimed that he had also been generous in donating money to schools and churches. He revealed in an interview that he was married, but he did not specify whether his wife approved of his life as a Blesser.

He simply said, “My wife should have no problem with me helping others, and at the same time she should not be concerned about how the blessed ones will repay me.”

Serge Cabonge claims that he regrets his life as a Blesser, which is why he rejects the nickname “The International Blesser”. Instead, he wants to be called by his real name, Serge Cabonge.

Daughter of Serge Cabonge

Serge Cabonge has a daughter and he claims that it was his daughter who was the reason he stopped being a sugar daddy.

He said he wanted the best for his daughter and did not want her to come into contact with other women.

His love and desire for his daughter and his respect for the opposite sex made him give up his old lifestyle to focus on taking care of his daughter.

Serge Cabonge’s business

As we all know, it takes a steady and large source of income to be able to spend lavishly, and Serge Cabonge also has his source of income.

Serge Cabonge is the CEO of Real Sgubhu International and he is also involved in the entertainment business.

For example, he attended the 2016 Grammy Awards, where he discussed business with famous music figures, including Snoop Dogg.

Personal life

Serge Cabonge is a proud married man. He is married to a beautiful South African woman. This marriage is blessed with a daughter.

Net asset value

Angolan-born South African businessman Serge Cabonge has an estimated net worth of $1,000,000 – $8,000,000.

He is also the owner of luxury cars.

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