The Perfect Find Ending Explained: What Happened to Jenna and Eric?

Jenna ending explained

In the movie “The Perfect Search,” the ending takes an unexpected turn that leaves the audience surprised and maybe even confused. Here’s a detailed explanation of the ending:

Throughout the film, the story follows Jenna, a 40-year-old career woman, and Eric, her boss’s twenty-something son, as they navigate their budding romantic relationship despite the huge age gap. The film captures the essence of a classic romantic comedy, filled with playful banter, longing for each other, and passionate moments.

However, towards the end, the plot takes a sudden turn. When Jenna and Eric are caught having sex by Eric’s mother (who is also Jenna’s boss), their relationship is in trouble. As a result, Jenna lost her job and they decided to break up and go their separate ways.

A few months later, Jenna contacted Eric and arranged a meeting, convincing him that she wanted to reconnect. However, during the meeting, Jenna revealed that she was pregnant with Eric’s child, which shocked Eric. The news caught Eric off guard as he wasn’t sure he was ready to be a father and was blindsided by the news. Jenna had known about the pregnancy for months but hadn’t informed Eric in advance.

Eric reacted negatively to the news and accused Jenna of intentionally getting pregnant, sparking a heated argument between the two. The movie’s rom-com vibe takes a drastic turn, leaving behind its light-hearted tone and moving into more dramatic territory.

Eventually, after Jenna had a heart-to-heart talk with Eric’s mother (who was also Jenna’s former boss), Eric began to come to terms with the situation. His mother promises to guide him and help him become a responsible father.

In the final scene, Eric attends Jenna’s doctor’s appointment, showing that he’s coming to terms with becoming a father. They found out they were pregnant with a boy. Jenna suggested naming the child after Eric’s father, although Eric initially seemed distant and uninterested in their relationship.

The film ends at a red carpet event where Eric, who no longer works for the magazine, attracts attention when he and Jenna arrive together. A visibly pregnant Jenna was interviewed on the red carpet and said it wasn’t a comeback but the “perfect discovery.” The meaning behind this statement has yet to be explained, as it’s unclear whether she was referring to Eric, the party, her new career as a teacher, or a combination of these elements.

The ending of “The Perfect Search” left viewers with mixed opinions. Some felt that the sudden switch to the pregnancy storyline detracted from the light-hearted romance, while others appreciated the depth and realism it brought to the characters’ journeys. Ultimately, the finale takes viewers on an emotional roller coaster, questioning the choices the characters have made, and pondering the nature of love, family, and personal fulfillment.

Perfect discovery summary

“The Perfect Found” tells the story of Jenna, a woman in her forties who begins to rebuild her life after breaking up with her ex-boyfriend Brian. The following is a detailed summary of the events and developments in the story:

Jenna and Brian’s life seemed perfect, but their relationship fell apart when Jenna expressed her desire to have a family, while Brian did not have the same desire. The breakup was devastating for Jenna, causing not only the end of her relationship but the loss of her job. She had to move back in with her parents, where she stayed for several months until her mother encouraged her to return to New York and start over.

At 40, Jenna found herself needing to rebuild her entire life. Despite the tension, she musters up the courage to approach Darcy, who holds a grudge against Jenna for allegedly taking her job and boyfriend. Darcy runs a fashion magazine called Darzine, and despite their history, she recognizes Jenna’s potential and decides to give her a chance by offering her a job.

Jenna’s journey to rebuild her life extends beyond her professional endeavors. She was out with friends and met a young man by chance, whom she took an immediate liking to. They kiss passionately, but Jenna decides to prevent their relationship from going any further.

To Jenna’s surprise, she discovered that the man she was kissing was Darcy’s son Eric, a videographer. Darcy pairs Eric and Jenna for a work project, despite their initial conflict. However, they mutually decided to become friends in order to maintain a positive working relationship.

When Jenna and Eric work together, they realize their connection goes beyond friendship. Their professional synergy is matched by a growing emotional bond. Jenna and Eric can’t resist their feelings and end up sleeping together at a dinner party at Jenna’s house. Jenna came up with an idea for their joint project and named it “Perfect Discovery.”

Jenna and Eric were recognized for their partnership, but they chose to keep their physical relationship private. Meanwhile, Jenna’s ex-boyfriend continues to pursue her, eager to reconnect.

Darcy becomes suspicious of Jenna and Eric’s relationship and prevents any romantic relationship between them. Jenna promises to prioritize their work and avoid distractions. However, their feelings grew and Eric confessed his love for Jenna.

Jenna, worried about Darcy’s disapproval and potential consequences, preferred to hide their relationship. However, at a party, Jenna became upset when she witnessed Eric interacting with his ex-girlfriend, leading to an argument between the two.

That night, a drunken Brian visits Jenna and she decides to drop him off at his house. Eric comes to see Jenna, sees them together and misunderstands the situation.

When Eric suddenly stops working and can’t contact Jenna, she goes to Darcy’s house to apologize and clear up the misunderstanding about Brian. Jenna expressed her satisfaction with her job and her love for Eric.

Although Jenna and Eric expressed their love for each other and spent the night together at Darcey’s house, their confession didn’t magically solve their underlying issues. The story ends with an acknowledgment that their relationship still faces challenges and uncertainties.


How old is Eric in “The Perfect Discovery”?

In “The Perfect Find,” Eric’s exact age is not explicitly mentioned in the film. However, he is said to be in his 20s. Since Eric recently completed his master’s degree in film, we can speculate that he is probably no older than 24 years old. This assumption is based on the typical timeline of completing an undergraduate degree at age 22 and then spending an additional two years studying for the degree. master.

It’s worth noting that the film doesn’t provide specific details about Eric’s age or date of birth. Therefore, any specific ages mentioned are only speculations based on available information. Eric may have been portrayed as a character who accelerated his education or started his career earlier, making him slightly younger than expected.

The film focuses on the romantic relationship between Eric and Jenna, with their respective ages also highlighting the age gap between them. Eric is in his 20s and Jenna is in her 40s, an age difference of about 18 years. However, the film emphasizes that both characters are consenting adults and portrays their connection and chemistry in a positive light.

The age gap between Eric and Jenna is a central theme of the story, as it creates challenges and conflicts, particularly with Jenna’s boss and Eric’s mother, Darcy, who disapproves of their relationship. The film explores how the characters overcome these obstacles and work to overcome the social expectations and judgment associated with age differences in romantic relationships.

perfect search trailer

Perfect Find Cast



Gabrielle Union


Keith Powers


Gina Torres


Alani “Lara” Anthony


Aisha Hinds


Janet Hubert


Shayna McHale


LaToya Fitzgerald


Stelero Bream


DB Woodside


Lena Green


Erica Jay Green


Jay Jean


Winnie Harlow


TS Madison


Phoenix Noelle






Numa Perrier


Isa Daley Ward


Leigh Davenport


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