Where is Gaige Grosskreutz now? His Wiki, Kyle Rittenhouse Survivor

We all remember this day: August 25, 2020, when, amid protests against racial injustice in Kenosha, Wisconsin following the police shooting of Jacob Blake, Kyle Rittenhouse shot and killed two men and wounded another. The sole survivor allegedly shot by 17-year-old Kyle was none other than Gaige Grosskreutz. Gaige spoke out during Kyle Rittenhouse’s recent trial on November 8, 2021. And those following the case have been curious about what happened and what Gaige Grosskreutz is up to now.

Luckily, you can explore it all in this Gaige Grosskreutz Wiki.

Where is Kyle Rittenhouse, who shot and killed survivor Gaige Grosskreutz, now?

While defendant Kyle Rittenhouse faces a potential life sentence if convicted of the maximum charge, Gaige Grosskreutz will not face such a severe sentence, despite being shot after trying to kill Kyle during the chaotic night.

However, he still has a list of previous convictions and sentences served.

As of early 2021, his arrest history includes simple assault/domestic violence, burglary, criminal trespass, disorderly conduct, property damage, multiple DUI charges, driving three times the legal limit, and more. Just months after the shooting, he was charged and arrested for a second DUI.

And up until December 2020 and beyond, people were furious and questioning why he was free even though he had violated his probation multiple times.

The last time the world saw him give testimony in court related to the case was in November 2021, when he explained that he pointed a gun at Kyle on the day he was shot simply because he felt he had to do “something to try and stop” himself from being killed.

“At that time, I thought the defendant was a shooter.”

Gaige was one of the men who was among the protesters demanding justice for Jacob Blake. Kyle was one of the armed civilians who wanted to protect businesses from vandalism in Kenosha, Wisconsin that day. With a PARAMEDIC helmet, a medical bag, and a pistol, Gaige volunteered to be a medic. And Kyle carried a Smith & Wesson AR-15 .223 rifle, which he later used to open fire, killing two protesters, Joseph D. Rosenbaum and Anthony M. Huber, and wounding Gaige.

A GoFundMe campaign was organized by Patti Breitigam-Wenzeon, owner of Wenzel Media LLC, on Gaige’s behalf and has raised $76,742 as of November 2021.

Gaige Grosskreutz’s arm

So Kyle Rittenhouse shot Gaige Grosskreutz in the arm, tearing off most of his bicep, or “vaporizing” it, according to witnesses.

Recently, as Gaige testified, he claimed that he had difficulty lifting heavy objects with his right arm. That he had lost sensation from his bicep to his thumb and that he had lost 90% of his bicep.

Gaige has a tattoo on his arm, of a snake wrapped around a stick, with the words “Do No Harm”, at the site where he was shot.

When prosecutors showed a video showing his badly injured arm, some jurors grimaced and looked away.

Gaige was initially treated at two hospitals in Kenosha and was later flown by Life Flight to Froedtert Hospital in Milwaukee.

How old is Gaige Grosskreutz?

By November 2021, Gaige Grosskreutz would have turned 27.

Is Gaige Grosskreutz married?

Also, since his social media shares are not public, his relationship status cannot be determined.

Where is Gaige Grosskreutz from?

Gaige Grosskreutz is from her hometown of West Allis, Wisconsin, USA.

In addition to Allis, he has lived in various places in Wisconsin including Hales Corners, La Crosse, Ashland and Milwaukee.

What is the Gaige Grosskreutz ethnicity?

Gaige’s surname Grosskreutz is a place name from a place called Gross Kreutz in Brandenburg, or a similarly named place elsewhere. And Brandenburg, as we know it today, is a federal state of Germany that surrounds Berlin. So Gaige may have derived some of his ethnicity from ancestors there.

Additionally, he is the son of Janice A. Grosskreutz and has an older brother named Joshua Ian A. Grosskreutz and an older sister named Rebecca A. Volkmann.

Related FAQs

  • What does Gaige Grosskreutz do for a living?

Gaige Grosskreutz studied outdoor education with a minor in program management at Northland College in Ashland. He was scheduled to graduate in December 2020 but his studies were postponed after the Kenosha crash.

While we don’t know what he did after that and until now (i.e. November 2021), we can tell you that Gaige previously worked as a special events coordinator, wilderness medical instructor, and sea kayak guide at Lost Creek Adventures in Cornucopia, Wisconsin.

From 2009 to 2012, Gaige attended West Allis Central High School, where he participated in his first LGBTQ rights protest and his American Politics teacher withdrew him from school.

From 2013 to 2016, Gaige attended Milwaukee Area Technical College in Oak Creek, Wisconsin, where he received his emergency medical technician-basic (EMT-B) certification.

  • Does Gaige Grosskreutz use Facebook and Instagram?

Yes! Gaige Grosskreutz is active on Instagram and Facebook.

As of November 9, 2021, his private Instagram account @dawnpatrolmke has 378 posts and 496 followers.

  • How tall is Gaige Grosskreutz?

Having a well-built and muscular body, Gaige Grosskreutz stands 5 feet 9.5 inches tall.

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