Where is Kilauren Gibb now? Her Father, Husband, Age, Model

Meet Kilauren Gibb, the daughter of none other than Canadian-American musician, producer, and artist Joni Mitchell. Kilauren is Joni’s child, whom she kept hidden from the world for over two decades. During those years, Joni gave up baby Kilauren for adoption and instead forged her way into one of the most influential singer-songwriters in folk music. Indeed, today she is celebrated for her personal, “explicit” lyrics and unconventional songwriting that incorporates elements of pop and jazz. But what happened to her relationship with Kilauren? Did they reconnect? Let us tell you about Kilauren Gibb in this article.

Joni Mitchell and Kilauren Gibb’s Relationship

A 1997 Maclean’s article informed readers that Joni Mitchell became pregnant at age 21 by Toronto portrait photographer Brad MacMath. But Brad left and on February 19, 1965, she gave birth to Kelly Dale Anderson.

Six months later, the baby was adopted by David and Ida Gibbs. They renamed her Kilauren Gibb. And until she was 27, Kilauren had no idea she was adopted. But, that same year, a former roommate of Joni’s allegedly sold the story of her secret daughter to a tabloid magazine. So in 1997, they finally met, and according to a 1998 Toronto Globe and Mail article, the experience seemed like a fairy tale to Kilauren. By this time, things were getting tough in Kilauren’s life. She was a single mother to her son Marlin and was also struggling to figure out how to deal with her strained relationship with her adoptive parents.

Still, Kilauren has always been grateful for the upbringing she had. At one point, she opened up about how she still tries to reassure her adoptive parents (Ida and David) that she loves them and that they won’t lose her. “I don’t know what kind of person I would have become if I had been raised like a Bel Air kid,” she said.

Kilauren Gibb’s father

Kilauren Gibb’s biological father is Brad MacMath. He and Kilauren’s biological mother were both art students in Calgary when she was conceived. They moved to Toronto during her pregnancy and discussed settling down, but when they “fell out of touch,” Brad moved from Canada to California alone. Meanwhile, Joni, at the time, was thinking of every way to hide her pregnancy from her parents.

Joni’s mother, Myrtle Anderson, later said that if they had known, they would have helped and encouraged her to keep the baby.

Meanwhile, Kilauren’s adoptive father is David Gibb. He once shared that for a long time, he and his wife tried to prove that their daughter was not adopted and was actually one of them. Both later realized that it was a mistake on their part.

Where is Kilauren Gibb now?

It took a long time for Kilauren Gibb to feel comfortable calling Joni her mother. But over time, the two seem to have grown closer. Joni Mitchell’s fan pages often feature the two Kilaurens celebrating various occasions together. Joni also seems to enjoy being a grandmother to Kilauren’s two children.

Kilauren Gibb’s age

Kilauren Gibb was born in 1965. So she would have been 58 years old in 2023.

Kilauren Gibb’s husband

Kilauren Gibb married Toronto talent agent Paul Kohler in 1992. Three years later, after their son, Marlin, was born, they separated.

In late 1997, Kilauren reunited with her mother, a folk singer, and although she was unable to spend the holidays with her because her estranged husband, Paul, wanted to spend time with Marlin, who was then four years old. At the time, Kilauren had custody of Marlin. She probably still does to this day. “Paul (her estranged husband) wanted to be with him when he opened his presents,” Joni’s mother said in an interview from Saskatoon.

Today, Marlin is in his late 20s. After him, Kilauren gave birth to her second child, a daughter named Daisy Joan, on June 18, 1999. Daisy’s father is Edward Barrington and he is Kilauren’s ex-fiancé.

Kilauren’s relationship status as of April 2023 is unknown.

Kilauren Gibb Job: Is She a Model or an Artist?

Kilauren grew up in the Toronto suburb of Don Mills, where she began modeling as a teenager. She appeared on the cover of Chatelaine magazine in November 1983 and modeled in Paris and New York. And during that time, she took classes at Harvard University and the University of Toronto.

As of March 2006, Kilauren was studying desktop publishing at George Brown College in Toronto. In late 2010, she may have switched to painting, as she was one of the featured artists at the first Roots N’ Rails music and arts festival in Brantford, Ontario.

Related FAQs

  • When is Kilauren Gibb’s birthday?

Kilauren Gibb’s birthday is February 19 and that means she is a Pisces.

  • Where was Kilauren Gibb born?

Kilauren Gibb was born in the Toronto suburb of Don Mills, where she grew up attending private schools and dining at country clubs.

  • Does Kilauren Gibb have any siblings?

Kilauren Gibb has an older brother named David, who happens to be an advertising executive in Toronto. On LinkedIn, he also works as an independent professional photographer.

  • Is Kilauren Gibb on Instagram and Facebook?

As of April 1, 2023, Kilauren Gibb is not on Instagram, Facebook, or any other social media platforms.

However we did see a fan account of her on Twitter (@killerkilauren).

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