Where is Noelle Jaclyn now? Her biography as a boy, Birth Name, Age, IG

Noelle Jaclyn is a longtime friend of Jazz Jennings and a cast member of TLC’s reality documentary series I Am Jazz. Like Jazz, Noelle is also transgender.

So far, Noelle has been a supporting character in Jazz’s incredible story as a transgender person and admirer of Jazz. But Noelle has her own story, and it’s just as inspiring as Jazz’s.

Read everything you need to know about Noelle in the article below.

Where is Noelle Jaclyn now?

Noelle first appeared on the second season of I Am Jazz in 2016. Around that time, Noelle was crowned Miss South Florida Proud Teen. Jazz, who was already a star, was supposed to attend the pageant and honor Noelle with an award.

However, Jazz was depressed at the time and could not attend the beauty pageant. Of course Noelle was disappointed, but she also sympathized with Jazz because she had struggled with depression. She visited Jazz and they became friends from then on.

Noelle appeared in I Am Jazz. Season 6 (2020), a special that focused on Noelle’s struggles with gender reassignment surgery (SRS). Jazz came to her rescue and helped raise over $19,000 for the surgery.

Jazz accompanied Noelle to San Francisco for buttock surgery with Dr. Marci Bowers, who was also Jazz’s surgeon. In the days leading up to the surgery, Noelle was very excited. Dr. Bowers himself thought Noelle was “bright, excited, and engaged.”

And to answer the question of where Noelle is today, it looks like Noelle is looking for some radical political material. Noelle has a link to The Communist Manifesto in her Instagram bio.

Noelle Jaclyn As A Boy

As mentioned earlier, Noelle is a transgender woman. She was assigned male at birth. And she lived as a boy until she was 14 when she began her transition. Noelle was going through puberty as a boy when she began her transition.

There are no pictures of Noelle when she was a child and still lived as a boy.

If we go a little deeper into Noelle’s life, she is a survivor of the 2018 Parkland shooting. Noelle was not injured in the shooting, but she lost a few friends. And since the incident, Noelle has suffered from PTSD.

Noele is particularly sensitive to loud noises. She has been in therapy and is improving over time.

Furthermore, Noelle was born to Jewish parents. But she converted to Islam and is a practicing Muslim.

Noelle has had a tumultuous life as a girl and now as a woman. However, no matter what difficulties she faces, she faces them with maturity.

In addition, Noelle is also very vocal about the rights and causes of the LGBTQ community.

Birth Name of Noelle Jaclyn

We don’t know Noelle Jaclyn’s birth name. Jazz’s real name is Jared.

Noelle has very supportive parents. Not much is known about her father but her mother’s name is Cheryl.

How old is Noelle Jaclyn?

According to the information, Noelle was born in 1999. And she celebrates her birthday on December 24. Based on both the above information, Noelle is 21 years old as of December 9, 2021. And she will turn 22 in less than two weeks.

Furthermore, her zodiac sign is Capricorn.

Additionally, Noelle is 5 feet 8 inches tall.

Is Noelle Jaclyn on IG?

Yes, Noelle is on Instagram. Her handle is @noelle.jaclyn.

Related FAQs

  • Where is Noelle Jaclyn from?

Noelle is from Parkland, Florida.

  • What does Noelle Jaclyn do for a living?

We don’t know. Maybe being part of I Am Jazz pays a little bit. Maybe she does some other work. Or maybe she’s still a student and her parents support her.

The seventh season of I Am Jazz premiered on November 30, 2021. The new season will have four episodes and the show will conclude on December 21, 2021.

  • Is Noelle Jaclyn dating anyone?

There isn’t much information about her personal life. She’s attracted to girls, we know that. So maybe Noelle has a girlfriend. Or maybe she’s single.

There have also been rumors of a romantic relationship between Noelle and Jazz. The rumors were fueled by a statement from Jazz’s mother, Jeanett. She expressed her wish that Noelle and Jazz would one day get married. Noelle’s mother also thought that Noelle and Jazz were “fated”.

However, the relationship between Noelle and Jazz seems completely innocent. Jazz herself once mentioned on Twitter that Noelle is “like a sister” to her.

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