Will Final Fantasy VII Rebirth be Released on PC? Gameplay, Plot, Release Date and More

Final Fantasy VII Reborn

Developed by Square Enix, Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is the sequel to the 2020 game Final Fantasy VII Remake and the second installment in a planned trilogy of revamped versions of the 1997 classic. This action role-playing game tells the story after the events of Final Fantasy VII Remake.

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Players control Cloud Strife, a mercenary who leads the eco-terrorist group Avalanche, whose mission is to stop the megacorporation Shinra from harnessing the Lifestream (the essence of life) as a powerful energy source. They also aim to stop former elite soldier Sephiroth from seeking to fuse with the planet to increase his power.

Development began in November 2019 ahead of the remake’s release, and was officially announced in June 2022. Notable changes include Tetsuya Nomura taking over his previous director role as creative director and Naoki Hamaguchi as director.

The game, which debuts on PlayStation 5 on February 29, 2024, continues the adventures of Cloud and his allies as they face danger and intrigue on their missions. Final Fantasy VII Reborn seamlessly combines real-time action with strategy and role-playing elements to deliver an engaging gaming experience for fans of the iconic series.

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Will Final Fantasy VII Reborn be released on PC?

Final Fantasy VII Reborn is a PlayStation 5 exclusive, meaning it’s only available on that console. This exclusivity is due to a deal between PlayStation and Square Enix that expires in May 2024. Until then, the game won’t be released on other platforms, including PC.

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As soon as the game was released on PlayStation 5, PC players were eagerly waiting to try it out. Square Enix has yet to officially announce a PC version of Rebirth, but there are several signs that it might happen. The first part of the trilogy, Final Fantasy VII Remake, is finally coming to PC, so it would be unusual for the second part, Rebirth, not to follow suit.

Currently, there is no specific information on when the game will launch on PC. However, if we consider the release schedule for the PC version of Final Fantasy VII Remake, Rebirth might not be available to PC players until the second half of 2025.

While anticipation for the PC version is growing, it’s crucial for those who haven’t had the chance to play the game on PlayStation 5 to remain patient and avoid spoilers. Although there is no official confirmation, it is expected that Final Fantasy VII Reborn will eventually come to PC, giving a wider audience the opportunity to embark on this fascinating journey with Cloud and his allies.

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Final Fantasy VII Rebirth gameplay

Final Fantasy VII Reborn is an engaging action role-playing game from Square Enix that continues the thrilling story of Cloud Strife and his friends. It inherits the successful formula of its predecessor and combines real-time action with strategy and role-playing.

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At the start of the game, players assume the role of Cloud Strife, a skilled mercenary who leads a diverse team primarily composed of members of the eco-activist organization AVALANCHE. The adventure begins after the events of “Final Fantasy VII Remake”, and players will be tasked with exploring this vast planet. Their goal is to stop the powerful megacorp Shinra from using the essence of life known as the “Lifestream” as a source of energy. At the same time, they face the powerful Sephiroth, a former elite soldier trying to fuse with Earth to gain more power.

Rebirth’s gameplay is designed to be an engaging experience, combining real-time exploration and combat. The world is more open, allowing players to move freely. Objective markers help guide players through main missions and side missions, providing a sense of direction in the vast world. Chocobos can move across the landscape faster.

The combat system involves a mix of physical attacks, magical abilities, and a real-time combat (ATB) system. Characters can switch seamlessly during gameplay, and the “synergy” mechanic allows synchronized attacks with slower ATB bar filling. Overall, Final Fantasy VII Reborn offers players an engaging journey filled with strategic challenges, a compelling story, and a visually stunning world.

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Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Plot

The action role-playing game “Final Fantasy VII Rebirth” produced by Square Enix continues the story after “Final Fantasy VII Remake”. Players assume the role of Cloud Strife, a skilled mercenary who leads a diverse team from the ecological activist organization AVALANCHE.

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The plot revolves around an important mission to explore a vast planet and stop the powerful Shinra conglomerate from harnessing the Lifestream (the essence of life) as a powerful energy source. Shinra’s questionable plans come into focus as players embark on a dangerous and interesting journey. Their main goal is to protect the Earth from being depleted of its life essence.

The challenge intensifies with the emergence of Sephiroth, a formidable former elite soldier with ambitions to fuse with Earth to gain more power. The story will unfold in an engaging manner, introducing familiar and new threats while exploring different locations in a bid to save the planet from imminent danger.

As players navigate the intricate storyline, they will uncover mysteries, face strategic challenges, and witness character development. The plot of Final Fantasy VII Reborn not only builds on the narrative of its predecessor, but also introduces fresh elements to keep players engaged and eager to uncover the next chapter of this epic adventure.

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Final Fantasy VII Reborn release date

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, the highly anticipated action role-playing game developed and published by Square Enix, will be released on February 29, 2024. The sequel to 2020’s critically acclaimed Final Fantasy VII Remake, this new game marks the second in a planned trilogy to remake the 1997 PlayStation classic Final Fantasy VII.

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The game’s release date was carefully chosen so that players can play the game on a leap day, a rare day on the calendar. The decision to release on February 29, 2024 adds a unique touch to the game’s arrival and has created excitement among fans.

Fans can look forward to continuing the journey with Claude Strife and his allies as they face new challenges and threats in a narrative that unfolds immediately after the events of Final Fantasy VII Remake. Gameplay combines real-time action with strategy and role-playing elements for an engaging and immersive experience.

Rebirth began production as early as November 2019 (even before Remastered was released) and was officially announced in June 2022. With all key staff from the previous game returning to their roles, including Tetsuya Nomura as creative director and Naoki Hamaguchi as director, the game is poised to deliver another epic adventure in the iconic world of Gaia.

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Final Fantasy VII Reborn Overview


Final Fantasy VII Reborn


Action RPG


Square Enix


Square Enix

release date

February 29, 2024


Yes, to Final Fantasy VII Remake (2020)


The second part in a planned trilogy of remakes of the 1997 PlayStation game


Combines real-time action with strategy and role-playing elements

story plot

Final Fantasy VII Remake continues immediately after the events

main character

Mercenary Claude Strife and a cast of characters mostly from Avalanche

publishing platform

Playstation 5

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Trailer

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