Aboki Naira to Dollar Black Market Rate Today January 25, 2024

Are you looking to find out the current exchange rate between US Dollar and Nigerian Naira on the black market? Commonly known as the parallel market or Aboki fx, where informal currency exchanges take place.

Let’s see the exchange rate from Dollar to Naira as of January 25, 2024, as per the Bureau of Currency Exchange (BDC). Feel free to convert your Dollar to Naira using the rate provided.


How much Naira is a dollar worth on the black market today?

Dollar to naira exchange rate today on black market (Aboki dollar exchange rate):

On Thursday, January 25, 2024, the Lagos and Abuja Parallel Market, also known as the Black Market, reported an exchange rate of ₦1,360 to the dollar for buying and ₦1,365 for selling. These figures are based on information obtained from Bureau of Currency Exchange (BDC) sources.

It is important to note that Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) does not recognize or endorse the parallel market. Instead, CBN advises individuals seeking forex to go to their respective banks to conduct formal transactions.

Black market rate dollar to naira today

Dollar to Naira (USD to NGN) Black market rate today
Purchase Rate ₦1,360
Selling rate ₦1,365

Please note that the rate at which you buy or sell foreign exchange may differ from the rate stated in this article because prices change.

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