Bobrisky Award is a deception to promote my film – Eniola Ajao

Nollywood star Eniola Ajao has set the record straight regarding the recent uproar over an award allegedly given to social media phenomenon Bobrisky. Contrary to previous reports, Ajao revealed that there was no such awards ceremony and that the challenge was a clever ploy to drum up excitement for her upcoming film.

In an exclusive chat with the Nigerian media, Ajao opened up about the complex plan and expressed regret for any confusion it caused. She admitted that she and Bobrisky staged the fake awards as a clever marketing tactic to increase anticipation for her film’s release.

I never intended to deceive anyone,” Ajao said with some regret. “It’s all about getting people talking about my film. But it seems things have gotten out of control.”

The actress explained that tapping into Bobrisky’s extensive online presence seemed like a surefire way to attract attention to her project. However, she confessed that the plan didn’t quite go as expected and caused more confusion than rumors.

Ajao did not hesitate to apologize to Nigerians, and promised to be more transparent in his future promotional efforts. She vowed to regain their trust and pledged to maintain honesty and authenticity in all her professional ventures.

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