Child with Down syndrome kicked out of Pink concert, Heartbroken mother screams injustice; Fans protect artists

A mother experienced a “terrifying” incident when she and her disabled son were asked to leave a Pink concert.

Vanessa Vasey, 48, spent £630 or about $1244USD on tickets to take her son Jesse, who has Down Syndrome, to see Pink perform at Tottenham Hotspur Stadium on Saturday.

However, Jesse, who also lives with different developmental, sensory and neurological needs, finds it difficult to sit still, prompting security forces to give Vanessa an ultimatum.

The single mother said she and her son were treated “like criminals” by “about six security guards” who informed her that Jesse needed to “sit down or they had to leave.”

Vanessa explained that she tried to clarify the situation with security, but they insisted on escorting them off the premises before Pink, 44, began her performance.

“I knew Jesse wouldn’t be able to sit that long because he has Down Syndrome and other developmental, sensory and neurological needs,” the distraught mother explained.

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She further explained to MailOnline: “When it came to sitting in our seats, Jesse didn’t want to. So we stood up next to our seats and Jesse was dancing. We weren’t causing any problems – Jesse is tall 3 feet and very interesting.” everybody. Then six security guards appeared and told us we had to move.”

“When I explained Jesse’s disability, they said there was nothing they could do – we had to sit in the chair or leave. It was absolutely terrible. I argued my case and The only thing they offered us was to sit in a soundproof room.” sensory room where Jesse wouldn’t hear any of the action and would instead watch it on a screen, take our seats, or leave,” she said.

Feeling they had no other choice, they left at 8:45 p.m., missing the entire concert.

The mother also posted a lengthy post about this ordeal on Facebook. The post quickly went viral.

Vanessa said: “I’m speaking up and sharing what happened to Jesse because places should cater to additional needs. They should be areas where people with special needs have no expectations and restrained from sitting in their seats and behaving in a certain way.” where they can be safe, be themselves, and enjoy the concert together.”

“And I want venue staff to have deeper knowledge and understanding to support everyone equally in a way that they can feel comfortable and supported no matter what their needs are.”

After the incident and Vasey’s disappointment, the mother went on to explain the impact the incident had on Jesse.

“Why did we take them in? Because, as parents, we have the same dreams and aspirations for our children as any other parent,” she wrote.

According to Daily Mail UK, a spokesperson for Tottenham Hotspur Stadium explained that they are aware of the Facebook post, but they have not received any direct complaints.

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It still makes a statement. It read: “As a venue that prides itself on providing comprehensive facilities for all, we are extremely sorry to hear that Jesse did not have a positive experience at Saturday night’s concert .”

They added: “After further investigation, we can confirm that Ms Vasey was offered overnight support by our Safeguarding and Welfare teams to provide Jesse with a comfortable viewing experience, including access to our dedicated Sensory Room. The offer of assistance was declined by Ms. Vasey and the group chose to leave the event.”

“While our records show that Ms. Vasey purchased the tickets through Ticketmaster, we will be contacting Ms. Vasey directly. The safety and security of all event attendees remains the priority our flagship.”

Fans are divided. Some people said certain activities and places are actually banned for children with disabilities for their own good. However, many people also sympathize with her mother.

I will never go to @SpursStadium or support Tottenham Hotspurs in any way. Hypocrites! Oh our team supports Down Syndrome Day. @Pink it’s all about inclusion and @SpursStadium Evict a mother and her child with Down Syndrome. #boycott

– KevinAndKatz (@KevinBlest1) June 19, 2024

I will never go to @SpursStadium or support Tottenham Hotspurs in any way. Hypocrites! Oh our team supports Down Syndrome Day. @Pink it’s all about inclusion and @SpursStadium Evict a mother and her child with Down Syndrome. #boycott

– KevinAndKatz (@KevinBlest1) June 19, 2024

I will never go to @SpursStadium or support Tottenham Hotspurs in any way. Hypocrites! Oh our team supports Down Syndrome Day. @Pink it’s all about inclusion and @SpursStadium Evict a mother and her child with Down Syndrome. #boycott

– KevinAndKatz (@KevinBlest1) June 19, 2024

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