Cole’s family rejected their son’s marriage to actress Wofai Fada

The Cole family of Victoria Island, Lagos, finds themselves in the middle of a family feud over the alleged marriage of their son Taiwo Cole to actress and comedian, Wofai Fada. What began as a joyous occasion quickly turned sour when Cole’s family publicly rejected the alliance, leaving many heads scratching their heads and hearts heavy.

In a statement that spread like wildfire on social media, Kunle Cole, the family’s patriarch, made it clear that they were stunned by the news. “This is to inform all acquaintances, family and friends that the Cole family of Victoria Island, Lagos, is not aware of any wedding of our son, Taiwo Olakitan Cole; We also do not license or support this matter,” the statement read, leaving no room for doubt about their stance.

The revelation came as a shock to many, especially after Wofai and Taiwo shared their happiness with the world on Instagram, posting snapshots and videos of the traditional wedding celebration. Wofai, a beloved chef, actor and comedian, poured his heart out in gratitude for the outpouring of love and support.

But the Cole family’s quick response added further complexity to the unfolding saga. They’ve made it very clear that anyone claiming a connection to the Cole legacy through this supposed event will be met with the cold shoulder.

As the dust settled, details about the family dynamic emerged, including whispers about the significant age gap between Wofai and Taiwo. Despite his family’s objections, Wofai was determined to share another heartfelt video with Taiwo on Instagram, accompanied by a simple caption: “Let love guide #TWO24.”

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