Estefania Gutierrez Lazaro Biography: Parents, Siblings, Cause of Death, Real Photos, Documentary, Wikipedia, Age, Story

Estefania Gutierrez Lazaro is the person whose real-life experiences inspired the 2017 Spanish supernatural horror film “Veronica”, directed by Paco Plaza.

The film tells the story of a young girl named Veronica and her siblings who attempt to summon the spirit of their deceased father using a Ouija board. The tragic event is said to have taken place in Madrid, Spain, in 1991.


  • Full Name: Estefania Gutierrez Lazaro
  • Stage Name: Estefania Gutierrez Lazaro
  • Date of birth: 1973
  • Date of death: 1991 (18 years old)
  • Place of birth: Vallecas, Spain
  • Nationality: Spanish
  • Occupation: None
  • Height: Unknown
  • Parents: Unknown
  • Siblings: Unknown
  • Spouse: None
  • Children: None
  • Relationship status: Single
  • Net worth: Unknown

Early life and education

Estefania Gutierrez Lazaro was born in 1973 in Vallecas, a district located south of Madrid, Spain. She was raised by her parents, although specific details about her family members and childhood have not been publicly disclosed.

During her childhood, Estefania lived a relatively typical teenage life in Madrid, attending high school and making friends. She is of Spanish descent and is affiliated with Christianity in terms of religious beliefs.


While Estefania Gutierrez Lazaro had no official career due to her sudden passing, her real-life experiences served as the inspiration for the 2017 Spanish supernatural horror film VeronicaDirected by Paco Plaza, the film depicts the horrific events that took place in Madrid in 1991, revolving around Estefania’s alleged use of a Ouija board to summon spirits, which led to tragic consequences.

IN VeronicaThe protagonist attempts to contact her deceased father with the help of her siblings, using a Ouija board. However, the seance goes horribly wrong, leading to increasingly supernatural events over the course of three days. Estefania’s real-life experiences, though shrouded in mystery, are reflected in the film’s eerie depiction of supernatural phenomena.

Although Estefania did not have the opportunity to pursue a professional career of her own, her story has left a lasting legacy in the film industry. The film Veronica continues to resonate with audiences, highlighting the profound impact her life and the supernatural elements surrounding it had on her family and those who knew her.

Social media

Estefania Gutierrez Lazaro does not have any social media accounts.

Personal life

Estefania Gutierrez Lazaro was a young woman who tragically passed away at the age of 18 under mysterious circumstances in 1991. There are no reports that she ever had any romantic relationships during her lifetime.

Much of the mystery surrounding Estefania’s death is related to her involvement in occult practices, particularly her use of a Ouija board. Her parents later reported numerous supernatural occurrences in their household after Estefania’s death, adding to the eerie nature of her story.

Net worth

Due to Estefania Gutierrez Lazaro’s young age and untimely death, she did not have the opportunity to accumulate personal wealth. Therefore, there is no information about her net worth. She may have relied on her parents for support throughout her life.

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