Frankie Valli’s Ex-Wife, Randy Clohessy Biography: Age, Ex-Husband, Children, Wikipedia, Net Worth, Social Media

Randy Clohessy is best known as the third ex-wife of iconic singer Frankie Valli, best known for his work with the Four Seasons and hits like “Can’t take my eyes off you” And “Fat.”

Their marriage lasted from 1984 to 2004 and was marked by longevity and the remarkable life they shared.

Randy Clohessy

While her life before meeting Valli remained fairly private, her marriage to him brought her into the public eye, especially given the media interest in their relationship and subsequent divorce.

Clohessy’s story is intertwined with Valli’s rise to fame, their life together, and their three children, making her a fascinating figure in the celebrity relationship sphere.


  • Full Name: Randy Clohessy
  • Date of birth: 1960
  • Age: 64 years old
  • Gender: Female
  • Place of birth: United States
  • Nationality: American
  • Occupation: None
  • Height: None
  • Parents: None
  • Siblings: None
  • Spouse: Frankie Valli (1984-2004)
  • Children: Francesco Valli, Emilio Valli, Brando Valli
  • Relationship status: Single
  • Religion: None
  • Ethnicity: None
  • Net worth: $100,000

Early life and education

Details about Randy Clohessy’s early life, including her parents, siblings, and place of birth, remain largely unknown.

Born in 1960, Clohessy is now 64 years old as of 2024.

Randy Clohessy

Information regarding her education, including the schools she attended and any degrees she earned, is not available.

The lack of details about her personal background contributes to the mystery surrounding her life before she met Frankie Valli.

Personal life

Randy Clohessy’s personal life became the focus of media attention during her marriage to Frankie Valli.

The couple met in the early 1980s, when Clohessy was about 24 and Valli was 50.

Despite the significant age difference, they quickly formed a relationship and began dating.

They were married in a large ceremony at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in Manhattan on July 7, 1984.

Randy ClohessyImage reference 78672306. Copyright Rex Shutterstock No reproduction without permission. Please see for more information.

They have three sons together: Francesco, born in 1987, and twins Emilio and Brando, born in 1994.

Clohessy and Valli’s marriage lasted two decades, a time filled with joy and challenges.

After her divorce in 2004, Clohessy became reclusive.

She never remarried and maintained a good relationship with her children and ex-husband.

Clohessy’s sons all pursued their own interests: Francesco is an actor, Emilio is a real estate agent, and Brando, who goes by the stage name SNSE, is a DJ and music producer.


Randy Clohessy’s professional life remains largely private.

Unlike her ex-husband, Frankie Valli, who had a illustrious music career, Clohessy did not pursue a career in the entertainment industry.

Randy Clohessy

Instead, she chose to focus on her family and personal life.

Information about her professional activities or career achievements, if any, is not easily available.

Net worth

Randy Clohessy’s net worth is estimated at $100,000.

This figure includes her income and the financial support she received in her divorce settlement with Frankie Valli.

During the divorce, Clohessy was awarded spousal and child support, including $5,000 a month in child support and an additional $25,000 in royalties from Valli’s Broadway musical Jersey Boys.


The most notable controversy in Randy Clohessy’s life revolved around her divorce from Frankie Valli.

Their separation was marked by a lengthy and bitter legal battle over financial matters, particularly regarding a life insurance policy.

In 2003, Valli underwent heart surgery and purchased a life insurance policy worth approximately $3.75 million, with Clohessy as the sole beneficiary.

During the divorce proceedings, Valli claimed that the insurance policy was his separate property, while Clohessy argued that it was community property.

The case went to the California Supreme Court, which ultimately ruled in Valli’s favor, declaring that the life insurance policy was indeed his separate property.

Randy Clohessy

In addition, the divorce also involves disputes over spousal and child support.

Clohessy was awarded $5,000 in monthly spousal support and an additional $25,000 in royalties from Valli’s hit musical Jersey Boys.

Financial disagreements and a legal battle over a life insurance policy added to the complexity and public interest in their divorce.

Social media

  • Instagram: None
  • Twitter: None

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