H9N2 bird flu in India: Causes, symptoms and prevention

H9N2 bird flu in India: Causes, symptoms and prevention

Recently on Tuesday, the World Health Organization (WHO) confirmed a case of bird flu infection in humans in India. This bird flu is caused by the H9N2 virus. This H9N2 bird flu virus was detected in four-year-old children in West Bengal. He is the first case this year. The first case of bird flu in India was reported in 2019.

The baby was hospitalized in February with respiratory symptoms and high fever. After three months of treatment, he was discharged from the hospital.

Also read:

Avian flu in India: Golden rules, symptoms, causes and prevention by WHO

What is H9N2 virus (bird flu virus)?

The H9N2 virus is a subtype of influenza A virus that primarily affects birds, but occasionally also affects humans. H9N2 bird flu virus is not only reported in India. The disease has been identified in many countries such as China, Vietnam… Mainly transmitted from poultry. Infected four-year-old children were also infected only from Poultry. However, infection with the H9N2 virus or influenza is rare in humans but it does occur in some cases and affects the respiratory system. That is why, it is essential to be aware of it and stay away from poultry.

Transmission of H9N2 virus: H9N2 virus can be transmitted to humans through direct contact with infected poultry or contaminated environments. Well, this subtype is not as pathogenic as others, like H5N1 or H7N9. But it is good to follow precautions. It causes less severe illness in birds and humans.

However, researchers are still working to figure out the molecular mechanism of H9N2 and its interactions with other influenza viruses. Scientists and researchers are focusing on pathogenicity, transmission dynamics, and adaptation to the human host. The main research in this regard is to develop effective vaccines for both poultry and humans. Vaccination or antiviral treatment can help control infection and transmission.

Measures to prevent avian influenza virus

To reduce the risk of avian influenza virus or H9N2 infection, experts recommend closely monitoring poultry populations and responding quickly to any outbreaks. The main focus is on Poultry Vaccination, strict biosecurity measures and public awareness campaigns. Health organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) continue to monitor the situation and educate the public.

Below are presented some methods by which you can try to save yourself from bird flu

  • Avoid direct contact with birds: Try to avoid touching birds, especially sick or dead ones. Also, stay away from markets that sell live poultry such as poultry, etc
  • Practice good hygiene: Hands should be washed thoroughly with soap and water after contact with birds or poultry products. Furthermore, you can also use alcohol-based hand sanitizer if you can’t wash it right away.
  • Cook Poultry Thoroughly: If you cook or eat Poultry Cooking products, take appropriate precautions. Cook poultry products, such as eggs and meat, to an internal temperature of at least 165°F (74°C) to destroy any potential viruses. Say no to raw or undercooked poultry products immediately.
  • Use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): If you work on a government farm, you should wear gloves, masks and protective clothing when handling poultry, etc. Always dispose of PPE after each use. use. Don’t repeat them.
  • Disinfect surfaces and equipment: Cleaning alone is not enough. You also need to clean and disinfect surfaces and equipment that have come into contact with birds. You can use appropriate disinfectants to kill viruses on Surfaces and Equipment.
  • Stay informed: Stay updated with the latest data released by health agencies and organizations such as WHO and CDC for your safety.
  • Limit exposure in high-risk areas: Say no to visiting markets or live poultry farms in areas with avian flu outbreaks. If you’re traveling, you need to be aware of whether a particular area has an outbreak of bird flu. If it is still necessary to travel or visit there, take every precaution for your safety.
  • Monitor your health: Don’t underestimate any of your body’s symptoms. Watch for symptoms such as fever, cough, sore throat, and breathing problems. The bird flu virus mainly affects the respiratory system. If you notice any respiratory symptoms, consult your doctor immediately.
  • Vaccination: Vaccination is the key to every infection and disease. However, there has been no holiday for this H9N2 virus so far. However, you can still get the seasonal flu vaccine. It will protect you from bird flu at some point.

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