Harry Potter: The 15 Most Powerful Patronuses, Ranked


  • The form a Patronus takes in
    Harry Potter
    can reveal a lot about the personality of the witch or wizard that summons it.
  • The spell to summon a Patronus, Expecto Patronum, is a complicated and advanced magical technique.
  • It’s possible for a Patronus to change over time, and some witches or wizards have a Patronus that reflects their love interest, or even their favorite pet.

In Harry Potter, the Patronus is a powerful spell, but it isn’t easy to cast. In fact, some of the most advanced wizards struggle with it. The spell itself requires the caster to visualize their happiest memory, and hold onto it very tightly. This sounds simple, but in practice can be quite difficult. The whole point of a Patronus is to ward off Dementors. Dementors suck the soul and happiness out of a person, so the longer it takes an individual to cast a Patronus, the harder it will become. Additionally, there is an interesting secondary use for a Patronus: a messenger.

A Patronus is unique to the caster and is very personal. Some witches and wizards will never have a corporeal Patronus (such as Neville), while others will have theirs appear as an animal. Incidentally, a Patronus will take on the same form as the caster’s Animagus. The form a Patronus takes isn’t automatically equal to its power, but these forms are iconic and worth talking about.

Harry Potter characters Bellatrix Lastrange, Lord Voldemort, and Barty Crouch Jr. casting spells. Related Harry Potter: The 15 Hardest Spells To Perform

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15 Luna Lovegood



Luna Lovegood’s Patronus is a hare, and is first seen in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix during the scene that Harry is teaching the members of Dumbledore’s Army the Expecto Patronum charm. Luna Lovegood is an incredibly talented witch, and this becomes all too apparent when she’s one of the first of Harry’s students to be able to produce a full-bodied patronus.

Luna’s experienced some real darkness in her life (including the death of her mother), and yet it’s incredibly easy for her to access so many happy memories. This, along with her more general skills as a magic wielder, results in her Patronus being more powerful than most. The free-spirited hare is a perfect reflection of Luna’s character, as she is both close to nature and easily underestimated. Luna’s patronus being a hare makes perfect sense too, since they’re incredibly free-spirited and intelligent creatures, just like the fan-favorite witch.

14 Arthur Weasley



Arthur Weasley’s Patronus is a weasel, and is first seen in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows when Ron’s father uses it to send a message to Harry. Arthur Weasley isn’t the best when it comes to casting spells. Indeed, he has a position with the Ministry of Magic which showcases some skill, although his expertise is with the Muggle world rather than with magic itself.

Weasels aren’t animals with the most positive reputation in fiction, though J.K. Rowling wasn’t making any kind of comment on the kindhearted Arthur Weasley when revealing that his Patronus takes the shape of one. The weasel is often seen as sly and cunning, which doesn’t necessarily reflect Arthur. However, not only does the Weasley name find its origin with the weasel, but it’s also an animal that is often undervalued, which perfectly sums up Arthur’s character.

13 Ginny Weasley


Ginny's Horse Patronus

Ginny Weasley’s Patronus is a horse, which suits Harry’s eventual wife and mother of his children perfectly. Ginny Weasley is tough and determined, and (in the books, at least) somewhat rebellious, which means a horse patronus is the perfect choice. She’s much like a horse in that she can be very calm and gentle, but also fearless and fierce in battle.

She was able to conjure a full-bodied patronus aged only 14 in
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix,
which is an impressive feat.

Ginny’s magical abilities mean that her Patronus is far more powerful than many of her peers — and, what’s more, she was able to conjure a full-bodied Patronus aged only 14 in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, which is an impressive feat. Ginny has proven she can face off against great dark magic wielders such as Bellatrix Lestrange, demonstrating how much magic is fed into her Patronus. Many of her happy memories come from her supporting and caring family, much like her father’s patronus.

12 Ron Weasley

Jack Russell Terrier


Ron Weasley is one of the few characters in the world of Harry Potter that had a corporeal form Patronus (the strongest kind). It’s an impressive feat on its own, and Ron was very proud of it. Ron’s Patronus took the form of a Jack Russell terrier, and — much like his sister Ginny — the shape of Ron’s Patronus perfectly suited his character.

The Jack Russell terrier represents his loyalty to his friends and family, and while Ron’s very worst fears sometimes led him to run away, he always came back to them when he was needed the most. Ron’s Patronus didn’t get too many chances to stand out given that he was often fighting alongside Harry, though it was useful at times. Even so, the fact that it had a corporeal form says a lot about Ron’s character and his magical abilities.

Split image of Dumbledore, Trelawney and Hagrid Feature Related Harry Potter: Magical Abilities & Powers, Ranked

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11 Hermione Granger



Of all the characters in Harry Potter, the incredibly studious Hermione Granger understandably had one of the most powerful Patronuses amongst Harry’s students in Dumbledores Army. Hermione’s Patronus is an otter, an incredibly intelligent animal that is fitting to her character. Perhaps unsurprisingly, Hermione Granger had a fully formed Patronus the moment she mastered Expecto Patronum, though it is interesting that this is perhaps the one time that her and Ron’s magical abilities seemed to be on an even playing field.

That being said, many fans were left confused when it was revealed that Hermione’s Patronus took the form of an otter. However, when the mammals are analyzed in more depth, the reasoning becomes incredibly clear. Otters are highly curious animals, and it’s this aspect of Hermione’s personality — her unceasing thirst for knowledge — that the animal reflects.

10 Nymphadora Tonk



Tonks is one of the few characters who had their Patronus change over the course of the series. This is somewhat fitting given the fact that she herself can change form at will owing to being a metamorphagus. However, it does open up some questions about the nature of Patronuses in general, and shows that their forms aren’t fixed. Tonks’ Patronus started out as a Jack Rabbit, but later, once she fell in love with Lupin, it changed to a wolf, representing Lupin’s werewolf nature.

Being an Auror and a member of the Order of the Phoenix, Tonks had to rely on her Patronus on more than one occasion.

Being an Auror and a member of the Order of the Phoenix, Tonks had to rely on her Patronus on more than one occasion. Her Patronus likely got the most use during the Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix book, when she was helping to guard Hogwarts. Her Patronus pulled double duty then, acting as protection and sending messages.

9 Minerva McGonagall



Of all the Harry Potter characters who had unsurprising, bordering on obvious, Patronus forms, few were as true to everything else about their character than Professor McCongagall’s cat Patronus. Cats are a popular Patronus, though in the series two very different characters wield them. One of these is Minerva McGonagall, one of the best Hogwarts professors. McGonagall’s Patronus being a cat makes complete sense, as it matches her feline Animagus form.

McGonagall’s cat Patronus hasn’t had too many opportunities to shine, but as one of Hogwarts’ most respected and powerful witches, it’s no doubt a very powerful one, particularly given the caster’s deep connection to the animal. Professor McGongagall is also an incredibly powerful witch, earning the respect of even the likes of Albus Dumbledore. Had there been more moments with McGongagall’s Patronus it’s incredibly likely that it would have been revealed as one of the most powerful in Harry Potter.

8 Aberforth Dumbledore



While a lesser-known character who isn’t as prominent in the Harry Potter books and movies, Aberforth Dumbledore’s patronus is known to be a goat thanks his brief appearance in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Albus Dumbledore’s younger brother, Aberforth had a more limited appearance in the Harry Potter movie adaptations, and his Patronus didn’t make it to the screen. Aberforth’s Patronus being a goat is fitting given his love of the animals, which he had tended to for his whole life.

In the Deathly Hallows novel, Aberforth used his Patronus to cover for Harry, Ron, and Hermione in Hogsmeade when the Dementors were seeking them out. This proved invaluable, and helped the trio to carry on with their mission against Voldemort. While Aberforth would also be a rpominent character in Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore, his Patronus wasn’t involved.

A collage of spells being used in the Harry Potter movies Related The Most Dangerous Harry Potter Spells (& What They Do)

Voldemort and his Death Eaters favor Avada Kedavra, but some spells in Harry Potter could be considered even more dangerous than the Killing Curse!

7 Dolores Umbridge



Professor McGonagall and Dolores Umbridge are polar opposites when it comes both to their personalities and their roles in the story of Harry Potter, which makes it somewhat surprising that both have Patronuses that take the forms of cats. While some consider Dolores Umbridge the evilest character in Harry Potter, the fact remains that she can cast a strong Patronus. In fact, she’s been spotted with up to three cat Patronuses at once.

Umbridge is the only character in
Harry Potter
who is shown to be able to summon multiple Patronuses

Though it’s hard to imagine what kind, happy memory she conjures in order to cast such a powerful spell, it’s likely something twisted, and not what many individuals would consider a happy thought. Interesting, Umbridge is the only character in Harry Potter who is shown to be able to summon multiple Patronuses, which both speaks for her magical abilities as a witch, and — much like Tonks’ patronus changing form — opens up several questions about the nature of the spell.

6 Kingsley Shacklebolt



The Auror Kingsley Shacklebolt is a relatively minor character in the Harry Potter books and movies, but he’s always shown to be a powerful and capabale wizard in his own right, and his majestic lynx Patronus is an extension of this. Kingsley Shacklebolt’s lynx Patronus proved the effectiveness of using the spell for sending out messages.

Kingsley was able to use his Patronus to warn Bill and Fleur’s wedding party of the Ministry falling, and thus the resulting dangers. Without his Patronus, the Weasley wedding would have been blindsided by the attack. Furthermore, this use of the spell showed Kingsley’s ability to send his Patronus over great distances, an ability that requires even further skill. As a member of the Order of the Phoenix and the future Minister for Magic, Kingsley being so magically talented makes perfect sense.

5 Severus Snape


Snape's Doe patronus in the forest in Harry Potter

Alan Rickman as Severus Snape Dying in Harry's Arms in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2

Alan Rickman as Severus Snape Looking Serious in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2


Severus Snape had one of the most suprising Patronus forms in Harry Potter, but his casting of Expecto Patronum creating a ghostly doe makes sense when his history is taken into consideration. The backstory of Severus Snape’s doe Patronus came from his feelings for Lily Potter. Similarly to Tonks’ love for Lupin, Snape’s Patronus became representative of the person he was infatuated with.

Snape was able to use his doe Patronus for a very important task. This wasn’t for fighting off Dementors, but as a nonverbal message to lead Harry to the place where he had hidden the sword of Gryffindor. This finesse is impressive, especially considering that Snape had to be out of sight for the entire casting. It’s likely that Snape’s Patronus would have taken a different form were it not for his feelings for Lily, though it’s not been revealed what this would be.

4 Lily Potter


Lily's doe Patronus

Harry Potter’s mom, Lily Potter, had a Patronus that took the form of a doe, and like several of the Patronuses in the franchise, this form makes perfect sense given what’s known about her character. Lily Potter’s magic is all about love and protection, and her greatest strength is her kind and caring heart. The only way that Harry was protected from Voldemort’s killing curse as an infant was because of the love of his mother.

It’s unclear if Lily’s doe was a response to her feelings for James, or if this was the first and only Patronus she ever conjured, with the mirroring of her husband’s simply being a happy idiosyncrasy.

It makes sense that Lily’s Patronus is incredibly powerful because it is created with all of that love and happiness. The doe is a gentle creature, and Lily’s Patronus is inherently linked to her husband’s. The doe also becomes a surprising symbol of strength and comfort for Harry. It’s also linked to her husband, James, whose Patronus takes the form of a male deer, though it’s unclear if Lily’s doe was a response to her feelings for James, or if this was the first and only Patronus she ever conjured, with the mirroring of her husband’s simply being a happy idiosyncrasy.

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3 James Potter


An illustration of Harry Potter's stag Patronus prancing across a moonlit lake.

Much like Harry Potter, his father, James Potter, had a Patronus that took the form of a Stag. James’ son inherited the stag Patronus from him, and since Harry’s took the form before he knew his father had the same one, it suggests there’s may be something genetic that can influence the form a Patronus takes. It also coincidentally was a good pairing with his wife, Lily, whose own patronus took the form of a doe.

From James’ perspective, though, his Patronus took on this form as it matched his Animagus, which in and of itself is a complicated bit of magic to master. The stag is a traditional show of power and strength, but it also became a symbol of family to Harry. The memories James used in creating this stag were likely of his wife and son, which makes the Patronus that much more powerful.

2 Harry Potter


Harry's Stag Patronus standing at the foot of a lake.

Perhaps the most iconic and widely-known Patronus in Harry Potter is Harry’s, which first appears in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban when the spell is first mentioned and introduced to the franchise. Harry Potter’s Patronus is, of course, a stag, just like his father, James. Harry struggled at first when learning how to cast a Patronus, but he had some awful memories to contend with, heightened because of the presence of the Dementors.

Once Harry mastered the advanced spell, though, it was fantastic. Harry’s Patronus has been shown as having the ability to ward off a crowd of Dementors at once, saving his own life as well as the life of his godfather in The Prisoner of Azkaban. Harry’s Patronus is impressive for that feat alone, but perhaps what remains even more impressive is his ability to cast the spell at all, given the sadness experienced in his young life.

1 Albus Dumbledore


Dumbledore's phoenix Patronus

Unsurprisingly, Albus Dumbledore’s Patronus is the strongest Patronus in the Harry Potter series. Dumbledore’s Patronus takes on the form of a phoenix, and, as such, is the only known character with a magical creature for a Patronus. This makes sense given Dumbledore’s character, and it’s unknown if any other witches or wizards have magical creatures for a Patronus, or if Dumbledore had to learn some advanced magic to achieve this.

Still, the form itself is unsurprising, since Dumbledore seems intrinsically linked to phoenix’s. What’s more, as his goat-herding brother Aberforth showed with his own Patronus, it is entirely possible for a wizard’s Patronus to take the form of their pets. Albus Dumbledore’s Patronus taking the form of a phoenix is likely to do with Dumbledore’s ties to the phoenix Fawkes, but it still makes for an impressive spectacle. Dumbledore’s Patronus is capable of warding off dozens of Dementors at once, as seen when they threatened his students.

Harry Potter Franchise Poster Harry Potter

Harry Potter is a multimedia franchise about an orphaned boy who enrolls at Hogwarts School of Wizardry, where he learns the truth about himself, his family, and the terrible evil that haunts the magical world. Adapted from the novels, Harry Potter is an eight-episode film saga that follows the journey of Harry Potter and his friends, Hermoine Granger and Ron Weasley, as they navigate the tricky world of growing up, school life, and magic. Starting from year one and moving to their seventh year, the films chronicle the students’ time at Hogwarts while unfurling a sinister plot that centers around the unsuspecting Harry. With the return of the dark wizard, Voldemort, the students and professors at Hogwarts will fight to carry on as the world around them may change forever. Harry Potter has expanded beyond the world of its films and novels with several video games, a spin-off film series titled Fantastic Beasts, and even attractions at Universal Studios.

Created by J.K. Rowling First Film Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone First TV Show Harry Potter Cast Daniel Radcliffe , Emma Watson , Rupert Grint , Tom Felton , Alan Rickman , Matthew Lewis , Bonnie Wright , Evanna Lynch , Maggie Smith , Michael Gambon , Richard Harris , Ralph Fiennes , Helena Bonham Carter , Alfred Enoch , Harry Melling , Gary Oldman , Robert Pattinson , Warwick Davis , Oliver Phelps , James Phelps , David Bradley , David Thewlis , Katie Leung , Jason Isaacs , Imelda Staunton , David Tennant , Jamie Campbell Bower , Timothy Spall , Robbie Coltrane , Eddie Redmayne , Jude Law , Katherine Waterston , Ezra Miller , Dan Fogler , Alison Sudol , Johnny Depp , Mads Mikkelsen TV Show(s) Harry Potter Character(s) Harry Potter , Hermione Granger , Ron Weasley , Dumbledore , Minerva McGonagall , Rubeus Hagrid , Dobby the House Elf , Draco Malfoy , Sirius Black , Ginny Weasley , Voldemort Expand

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