How Long Does It Take To Watch All Of Star Wars?


  • Star Wars canon totals entire days of content that includes movies and shows both in and beyond the Skywalker saga.
  • New Star Wars content has already been planned, and it will continue to add to an already extensive franchise runtime.
  • The sheer length of Star Wars’ canon movies and shows is a testament to both the galaxy’s depth and the commitment of its fans.



Star Wars is a massive, decades-long franchise that’s put out a huge amount of content, and it would take an incredibly long time to watch every canon Star Wars movie and show. With over 47 years of storytelling, Star Wars has made a veritable empire of content with an enormous total runtime. Upcoming Star Wars movies and new Star Wars shows will certainly add to the total amount of time it takes to see everything the franchise has to offer, but as of writing, Star Wars is already incredibly long.

There are several viewing orders for all the Star Wars movies and shows, but those plans don’t always convey just how much of an undertaking seeing all of Star Wars really is. There are quite literally days worth of content in the franchise, and far more stories to be found in media beyond the movies and shows. Over the years, Star Wars has explored almost every corner of the galaxy far, far away, and it’s taken quite a bit of time to show it all.


Star Wars Movies
Every Star Wars Movie, Ranked Worst To Best

Looking at all nine Skywalker Saga entries and three spinoffs, we crown the best Star Wars movie in our full ranking of the galaxy far, far away.

26 Star Wars

Release Date: May 25, 1977


The original Star Wars, which was later retitled A New Hope, has a fairly straightforward runtime, but it wasn’t always that way. A New Hope, like the rest of the original trilogy, received several special editions and re-releases. Those special editions added different elements to the films, from including previously deleted scenes to extending existing ones and adding CGI, and they lengthened their runtimes. Since Disney+ only has the 4K remastered release available to stream, that version’s runtime will be counted towards Star Wars‘ total.

A New Hope Runtime

With Credits

2 hours, 6 minutes

Without Credits

2 hours

25 The Empire Strikes Back

Release Date: May 21, 1980


Like A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back has had its share of re-releases. Still, though, it is a rather straightforward calculation to see what its total runtime was. It’s also interesting to note that The Empire Strikes Back is only two minutes longer than its predecessor, and had an additional extra minute of credits.

The Empire Strikes Back Runtime

With Credits

2 hours, 9 minutes

Without Credits

2 hours, 2 minutes

24 Return of the Jedi

Release Date: May 25, 1983


Return of the Jedi had quite a bit added to it in the special editions and re-releases. A large part of its additional runtime came from added celebrations after the destruction of the New Death Star. Those celebrations introduced prequel trilogy planets like Naboo and Coruscant two years before The Phantom Menace could do so itself. That also means Return of the Jedi contributed a few seconds to the percentage of Star Wars set on Coruscant.

Return of the Jedi Runtime

With Credits

2 hours, 17 minutes

Without Credits

2 hours, 8 minutes

23 Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace

Release Date: May 19, 1999


After nearly 16 years, Star Wars finally brought a new original movie to theaters with Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace. As the first entry in the prequel trilogy, The Phantom Menace laid quite a bit of groundwork for what was to come, and it did so in about two hours and 10 minutes. It was a solid runtime that only slightly expanded upon the original trilogy’s times, and The Phantom Menace used its time quite well.

The Phantom Menace Runtime

With Credits

2 hours, 18 minutes

Without Credits

2 hours, 10 minutes

22 Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones

Release Date: May 16, 2002


The Phantom Menace‘s story was fairly small in scale, but Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones magnified that scale exponentially. Since it told the sprawling story of the beginning of the Clone Wars, Attack of the Clones featured the longest runtime in the prequel trilogy at over two hours and 15 minutes. Some viewers criticized Attack of the Clones for being “bloated” when it first released, but the amount of new lore it introduced to Star Wars made up for its lack of concision.

Attack of the Clones Runtime

With Credits

2 hours, 24 minutes

Without Credits

2 hours, 16 minutes

21 Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith

Release Date: May 19, 2005


Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith had to wrap the entire prequel trilogy up and connect cohesively to the original trilogy. That was a very tall order, and as a result, Revenge of the Sith was barely shorter than Attack of the Clones, as it featured a two hour and 14 minute runtime. Luckily, Revenge of the Sith moves so quickly and features so many converging story lines that there is hardly a second of that runtime that feels slow.

Revenge of the Sith Runtime

With Credits

2 hours, 22 minutes

Without Credits

2 hours, 14 minutes

20 Star Wars: The Clone Wars Movie

Release Date: August 10, 2008


An often forgotten Star Wars movie, the original The Clone Wars movie is often overshadowed by its far more successful series. The Clone Wars movie does still exist, though, and it contributed over 90 minutes of content to Star Wars‘ total runtime. It may be a forgotten addition to Star Wars canon, but without the Clone Wars movie, many of the best moments in the franchise would never have happened.

The Clone Wars Movie Runtime

With Credits

1 hour, 40 minutes

Without Credits

1 hour, 34 minutes

19 Star Wars: The Clone Wars

October 3, 2008 – May 4, 2020


So far, calculating runtime for the Star Wars movies has been fairly straightforward. Star Wars: The Clone Wars, however presents a problem. With 133 episodes, seven seasons, and over two full days of content, The Clone Wars is massive, and simply subtracting the credits from each episode isn’t feasible. Instead, the average length of credits, broken down by season, was subtracted from the official runtime displayed on Disney+. Even with that formula, The Clone Wars is far and away the longest Star Wars story ever told.

The Clone Wars Runtime

With Credits

2 days, 10 hours, 19 minutes

Without Credits

2 days, 1 hour, 27 minutes

18 Star Wars Rebels

October 3, 2014 – March 5, 2018


Like The Clone Wars, Star Wars Rebels was a similarly difficult show to calculate the runtime of. With 75 episodes over four seasons, totaling over a day in runtime, Rebels is nearly as much of a behemoth as The Clone Wars was. That figure was calculated the same way as The Clone Wars‘ was, although Rebels‘ runtime also includes the four shorts that accompany the series.

Rebels Runtime

With Credits

1 day, 6 hours, 20 minutes

Without Credits

1 day, 3 hours, 44 minutes

17 Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Release Date: December 18, 2015


Disney purchased Star Wars from creator George Lucas in 2012, but the company wouldn’t release its first movie in the franchise until 2015’s Star Wars: The Force Awakens. In many ways, The Force Awakens was an homage to Star Wars‘ history. It even resembled the rest of the Skywalker saga’s runtimes, though some viewers took exception to how many resemblances it had to the original trilogy. In the end, The Force Awakens added over two hours of runtime to Star Wars.

The Force Awakens Runtime

With Credits

2 hours, 22 minutes

Without Credits

2 hours, 7 minutes

16 Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

Release Date: December 16, 2016


Rogue One: A Star Wars Story broke from the typical Star Wars formula in several ways. It was the first movie in the franchise that didn’t focus on members of the Skywalker family, and there were also several things that made Rogue One unique, like its lack of an opening crawl. One area Rogue One didn’t deviate from, however, was its runtime. At over two hours, Rogue One fits in with the rest of the Skywalker saga in terms of runtime.

Rogue One Runtime

With Credits

2 hours, 17 minutes

Without Credits

2 hours, 6 minutes

15 Star Wars: The Last Jedi

Release Date: December 15, 2017


One of Star Wars‘ most divisive movies, Star Wars: The Last Jedi, was also its longest. At over two hours and 20 minutes of runtime, The Last Jedi is the lengthiest installment in the Skywalker saga by about 10 minutes. Because of its divisive nature, some viewers couldn’t wait for The Last Jedi to end and viewed its runtime as a curse, while others couldn’t get enough and thought it should have been longer.

The Last Jedi Runtime

With Credits

2 hours, 35 minutes

Without Credits

2 hours, 24 minutes

14 Solo: A Star Wars Story

Release Date: May 25, 2018


Like Rogue One, Solo: A Star Wars Story was one of the franchise’s experiments with spinoff movies that took place adjacent to the Skywalker saga. Unlike Rogue One, however, Solo largely failed. No more spinoff Star Wars movies have been released since Solo, so its runtime of just over two hours is all it has contributed so far. There is, however, still a planned Lando movie that has been confirmed, so Solo‘s legacy is not completely done just yet.

Solo Runtime

With Credits

2 hours, 17 minutes

Without Credits

2 hours, 6 minutes

13 Star Wars Resistance

October 7, 2018 – January 26, 2020


The Clone Wars transformed the prequel trilogy, and Rebels added valuable new content to the original trilogy, but Star Wars‘ attempt to do the same for the sequel trilogy, Star Wars Resistance, never really got a chance to prove its worth. With just two seasons and 40 half-hour episodes, Resistance only added about 15 hours to the franchise’s total. Resistance was eventually canceled, partially because it focused too much on its younger audience, but it likely could have become just as beloved as The Clone Wars or Rebels if given enough time to find its footing.

Resistance Runtime

With Credits

16 hours, 53 minutes

Without Credits

14 hours, 45 minutes

12 The Mandalorian

November 12, 2019 – April 19, 2023


The Mandalorian was Star Wars‘ first foray into the live-action TV format, and it was also its longest-running show. With three eight-episode seasons, The Mandalorian tallied up to about 16 hours of content. It’s also important to note that without the success of The Mandalorian, many of the live-action shows that came after it wouldn’t have been possible. Because of that, in a way, The Mandalorian had a massive effect on Star Wars‘ total runtime.

The Mandalorian Runtime

With Credits

17 hours, 40 minutes

Without Credits

15 hours, 30 minutes

11 Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker

Release Date: December 20, 2019


The final chapter in the Skywalker saga, Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, landed at the longer end of the franchise’s theatrical runtimes. At two hours and 12 minutes without credits, The Rise of Skywalker offered a fairly standard-length goodbye to the sequel trilogy. One of the main critiques of The Rise of Skywalker, however, was its rushed plot, so a lengthier runtime might have helped the ninth episode succeed.

The Rise of Skywalker Runtime

With Credits

2 hours, 24 minutes

Without Credits

2 hours, 12 minutes

10 Star Wars: The Bad Batch

May 4, 2021 – May 1, 2024


While it can’t match The Clone Wars‘ runtime, Star Wars: The Bad Batch does come close to Rebels‘. With 47 episodes and almost a full day of content, The Bad Batch is one of the longest running animated Disney Star Wars shows. In many ways, The Bad Batch acted as a farewell to the Clone Wars era of Star Wars storytelling, and it luckily got enough time to make its goodbyes properly.

The Bad Batch Runtime

With Credits

23 hours, 19 minutes

Without Credits

20 hours, 42 minutes

9 The Book of Boba Fett

December 29, 2021 – February 9, 2022


The Book of Boba Fett strangely broke from the live-action Star Wars show mold and only had seven episodes in its first season. That diminished episode count meant that The Book of Boba Fett only contributed about 5 hours of screen time to Star Wars‘ total. It also meant that Boba Fett had less time on his own show, a critique many fans of the titular bounty hunter had after Din Djarin and Grogu’s emphasis in episodes five and six.

The Book of Boba Fett Runtime

With Credits

5 hours, 47 minutes

Without Credits

5 hours, 10 minutes

8 Obi-Wan Kenobi

May 27, 2022 – June 22, 2022


Of all the live-action Star Wars show, Obi-Wan Kenobi was by far the shortest. It had just six episodes, meaning Obi-Wan Kenobi only added about four hours of runtime. That shorter duration seems like a slight, but it actually made quite a bit of sense for the show. Obi-Wan Kenobi didn’t have a massive story to tell, and it was able to effectively and succinctly show what it needed to about Obi-Wan’s time between trilogies in a way that makes Obi-Wan Kenobi season 2’s unlikeliness not hurt as much.

Obi-Wan Kenobi Runtime

With Credits

4 hours, 34 minutes

Without Credits

3 hours, 56 minutes

7 Andor

September 21, 2022 – November 23, 2022


In stark contrast to Obi-Wan Kenobi, Andor season 1 was by far the longest single season of a live-action Star Wars show. With 12 episodes that were just under an hour long each, Andor contributed between eight and nine hours to the franchise’s runtime. That longer format allowed Andor to dive deeper into its characters and politics than anything else in live-action Star Wars, and the upcoming Andor season 2 should continue that trend.

Andor Runtime

With Credits

9 hours, 42 minutes

Without Credits

8 hours, 31 minutes

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