How to Use Hang Glider in Sons of the Forest? Complete Guide

How to use a hang glider in Children of the Forest?

Using a hang glider in Children of the Forest is an exciting experience that lets you soar gracefully over the map. First, you need to find one of the 12 hang gliders scattered throughout the game’s high points. Once you’ve got the hang of it, here’s a simple guide on how to get the most out of it.

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1. Find a hang glider:

Hang gliders can’t be crafted, but luckily we’ve identified all 12 locations for you. Explore locations like the base of the map, snowy mountain peaks, and forest ridges to discover these gliding wonders.

2. Lift-off:

To take off, head to a high point on the map, such as the peak of a snowy mountain or any other highland area. When you’re ready, jump off the edge and while you’re in mid-air, hold down the jump button (usually “space”). This will activate the hang glider and you will begin to glide smoothly.

3. Air navigation:

When gliding, you control your movements. Press “W” to dive down and gain speed, press “S” to tilt up and gain altitude. Note that if you don’t have enough speed, you won’t be able to gain altitude, so dive down first, then climb up higher.

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4. Enjoy the journey:

Now that you’re airborne, you can take in the stunning views and explore the map from a whole new perspective. Flying in a hang glider is not only a practical way to avoid cannibals, but it’s also a fun way to traverse the landscape.

5. Inventory reminder:

Remember that the hang glider does not stay in your inventory after use. If you want to track a location on a map, use a GPS locator.

Now you are ready to become the Sky Master in Children of the Forest. Jump, glide and enjoy the freedom of the sky!

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How to find a hang glider in Children of the Forest?

Finding a hang glider in Children of the Forest is an exciting mission that adds a whole new dimension to your gameplay. These gliders can’t be built, but don’t worry! We’ve got the lowdown on all 12 hang glider locations to make your search a breeze.

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1. Understand the basics:

Hang gliders are scattered throughout the game’s high points, providing a unique way to explore and avoid those pesky cannibals. Knowing that they cannot be manufactured, your mission is to discover these gliders in strategic locations.

2. Follow the map:

Check out our interactive map to pinpoint hang glider locations. These gliders inhabit various locations, from the bottom of the map to the peaks of snowy mountains. Each location offers you the opportunity to fly and glide across the landscape.

3. Explore the highlights:

Look for these gliders in high places such as cliffs, peaks and ridges. For example, the first hang glider is located on a cliff south of a small pond in the southwest corner of the map. Keep an eye out for abandoned campsites, cannibal camps, and forest alcoves to find more gliders.

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4. Check the specific location:

Some notable sights include snow-capped mountains, ridges shaped like tusks by the river, and the area near the cannibal camp. Don’t forget to explore the east side of the map, the north end of the mountain, and the northwest corner to find hidden gliding treasures.

5. Take risks:

Once you’ve found your hang glider, head to a high point on the map, such as a snow-capped peak. To jump, hold down the jump button (usually “space”) and let the hang glider unfold, launching you into the sky.

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6. Happy gliding:

Congratulations! Now you’re ready to enjoy the thrill of gliding through the air and exploring the game world from a unique perspective. Soar, swoop, and use your newfound flying skills to evade cannibals.

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Now that you’re equipped with this guide, get out there, find those hang gliders, and let the sky be your playground!

children of the forest

In Children of the Forest, finding the rope gun is very important for survival. First, head to a cave on the west side of the island, southeast of the green dot on the map. But be careful, there are cannibals and cannibal babies inside, so clear the entrance before going in.

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Before venturing into the cave, make sure you have some food, medicine, a flashlight, and a powerful weapon like a stun baton or gun. If you want to make it easier, switch the game to Peaceful Mode to remove enemies from the cave.

Once you enter the cave, you’ll see a large clearing. Turn left towards a fallen worker and follow the wall deeper into the cave. Watch out for obstacles, like blobs of creatures, and use the time bombs found next to workers to deal with them.

Keep going until you find a more open space. Look for an email titled “More Lighting” next to the fallen worker, where you’ll find a rope and supplies. Keep going straight until you reach the end. Climb up the small ramp, around a corner and past the stalagmites on the right. Follow the path on the left to the end.

Finally, you’ll find the Rope Gun in a black box on the ground. Don’t forget to check the box for bullets and ammo. Once you have a rope gun, you can create zip lines to better explore the island. Follow the path forward out of the cave and enjoy zip lining around the island. To round out your tool kit, you might want to check out our guide on getting a shovel. The Rope Gun is your ticket to ziplining making island survival a breeze.

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Children of the Forest gameplay

In Children of the Forest, the key to survival is grabbing the rope gun, an essential tool on the tough island. To grab it, enter a cave southeast of the green map point on the west side of the island. As you explore the caves, be prepared for encounters with cannibals and their little friends, the baby cannibals.

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Before diving in, make sure you have the essentials: food, medicine, a flashlight, and a powerful weapon. If you want an easier time, switch the game to Peaceful Mode to chase enemies out of the cave.

Inside the cave you will be challenged by blob-like creatures. Use the time bombs found nearby to tackle these obstacles. Keep going and you’ll reach an open space with an email titled “More Lighting”, a rope, and some supplies. Follow the path to the end and climb a small slope around the stalagmites.

At the end of the journey, a rope gun is found inside a black crate. Grab it and now you can create zip lines to make island exploration even cooler. To complete your survival kit, check out our guide to getting a shovel.

Simply put, the excitement in Children of the Forest comes from traversing tricky caves, facing challenges, and acquiring important tools like the rope gun, which greatly increases your chances of surviving and exploring the deserted island. Happy exploring!

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Children of the Forest Overview




new night


Ben Falcone, Rod Green


Anna Terechova


Friso Christiansen, Jon Kruse, Guillaume Karen, Dominique Keck, Alexander Hafner


Gabe Castro





release date

February 22, 2024



Children of the Forest trailer

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