Justin Timberlake’s Driver’s License Suspended After Drunk Driving

Justin Timberlake’s driver’s license was suspended Friday during a virtual court hearing over his drunken driving (DWI) arrest last month.

According to NBC News, the judge announced the suspension of the pop star’s driver’s license and criticized his attorney for making “irresponsible” comments. The hearing was held in Sag Harbor, New York, just over a month after Timberlake was arrested for failing a sobriety test.

Timberlake claimed he had only had “one martini” before being stopped by police and pleaded not guilty. His attorney, Edward Burke Jr., initially issued a statement saying, “I look forward to vigorously defending Mr. Timberlake on these charges. I will have more to say at the appropriate time but am currently awaiting the results of the District Attorney’s Office’s full investigation.”

Timberlake gained notoriety at the time for commenting that his arrest would “ruin the tour”, predicting that it could be a “serious blow” to his ongoing “Forget Tomorrow” world tour.

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